If Newton stood on the shoulders of giants then Dustin stands on the shoulders of giants who are themselves standing on the shoulders of giants, who are standing on the shoulders of the hundred-handed ones themselves.
His blog is entitled "Like bringing a knife to a gun fight" or, alternatively, "I like balls" the latter of which is oddly appropriate, because as we all know, all men with blogs are gay.
First thing you will undoubtedly notice is his layout, which is great. I mean really great. Four words per line is fucking awesome. In a world of wide screen monitors it's nice to see Dustin is looking out for the man reading this on his PSP or perhaps his iPhone. Thank you, Dustin. Ever thoughtful.
It's been a month since Dr. George Tiller, a doctor who performed late-term abortions, was murdered.
Bro didn't you hear? Michael Jackson, Billy Mays and about a thousand other people died (felled by the silvery darts of Phoebus Apollo I should think). Talking about Dr. George Tiller is so last week.
I've been meaning to write something about it since then but just haven't had the time to collect my thoughts on the matter and think of something to say.
It's understandable. A man of such titanic intellect would need a lot of time to gather his undoubtedly multitudinous thoughts.
I think the incident provides an opportunity to discuss religion and the intolerance it is capable (and a lot of times does) of breeding.
Religion breeds intolerance? I've never heard this before. You're going to need a ton of proof to back this up.
I think it's a good opportunity for my religious friends to reflect on their beliefs and take note of the effect their world-view of choice can have on people.
There's definitely no hole in this logic your friends could find. Definitely nothing like "I'm a Christian and I'd never murder an abortion doctor," or "just because there is one lunatic on the fringes of Christianity doesn't mean all, or even a majority, of Christians would murder someone."
If you don't get your faith in God from the Bible, where else could you possibly get it from?
This just in: Christianity confirmed as the only religion in the world (brotip: when Christians call it the "one true religion" I don't think the emphasis is on "one").
There's no doubt that the Bible does condemn homosexuality to death
Oh good grief. Who cares? Really, a bunch of bronze age barbarian desert people had problems with gays? This is hard to believe!
Now he immediately launches from the controversy of abortion to the controversy of drinking!
I, for one, support prohibition because it is my goal in life to run and own a speakeasy.
I think alcohol is a stupid drug. Maybe I'm biased because of my experiences with it, but I don't see a whole lot of positive aspects to drinking.
"It makes you feel good." I have you there, don't I?
"Why's there a bullet hole through the window that was left by a shotgun shell? Oh, you were drunk and fighting and decided to load the shotgun, got it. Hey, why'd the cops get called here the other night? Oh you guys were drunk and fighting and someone pulled a knife out, got it. Hey, why'd you freak out last night and attack me in my room? Oh, because you were drunk and having a bad night, got it."
>bullet hole
Sure is don't know how guns or glass works in this blog.
I'm far from being the militant straight edge kid I was 2 years ago, but I have no tolerance for ignorance.
But apparently a lot for hypocrisy.
Feeling numb and feeling good.
brb Comfortably Numb
Future Markets, Holy Wars
Been tried ten thousand times before
If you think that God is keeping score, Hooray!
Shut up I'm coming to the good part now.
Fuck yes guitar solo.
The imminent and the aftermath
Draw another bloody bath to drain
Like the polar icecaps centrifuge (Oh Allah! Oh Jesus please!)
Jesus Christ all mighty I'd drink if I had to be around you too.
Fuck paying 14 dollars for for 50 blank cds that don't work on my computer.
Ha, ha you bought DVDs without a DVD burner get a computer made after 1999.
I read books, which I especially enjoy because I'm an anti-social, lonely guy with an insatiable epistemic hunger, and they seem to make sense.
>epistemic hunger
wow what a douchecunt. (epistemic comes from the word "epistemology" which is literally the study of words for those of you not versed in douchebag like myself).
I finish a book, and as long as I comprehend it correctly
>comprehend correctly
>implying there's an external force guiding comprehension

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