Speaking of people with no content filter: "yr nasty"
It's basically what you'd expect.
I wish the thought of having sex with someone didn't make me want to puke.
Which is oddly appropriate because I'm fairly certain no one can think of having sex with you without wanting to puke, so the feeling is mutual.
I also wish I didn't want to kiss this boy so much. Don't you just ever want to kiss someone with every fiber of your being.
No I can't say that I do.
Kiss someone for so long it seems like days, till both of our lips are chapped. With someone who doesn't try to stick his hands in my pants.
Oh well now I definitely know the answer to that question is no.
Do straight up make out sessions even happen anymore? Or am I the only one who longs for kissing the way most people want sex? Sex is dumb and uncomfortable and I'm pretty sure I wont change my mind until it's with the perfect guy.
I've taken up sketching while I do these updates. I figure it's more constructive than playing Pokemon or FFXI, because for some reason "Edie Finds a Corpse" time tends to turn into "FFXI time".
I guess I could just power through it but quite frankly even my superhuman metabolism couldn't handle that much raw bullshit.
I'm really not a fan of casual dating. I don't think it's meant for the socially akward. Any time I've ever been on a date I end up talking about how awesome my grandmother is or how much time I spend with my dogs and the funny names I give them. I never seem to be able to make it to the second date.
So winning personality so far, I wonder why she can't get a date?
On a different note, I'm doing a detox. I've always been overweight but I'm getting rediculously fat.
Oh, what's up, complete package?
god damnit i am so stupid.
i am not in love with every boy i see why is my brain telling me that.
Must be tough having such-- I'm pretty good at this sketching thing, actually.
I don't know what your problem is, Deviantardlets.
I'm dressing as beyonce for holloween.
That's appropriate because Beyonce does have a fat ass.
Although I suspect you're just fat.
Also Beyonce is a model. I'm sure you're nowhere close to model material.
Not really sure what my point was, come to think of it.
onto more sexy things.
sexier things than a fat girl in skimpy clothing?
two boys with the same name want to date me.Sounds like a zany sitcom if I've ever heard one!
BUT, I have a crush on a blonde boy. Which is wierd because I normally am not attracted to blondes.
I really am acting like such a fucking chick lately. It's lame but it's also kind of fun.
I want to go dress shopping, I need more dresses.
Something to accentuate my flawless rack.

I miss having a libido.....
Miss having libido? By my advanced statistical analysis, five out of six (or 83.333333333333333333333333333333333repeating percent) of your posts are directly related to sexual activities.
sometimes i just really wanna kiss boys.

This summer has been life changing, just not in the way I wanted it to be.
I feel like I've gone against everything I believe in like I'm somehow less of a person.
I recently (actually a month ago to this day) had sex for the first time.
sugoi monogatari, aneki.
(translator's note: "sugoi monogatari, aneki" means "cool story, sis" in Japanese)
Christ it's 20 entries later and this bitch still isn't done eating cock (and Twinkies)
i read all yourdiscustinglydisgustingly bittersweet romantic blogs andiI pretend thati'mI'm the girlyouryou're writing about.
Glad to be of service.
when i get to england im going to be a kareoke bar godess.
I was going to correct you on "karaoke" but you're barely literate in English, so forget it.
tonight im going to drink coolers and be girly as fuck.
i found a boy who will listen to bad 90's music with me.
we're going to get married.
Hey listening to bad music is one of my major hobbies.
No way I'd do it with you, though. I only listen to bad music with people who have character.
And there's a picture of you.
Good grief are you obese. I'm going to be especially generous and even pretend the camera adds 20 pounds.
You weren't kidding earlier. There's no way you can brush this off as "I gained a little weight I need to lose it~ <3". You didn't just gain that weight. It has been a project between you and Chester Cheetah for a while.
Ugh that's it. I'm so bored with her nonsense now my eyes are getting all blurry from the yawning.