Here we are, Maarkage (you're a cunt).
when people never heed my advice, like i dont know what im talking about
what you think the 18 years of hell ive been through , has shown me nothing??
You're 18. You don't know anything. Shut your trap.
seriously , you get hurt by "freinds" so u listen to me and tehn you go back with your back stabbing so called freinds
why cant you people see , that people never fucking change, only make choices upon those around them.
deep down inside
Yeah I have no clue why no one heeds your "wisdom". You can barely express yourself. They probably had no clue what you were on about.
god im so fucking pist...all this wisdom and no one fucking listensyall wounder why i hate myself
You probably hate yourself because you're a deplorable waste of space.
Shit son, did you get one of those tribal bands? Or maybe some Chinese characters that you think say "fire warrior" but in actuality say "faggot ass"?
Yesterday upon the stairs,
I met a man who wasn't there,
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, I wish, he'd go away.
bitches i got my first tat and it stands for independence
Shit son, did you get one of those tribal bands? Or maybe some Chinese characters that you think say "fire warrior" but in actuality say "faggot ass"?
that this date in the mark bowdidge history books , it the weirdest, i dont know what happend on this date years ago
but i know it hurt me in such a way i forced my self to forget
hahah hell its even raining
not really funy
Mark. I'm watching you, Mark.
now reader, you may or may not know that we bothare stuborn ignorant fools, we'll fix you cause we aint "broken".
Stubborn perhaps, ignorant for certain. Also no, you won't be fixing me. I'd avoid both of you like the Plague of Justinian. The Plague of Justinian, incidentally, is perhaps more virulent and took a higher death toll than the legendary Black Death, so there's my opinion of you.
"This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll whisper "no."
QUICK! ONLY AN IDIOT WHO CAN'T SPELL OR STRING TOGETHER A COHERENT SENTENCE CAN SAVE US NOW! Yes, millennia of social engineering have failed us, and now we have to trust on this 18 year old kid to fix all of our problems!
Also cool juxtaposition between whores and politicians. You know, they do have a lot in common. I mean, most prostitutes are only working for a living (regardless of if you agree with the institution of prostitution, they're most probably not stealing tax payer dollars or the like) meanwhile politicians are all scum. Seems to me you're confusing social and political issues, but you are, after all, an idiot, so I doubt you see much of a difference between these things outside of "I disagree with them, and they are therefore bad."
sadly , this is how i veiw most of society
Very black and white "veiw" of society. Maybe when you grow up some you'll see most people aren't good or bad.
im sticking with political sceince as my major, ima need it to play their game
"Ima" not take any basic grammar classes either. Brotip: if you want to play "their game" you're going to need to understand the differences between 'ie' and 'ei' if you want any occupation above mixing concrete.
laughing my ass off for no reason just like i always do, but to day is gonna be never ending , i got a wedding and than sara is staying over for like ever wich equals untill wensday .
>than sara is staying over for like ever wich equals untill wensday
>than sara is staying over for like ever wich equals untill wensday
>than sara is staying over for like ever wich equals untill wensday

oh oh awsome new quote well quotes
" one mans fanasy is another mans nightmare"
Oh God, what?
I have an awesome quote for you: kill yourself.
why did live journal tell me when my own birhtday is
Probably wishing you a happy birthday. Not that you deserve it. Yeah that's right, stupid, every time people like "friends" and "family" said that they weren't actually reminding you of your birthday (although you are, after all, an idiot and would be prone to forgetting it).
Here's a comment from "Angst1991" (cool username, bro):
Because lj expects everyone to be dumb.
me gots a date for 2moro really stoked
first actual date ina while...cause some people are afraid to leave home
but enough about that
Ohhhhhhh boy the idea of this man reproducing is a scary one. Also "me gots a date 2moro"? Seriously? What, are you a caveman who thawed and then somehow adapted to modern living? I'm not sure whether to be impressed now.
u dont know waht its like trust me
all these images in my mind
random laughter
keeping a smil on my face
you seriously thing u know me huh ?
try again
To quote Oblivion: "I don't know you and I don't want to know you!"
you think you know what lonlieness is...
well let me tell you
when you aint got a shoulder to lean on
a brother to mess around with
and no best freind to kick the shit with
what do you have...
Well maybe stop being such an emocunt and you'll have friends.
Tuesday, April 30, 2047 ..... thats the day im gonna day
acording to "the death clock"
I look forward to it. Only 39 years. When I awaken on Tuesday, April 30, 2047 I'll exclaim "I HAVE WAITED LONG FOR THIS DAY!"
am i that much different from the rest,
that some one would classifiy me as a totaly different kind of human
my only responce to that was agreeing....
look im flattered that you think im differnt and worth idiolizing
but now i got me self thinking....
what about me makes me so different
Ha, ha, ha, ha
ha, ha, ha
i talked to jamie...
told her my birth day is in 13 days
"Yeah? And?"
Here's a post entitled "fighting is fun!" which leads me to believe our boy has never been in an actual fight before. Unless this is a metaphorical fight for something, in which case... No he's never been in a fight before.
one wrong move gramps and ill show you waht fear is
Ah, ha, ha, ha cool it, Vegeta.
giving 2 shits about enemys is not my style.
Yeah you're a regular space marine, kid.
dont say you fucking know me, then get shocked when i act imature
dont be all surprized when im a wise ass, and complain cause i insulted you
I'd love to see your insults. Actually, just kidding, I probably already have with shit like I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT FEAR IS!!!!!!!!!!! Goddamn what a putz.
Well, Mark or whatever, you're a cunt's cunt and I'm sure you'll be forgotten quickly. Not only by me, but by the world. Enjoy your life or whatever~
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