I think I stumbled upon some kind of furry or something. What is an Asatru, even? Who knows, and I'm definitely not googling this shit. Maybe I'll discover this in the course of the blog.
One more entry before heading back to work. In the past even years before my own Awakening, I knew how important it was to remain apart from cowan culture if I became intimately involved with my future Lifemate.
Cowan. What.
According to Wikipedia a Cowan, amongst many things, is someone who, to the Wicca (lol) and Freemasonry communities, is not part of their little enclave. Great?
Since realized two specific aspects. That women in general remain disempowered as so their foolish relationship choices can benefit men more in life. Think many people go out of the way in rejecting christian values. Which is in turn an imbalanced lifestyle. To a certain extent Men's Rights Activists are headed in the right direction with the need to reestablish strong values, but important that those values not be christian ones.
Cool fragmented sentences and lack of pronouns, bro.
Well aware of how it was christians who largely supported the eight years of personal decline in this country thanks to the likes of George W. Bush. Not to mention how lame would it be to have an exclusively christian nation?
Not as lame as having a nation of whatever you are.
Not that a reestablishing would work as this false religion is naturally on the demise. People at least when it comes to spirituality are not so easily deceived.
>not easily deceived

Since this is unfortunately not an Asatru society, I am not obligated in turn to have to propose to an ordinary woman just to claim the status of marriage.
Asatru. What. All right, fine, I'm breaking down and googling this.
Ohhhhhhh. Okay. The followers of the Norse Gods. Odin is okay in my book.
An example of how something like no-fault divorce eventually works against women. Very few men want to get married to women only to end up on the receiving end of a divorce. Hence the marriage strike and the popularity of foreign women.
That's quite a bold statement, considering less than 5% of American men are currently married to non-Americans.
From watching Divorce Court, far more sensible to believe any weddings still taking place around now will end in a divorce regardless.
Wow that's some unbiased research. According to a show entitled DIVORCE COURT everyone gets divorced. Well according to the Sleuth channel, everyone is either a criminal or a cop.
The definition of insanity in action.
... No, actually, insanity in action would be repeating what hasn't worked previously expecting it to work this time.
Repeating the same action again and again, but somehow expecting different results.
Oh. Then yeah, you got it. Man, she's hard to follow. She has a very disjointed writing style. Here, let me see if I can emulate this.
Have come to learn that many women foolishly go for men with financial assets.
Learned that talking to a cunt. Personal pronouns are for pussies.
And since female promiscuity is not discouraged, do not have to be the reincarnation of an obscure Slavic heroine to see that an affair is far more likely to happen.
What. Hey fuck whoever you want to. Not my fucking business. Also you could be the reincarnation of... Of... Brunhilde for all I care. You're still a cunt in my book. Nope definitely not finishing this entry.
Briefly thought I was being a bit harsh again, but watching some of both the Maury Show and of course Divorce Court served to further enforce that I am being perfectly sensible.
That an overweight male can actually have cheated on his Lifemate with thirty other women. And I wonder why I have a low regard for cowan culture and so on....
Oh aren't you just the big, scary witch with Odin on speed dial. Maybe you're not as familiar with Odin as I am, actually having read the actual mythological cycles and not some bullshit fanfic on the internet, but he wasn't exactly forward thinking in regards to women. He was a lot like Zeus, in fact: pretty much just out to do whatever he wanted.
Epic tier troll, but not exactly a good example of feminism in action.
How disempowered can human women be here? Promiscuity benefits men far more than women.
Hey who gives a shit?
Largely a jest, but some validity to my Major Slutt persona.
>Major Slutt
Oh God what
One would think that with some commercials, if women are goddesses, by implication men are gods.
No, Major Slutt, women are humans and men are humans. If there are gods (unlikely but all right I'll roll with it) they've long since departed from our company.
Something that came to me about how socially conditioned ordinary people are. How with men, personal sexuality has to automatically be dependent upon being involved with a woman.
Would you please shut up about this?
I think the Chivalric code had this shit worked out in the 11th century but apparently news travels slower than I thought. Here, according to Wikipedia:
Duties to women: this is probably the most familiar aspect of chivalry. This would contain what is often called courtly love, the idea that the knight is to serve a lady, and after her all other ladies. Most especially in this category is a general gentleness and graciousness to all women.In before WELL WHAT IF SOME WOMEN DON'T WANT THAT? Shut up everyone wants to be treated graciously.
That life during this incarnation would be a horrifying degradation. I would be overweight. I would be losing my hair. I would have no choice but to endure the humiliation of being on the receiving end of a divorce.
:3 so it all comes out.
The main turnoff to male heterosexuality is not being able to remain intimately involved with just one woman for a handful of decades.
Oh so you had one bad experience so all men can't possibly be involved with one woman? Whatever, witch.
I personally think my torso is decent enough. In shape and without being too defined.
Hey if you're comfortable with the way you look no need to blab to me about it on the internet.
Able to discern two specific reasons for a man to have a six-pack and so on.
I only have one discernable reason: he works out a lot. Let's compare notes.
He is either extremely self-absorbed or obviously trying to attract the attention of women in general.
You know I saw a gay guy with a six pack once. What does that make him?
I find myself suddenly unable to focus on her words. My eyes automatically cross.
Had some more thoughts about the spam email I got the other day
Oh hey I just found out why. An entry about junk mail.
You're a bore, woman. Not only a bore but you're a pretentious bore. Personal pronouns, use them sometimes. I, my, me. They're great.
I know you're trying to preserve the image you're some lithe, sexy witch but it isn't working on me. You're a fat aging hippy who thinks she talks to Odin. Shape up (figuratively or literally) and maybe someone will take interest.
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