Also cool microfont, I'm blind, etc.
I don't normally do this, but here's today's first entry in picture form, with my English teacher RED PEN ALL OVER IT :C

Oh great thanks for resizing that for me, Blogspot. Oh well now I'm typing as small as she is :3
woke up and immediately put on jeff buckley vinyl, and swam deep in the happiness of my blooming concrete jungled garden and the streaming sunlight.
Cool douchey imagery, cunt. Also she put on a vinyl, guys. That means record. She's indie. No MP3 players/CDs/tapes/8tracks/etc for her, maaaaaaaaan.
say what you will about south philadlephia, but in the early morning hours, when the light turns each leaf's cell matrix into a kaledioscope, I feel like luck has kissed both of my cheeks.
>doing anything but being a turbo bitch
wow you read some different stories than I did.
my needs are so simply met, these days-a bit of earth, songs sang from the missisipi mud banks, and your blue green eyes. I am pale golden.
Am I the only one who thought the +44 was way fucking better than blink 182 has been since........2001?
Yeah because I don't even know who +44 was (I wasn't even aware you were talking about music until I read it again, to be honest) and Blink 182 or whatever sucks, so yeah, it's all you, baby.
And they don't have the dopey dick and fart jokes which is wonderful considering no one likes 30 somethings in so-cal dickies shorts talking about dogs licking peanut butter off their dicks.
Speak for yourself. That's my fetish.
Last night, after three fourties and fishticks, augusta got my named tattooed on her ass.
Things couldn't be better
Hi too much information.
You can come close to the original iron chef show. The american version just sucks
Yeah, well the dubbed English version sucks too so learn some Japanese if you want to be really pretentious about this you stupid cunt but ohhhh that's right you can't.
P.S. Iron Chef sucks anywhere.
Now there's some wedding photos that imply she married the Geico caveman. Cool star tattoos by the by. Looks real trailer chic.
i hope this terrifies you.Sorry I didn't read this entire entry, what?
I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars.
Yeah... What?
Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man.
People have been bitching about this since literally the stone age. Stop it already.
Wasn't that some sort of Socratic curse "may you live in interesting times"? No you don't want to live in interesting times. You want to know interesting times? WORLD WAR II WAS INTERESTING. I'd love to see you storming Normandy, lady. OH THIS SAND GOT IN MY EYES WHY ARE THESE GERMANS SHOOTING AT US WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression.
Great War? That's World War I. No, you definitely wouldn't want to fight WW1, bitch.
Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives.
Speak for yourself. I had a gay old time (gay as in fun, but also as in homosexual) time playing Final Fantasy XI today. Got warrior from levels 20-24 and learned Sturmwind. Shit is so cash. I mean, yeah, everyone insisted SHIELD BREAK IS BETTER but who gives I shit I can totally turn your shitty fire arrow into a 92 point scission skillchain. I mean it only happened that one time and every time after that it was around 20 damage but I think that made (possibly) gimping my damage worth it. Besides it's fucking Qufim it's not like it's a scary hard place to level in or anything.
Ok back on topic, sorry.
We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars.
I haven't.
i made salmon burgers tonight
and they tasted like sex.
everyone else:
things are great, ben and i are six months old.
GROSS YOU REFER TO YOUR RELATIONSHIP AS HOW OLD YOU ARE? Goddamn I just got douche shivers and I burped and tasted some stomach acid, but I think that might be an unrelated event.
Now there's some meltdown that I'm not quoting here about how TIME MOVES AND OH MY GOODNESS NOOOOOOOOOOOO. Ostensibly it's because she's turning 22 in 5 days (life over, incidentally. Might as well pack it up to the hospice because you are already dead) but I suspect someone was getting a little more attention than she was so here we are.
getting drunk and sloshing through rivers in my clothes, living on icepops and diet pills,
>alcohol (suppressant)
>diet pills (stimulant)
definitely not toxic or anything. Although maybe diet pills aren't stimulants anymore, shit. Anymore people are so FAGGOTY with their "ehhh I don't want to be jittery but I also don't want to exercise or eat less" bullshit science invented a way to trick your cavernous stomach into thinking it's full. God bless you, science.
when you touch me i shake like a child
it's late,
ha, ha whoa, easy there. Some daddy issues working their way to the surface or poorly worded poetry?
if you feel discouraged
when theres a lack of color here;
please don't worry lover-
it's really bursting at the seams
from absorbing everything.
the spectrum's A- Z
Glad to see we know how colors and color theory works in this blog.
in absolute short terms:
my friends are the realest, my boyfriend is epic, drama wont get us fucking down, so you can take that shit to the streets and run it up your fucking flag poles.
"Realest"? Going to have to check my dictionary but I don't think that's a word.
GO CHECK IT, and that my friends is the real baked potato.
lol so randum xD
besides, my spank pants? read CUNT on the ass. you love it.
Excuse me?
Simultaneous sitting 'til you atrophy
Maybe you try to be pretty instead of kind
Ah yes, atrophy. From the Greek atrophos meaning "to be ill fed" something I bet she is very unfamiliar with.
if i knew how to play guitar, i'd start a band. one like the yeah yeah yeahs & rainer maria. who wants to teach me how to play?
Here's how I read this: "if I knew how to play the guitar, I'd start a shitty band."
she went over to his apartment
clutching her decision
Oh boy I'm so looking forward to a million couplets like this one next semester.
... Now I'm suddenly down.
Oh well time to do something else~
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