Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Your life is boring and please stop writing about it

Today's first entry deals with hope. What is hope? A lot of people believe (erroneously, I might add) that you need hope to live a meaningful life, or even that "hope makes life tolerable" (I've heard sentiments to this effect) and I couldn't disagree more. Hope is an ideal a lot like change. People assume it's good because it sounds like something people should stand for. I say you're just as fine not even thinking about it. It's not like having hope will increase the chances something will happen, so you're really just wasting time (and in for a disappointment) by hoping.
So here we are today~
_ochre just showed me this site, Its like the FML website, but for the positive and happy moments that give you hope.

Sounds like a dumb site. Whereas FML (or Fuck My Life as I think it's called) is mostly humorous, this sounds like it's for twats.
So in the midst of so many negative happenings that we see in the news each day, with the most recent big news being the deaths of Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett, this website is a refreshing change that indeed, gives me hope. :D

And Billy Mays and Ed McMahon, don't forget them!
The one recurring motif in these things that "give her hope" is that most of them end in death. This one in particular feels utterly devoid of hope, in my opinion:
"I just read an amazing article about a little girl with cancer whose dying wish was to see Up! She was too sick to attend the theatre. Upon hearing this, Pixar sent over a staffer with gifts and a DVD. She couldn't open her eyes, so her mom described it. She passed away that night after seeing it. GMH."

"Children die unable to even witness the thing they had wanted to see (as a dying wish no less), so they have to settle for a proxy viewing and a description. Then they die. GIVES ME TONS O' HOPE." Maybe I'm just jaded.
If you are reading this right now, you have more luxury than someone in Iran could ever hope for right now.

Sure is great being me.
If you are safe in your home, and were able to sleep last night without the sounds of screaming from the rooftops, you need to know and understand what is happening to people just like you in Iran right now.

I didn't really sleep that well last night so I guess you're not talking about me~
They shout "Death to the dictator" and "Allah o akbar." They join together to protest. Peacefully.

>death threats
Uhhh... What?

Text messaging was disabled, as was satellite, and websites which can spread information such as Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and the BBC are blocked in the country.

That anyone with half a brain could be around in fifteen seconds. (Brotip: use TOR)

Twitter has been an invaluable source - those in Iran who still know how to access it are updating regularly with picture evidence. People are being brutally beaten.

>invaluable source
Sure is backwards day today.
It was nice being one of the few in the restaurant, except that we should have probably sat further away from the wait staff 'cause it was kinda awkward with them standing so close and watching us eat. LOL.

Now there's a long post about Korean... People... I don't know. Why am I reading this?
I don't know if its a good or bad thing that the Circle Line opened.

The what?
For the uninformed, the Circle Line links the new stations to the North-South Line/Red Line and the North-East Line/Purple Line (ITS LOOKS LIKE, PURPLE LINE!! GOT TO INTRODUCE MYSELF! Sorry, couldn't resist).

Oh thanks. That cleared that one right up.
Now there's a post in... Something. Might be Chinese. Traditional Chinese.

And by the last paper, I'm just in holiday mood already. LOL. I hope I didn't do TOO badly.


I have a 3000 word film essay due. Good luck to me, I haven't thought of a topic yet.

Oh no an essay about movies sounds BRUTAL.
3000 word, holy fuck me that's like THREE PAGES.
I'm soooooo sorry :-( (noses are now in on emoticons)

Sorry guys, another long and wordy entry. LOL.

LOL that I'm not reading! XD
I just typed like a whole chunk of words and decided against posting them 'cause of how stupid I sound. And incoherent too.

Wow that entry must have been particularly bad. It's too bad, too, because I would have loved to read that monstrosity.
I'd like to point out now that clearly English isn't this cunt's first language, and that makes me angry (angrier) at people in my country, because despite being a native speaker of another language (one that has a totally different grammatical structure and even writing system) she manages better grammar and spelling than you chucklefucks. Don't worry about feeling ashamed, I feel ashamed for you.
Let's say you studied really really hard for a test, and you think, oh wow I studied so much, sure can get an A or something...and then when you get your paper back, you see a big F for FAIL on your paper.

Hasn't happened to me ever, but all right I see your meaning.
And then your friends around you just went HAHA! and tried to get you to blame yourself for getting that F. LOL.

... It would be your fault. Shut up.
I think I should try to understand the fact that effort isn't necessarily appreciated. I should stop expecting something in return for putting in effort. Afterall, its just effort, isn't it? People don't really care.

Ah graduating high school~
Ever have a thought or a feeling bothering you the entire time, yet you can't put a finger on why you're being so affected by that particular thought or emotion?


OH, AND COMPETITION IS STIFF FOR THE APPLICATION OF STUDENT EXCHANGE. ): The coordinator's words keep haunting me: "70% of you won't be able to go anywhere..."

Ha, ha this school sounds awesome. Sounds like a challenge to me. BUT OH NO YOU ROLL OVER AND DIE. This is why 70% don't go anywhere, and not only with exchange programs: with life.

Put your iTunes/Napster/Zune Player/WinAmp/etc on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.

No that's definitely not happening.
But I think that the plot thing is my only gripe, because this movie is really so commercial that I love it. So commerical, it touched my heart. It was very real and very sincere, and that's the best thing about this movie.

Wow things must be different in wherever it is you live.(She talks like it's 50 places. I'm guessing Taiwan now for no real reason).
Now there's a long entry about fail moments which I think could readily be condensed into "my entire blog and also my life".
Indeed this blog is so boring and full of repeated events that I'm left wondering why I'm still reading it.
So I'm going to stop.
Until Friday, fags~

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