Because, as we all know, Luck is a capricious goddess, and her smile will inevitably turn into this frowny face: :C
So with that grave warning behind us, let's get right to it.
Truly it is better to live a life untouched by fortune than it is to have it turn against you.
I don't even know where to begin.
I love my life right now, so much.
I'm back in new york again, living with my wonderful boyfriend and it's going so well.
I have the best friends anyone could ask for.
I have my own room in our house!!!
My birthday is coming up soon!
I'm going to be doing some modeling pretty soon also!
I'm getting more tattoos soon also!
The only thing I have to worry about is how I'm going to get rent money :(
Yeah this'll turn. She'll get kicked out because NO MONEY, her boyfriend will turn out to (shock) be an asshole, she'll grow tired of her friends not acting exactly like she wants-- I've seen it all before.
You said
'I'm done feeling like a skeleton,
No more sleep walking dead.'
You're gonna wake from this coma,
Being a skeleton would be awesome.
Or, even better, a mummy. Like in that episode of Johnny Quest? Holy shit, that mummy was like the Terminator.
Then Race shot the ceiling above the mummy and the roof caved in (for some reason) and crushed the mummy and that other evil guy with a fez (is there ever a good guy with a fez?)
Just like Terminator.
I think this is going to be the most personal entry I've written in a long time, if not ever.
I had a break down tonight.
Or an epiphany, I guess depends on how you look at it.
I really care about whatever the fuck it is I'm reading.
I need to stop drinking. I need to stop doing drugs. I need to get the shit I want to accomplished. I need to become something that I value.
I need to quit drinking, because when I am sober, I freak out. I break down, and I freak out. Drinking makes it so I don't have to think about things.
Uh-huh-- wait, why do you need to quit drinking, again? This is a strong case for drinking, actually.
got molested in New York City. I was trying to make money, and I went on craigslist and some dude said that he needed to practice back massages and he'd pay $40 to let him give me a back massage. Getting PAID for a back massage??? I was all over it! But he obviously had other intentions in mind.
... NO, you're kiddin'!
Bone Saw said I handeled that situtation incredibly well but I actually just began drinking more.
Well if you ever need someone tuned up your friend nicknamed Bone Saw would certainly be the logical choice.
I wish I had a friend named Bone Saw. That'd be awesome.
I bet he dresses like a 1930s gangster.
This is why I have been drinking so much for the past year. It may not seem like alot to some people, and it probably isn't.
... You got raped (possibly? I don't know), arrested and you have a friend named Bone Saw.
I'd say that's enough, actually.
Of course you are a drama queen and 3/4ths of this probably didn't even happen (and what did was not nearly like how you describe it).
I'm done fucking up. I'm done drinking, I'm done giving myself stupid ass fucking tattoos,
Post made: December 1st, 2009.
Dum-de-dum-- oh hey, what's this? Post made... Today, January 8th, 2010?
I'm getting more tattoos soon also!
Huh, how about that?
Mad changes are about to come down.
You'll be happy.
Yes, truly my life is brighter knowing that SUNSHINEINLOVE is making "mad changes".
Now here's a compilation of "all her favorite Bright Eye lyrics" and I have to scroll like a madman to get past this post. Christ, what, did you just post their entire discography in written form?
i finally got rid of my lice ive had for like 3 weeks.
i think.
... Ew, what the fuck is wrong with you? Somehow I doubt you're modeling, bedbug.
I think they usually like their models washed and shit.
sometimes i feel so in love, with not only people, but every thing, my life, the world.
Wow I suddenly really have to take a piss. I wonder if this blog causes urinary track infections?
Probably should be a warning on that.
No everything checked out.
ok the end bone sawww (the best girl in the world) needs the computer now goodbye,
Oh, Bone Saw is a girl.
Why am I suddenly reminded of Persona 4? You know, where the gay kid and the girl that cross dresses really hit it off?
I'm not sure who is who in this, but-- actually no, those characters had redeeming qualities and were likable all the way around, whereas this blog kind of makes me think I have a urinary track infection.
Also whereas the gay kid came to terms with who he was and the cross dressing girl kind of blossomed or whatever, I somehow doubt I'll come to any satisfactory character growth from this blog.
To make a long point short: I've seem more character development from a Digimon.
That got an audible reaction from me, not even kidding.
I think that's why I was reminded of Persona 4, actually. The color scheme. A lot of black on yellow from both parties.
P.s. I finally got dreads!!
There is no way you don't smell bad.
I don't know, maybe I'm just crazy. I mean, I love being single!!!!!!!!!! I think it is the best thing ever to happen. I love love love it. I'm the first one to encourage someone to break up with someone else, simply because I know being single is more fun.
Funny, because in... Well, none of your posts that I've seen have you been single.
i waited and i waited and i waited...
and finally! he called me!!!!!!!!!!! :)))
i feel like an idiot! im one of those girls who waits for boys to call her :( but it was way worth it!
Yeah, speaking of.
Well anyway I could deal with this asshole forever but quite frankly I have 10,000 coins to get so I can buy Thunderbolt in Pokemon, so I'm very busy.
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