So today we have (I think you can see where this is headed).
I'm not sure where to begin. Like with most of my entries or emails, I have spent the last few days THINKING.
People are asking and wondering why I am soo quiet. Some think I'm tired, others stressed.
I can't imagine having this conversation about anyone. Hey what's with the girl in the corner! She's so quiet!
Well I think she's tired.
Maybe she's stressed?
I don't always correct them to defend myself, because their assessment contains some truth. However the full truth is that my mind is on a raceway of thoughts, feelings, memories, and emotions.
Ah, I see. She's one of them "thoughty" girls!
Right now I'm thinking about marriage.
Oh great. Please, tell me more!
Though I am not forced to make a decision...I still sense the near options in front of me. There aren't really options in front of me...for me to decide. But there is a decision hanging in the balance. Good thing God is in control!! :)
Yeah, it's good of God to take all of the living out of living. We're all pieces in his great game, and we should be thankful for our place in it.
I feel amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel like twirling and laughing and giggling and being beautiful and then maybe falling on my butt. Ahhhh i love being me.
:3 sure is a self-indulgent moment I'm witnessing.
I've been driving around listening to country music
I'm sorry. Is your radio broken?
Whcih causes me to be the bubbly overflowing person I am.
I call that "annoying" but I guess bubbly works.
I love dancing (when I shrink back its cus I think others can dance better and I don't want to look like a fool, but i L O V E to dance.), twirling around in circles in a pretty dress.
The devil commands ye to dance, loathsome harlot!
You're dancing and twirling that dress STRAIGHT TO HELL!
I love loving people.
Wow this is such an alien emotion to me I can't even imagine. Love loving? Really? Is there a reason for this manic approach to life?
Little does the world know that on the inside all hell has broken lose. Room of pain to be cleansed.
Pain cleanses or something.
Also in a world where everyone is spelling "lose" (as in, "I lose because I'm reading this blog") as "loose" it's nice to see someone can screw it up backwards.
But the progress (praise God it aint digression)
And its this more that causes me to be both bitter and numb. Bitter at myself for the state of my heart. I'm not in love with Jesus, my Bridegroom, enough.
What is this I don't even
The depth in the statement that God L O N G S to know me...all of me...and invites me to do the same to Him astounds me.
Wow I had no idea Jesus was such a playa (spelled with an a because I'm familiar with street lingo like that). I wonder what that says for all the male Christfags, huh? (Gay, as I always suspected).
Also does anyone see double (even triple) entendre in "L O N G"?
I remember this past Jan being at IHOP for the One Thing conference and having a heart-to-heart with My Love.
As all important spiritual revelations occur at IHOP (I don't know what people did before IHOP to be honest), I'll allow you to continue.
I told the Lord, my Lover and Friend, that when His eyes searched His body to find a resting place, a place to confide, a place to exhale, a friend to enjoy laughter with, a place for advice, a place to vent, and someone to love Him I wanted Him to find me.
If I were Jesus I'd be really uncomfortable right now.
I read this verse in Isaiah earlier this morning and I had a moment with God, where I just smiled at Him with my "Really?" smile. He knows all my smiles and everything I'm thinking.
Goddamn you're a douche. I hope God tells you this on a regular basis.
But anyways,
After waxing the boards
And let me just say, I screamed a lot!
I have so much to say. I have this box
goddamn double entendre Monday in blog "Miss Em"
For years I was always the girl who loved God and knew alot about the Bible...
Not "alot" about grammar, apparently.
more than most people my age.
Not enough about the Bible to stay humble either, apparently.
I don't like when other people tell me what I am thinking!!! You are not in my head, so don't try and ask like it.
Yeah you're such a riddle it'd be impossible to know what you're thinking.
This is an extremely constant thing in my life. Meaning I have thought this for 8 years.
Yeah eight years is a really fucking long time, kid.
There are times throughout these past few weeks that I have felt like my body was literally going to explode from thr pressure inside my heart
She tried to master the secrets of Hokuto Shinken by herself and it backfired. You will have no need for your Bible now, because you are already dead.
for Africa.
Oh, oh. I see.
I know that sounds absolutely ridiculous, but I am being honest. I am praying for God to make a way for me to go....not only because I want to go, but because I know He wants me to go. He has given me a desire for loving on some African folk.
Wow God really does have a plan. YOU, CREEPY, SELF-CENTERED WHITE GIRL! GO GIVE LOVE TO AFRICA! That's what they need, too, I might add: love. Not, you know, medicine or food or a solid infrastructure. Love conquers all, even AIDS and malaria.
Also I like how she makes love sound like it's something done to you. YOU'RE GETTING LOVED, AFRICA, WHETHER YOU WANT TO OR NOT!
So I have this weird talent of finding things. really I do. It is something God has just given me...weird...I know. For example, when I was about 10 or 11, my mom lost her keys. It is a common thing to do. I found the FREEZER. (Ask her if you don't believe me.) Who looks in the freezer for keys?
Uh-oh. Time for the Inquisition to make a foray to... Cunt here's house and purge some psychic talent.
He has a new CD out and well I am extremely in to it. And by that I mean, its pretty AMAZING! Definitely worth 12 or so bucks for the thing. Its entitled "Burn For You" and please go buy it, order it, listen to it. So so soooo good!
BRB Blue Oyster Cult
Like I can't spell,
You sure fucking cannot.
What is Christianity nowadays? Is it really what Jesus would want it?
Bullshit and no.
Wow somehow I stumbled through 3 years of entries. Well bravo, Followchrist. Keep this small instead of making a Livejournal and then making five million entries.
No accolades, however, for being a boring, stupid cunt. I have an awesome brotip for you, and I think it'll make you a better person all the way around: read a book not related to the Bible, go see a movie, watch some TV. Experience some new shit.
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