So today we have Derek William Armstrong's blog, derekwilliamarmstrong (by Derek William Armstrong) and you'll fucking remember it.
Turtles are loving, affectionate animals.
But, turtles have shells.
Now, that doesn't make them any less loving.
Or, affectionate.
Oh hey a sample of what I have to deal with three times a week. Blind yet? You will be.
Hawks have beautiful, luxurious feathers.
But, hawks are predators.
Now, that doesn't make their feathers any less beautiful.
Or, luxurious.
And here's me not giving a shit.
I don't wanna be wrong
I don't wanna be right
I just want you here
By my side
But when the words I say
are never good enough
to make you feel
the way you wanna feel.
Don't wanna be wrong but don't wanna be right. Deeeeeep.
1. Don't read my livejournals and then complain that they wasted your time. Its my livejournal. Don't read it then, idiot. Really ?
Oh there's a bulletproof defense. WELL IF IT'S SUCH A WASTE OF TIME DON'T READ IT-- well it doesn't make it not shit if I just avoid it, now does it, dipshit?
The rain hadn't so much fallen as it had condensed.
You couldn't say it was dark or light, and the razors of green grass buckled with the weight of yesterdays percipitation.
Being the only person up, it's hard not to notice the smallest of moduled dissapointment.
People are always too happy or too sad when they wake up early.
Not me. I'm too fucking angry.
Don't try and make any sense of this.
I cannot help but feel a little bit ahead of my time.
Oh shit. Stand back, plebs, he's going to be ahead of his time. Let's just ride the Thorazine. Don't even fucking try to make sense of this. It's too deep for your pea-sized brains.
1. "I've done everything you could ever imagine doing, so don't think you'll get away with it."
You've never worked your ass off
to get into a phenominal schools honors program
and raised yourself to be an immaculate human being,
Got me there I guess but my parents did raise me to not be an egomaniac.
You've never pushed yourself to be better
or surprised yourself with a future worthy of kings.
Yeah actually I have, dipshit. In fact a lot of people push themselves to try harder in school. You know how all those kids graduate every year magna cum laude and shit? I think they push themselves at least a little bit.
So don't tell me I am unprepared, ignorant, irresponsible, and lazy.
I am doing something that you could never do.
Like what, major in poetry? Not hard, dude. Some people even major in such useful subjects as medicine and SCIENCE or whatever.
Shit, something more on your level: some people can even manage that and an education major. Because, you know, someone has to teach your dumbass kids.
Well not *your* dumbass kids because unless dudes start dropping babies from their asses you're not having a kid, but you get my meaning.
I don't understand. If my parents offered me all the money I wanted
and a house, and a car, and gas money,
and would pay for everything and i could just "have fun"
I still would not do nothing with my life.
Oh so that's what you're doing that's way ahead of your time? Bro I have you way beat on that front. I just got a perfect IV Tyranitar. I clearly have a lot of free time on my hands.
"Why do you think the author made all of the intelligent and compassionate characters physically beautiful?"
"To antithesize society, like a satire, kind of?"
Antithesize. It's a word, actually, but I'm watching you.
I do not lack humanity. I do, however, lack sympathy.
A boy at my school is in a wheelchair.
He is pushy and rude, never says excuse me
and has run over my toes on more than one occasion.
No, Derek William Armstrong, I'll tell you what you lack. SHUTTING THE FUCK UP ABOUT YOURSELF FOR TWO SECONDS, CHRIST ALL MIGHTY.
I have a question for you, anyone reading this. How many entries have gone by?
In almost any other entry you might be able to hazard a guess that's kind of close to accurate because at least the subject (the degrees of "how much I'm fucking talking about myself" in the case of blogs) varies a little, but for all you know (probably) this is just one continuous entry.
Whats strange to me, however, is the amount of people who are wrong about me. I'm not a complex person,
Ha, ha, no you are not.
It's just strange. And I've already gotten, 'Why do you care what other people think ? As long as you're happy, that's all that matters!'
Which is, of course, the most ignorant thing I've ever heard. In my opinion. My life is entirely molded around what other people think.
Oh no, not what other people think about Derek William Williamson or whatever!
There are 10 of each. You can decide for yourself wether or not I think to highly or lowly of myself. I just thought I'd clear up any misconceptions.
Wow, I can decide for myself about Derek Derek Derekson or whatever! It's just like Fox News. They report, I decide! I feel so empowered.
i have never been drunk, ive never done drugs, i have never smoked
i have never snuck out
I love it when people equate not doing something as self control. No, asshole, you're just doing what you're supposed to be doing. Although when it comes to "self important" you fit the bill, so I can't say I'm surprised.
Lets start this livejournal off with a statement: I am gay.

But what's strange about it is, no one has ever disliked me for being gay.
Who could hate you for that when it's so much easier to hate you for something that's actually worth hating? Like, I don't know, your personality?
People constantly think that I'm so overly in love with myself that I need to be "knocked down a peg" so I stop thinking so highly of myself.
Can't imagine where they get that idea.
Although I'm not one to judge, and as you'll notice, I called him an asshole the same way he would have called me a faggot, I'm pretty sure he pretended to like me to get into K's pants.
So what, the faghag wouldn't have sex with this yo-yo unless she got her boy's approval?
Whatever, I gotta catch this fucking Beldum. He won't get in the fucking Pokeball, and I can't hit it because all my Pokemon are too fucking strong. Even moves it resists are 1 hit KOs. Then he just struggles himself until it KOs itself, so I have to FALLBACK AND REGROUP.
Catch rate of 3. Goddamn legendaries are easier to catch.
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