Saturday, July 20, 2013


Furry and a brony--
what else is new with reality--
Honeycomb! No, not the place where rabbits meet under Watership Down: I mean honeycomb ice cream. I do like the flavour, but (as you'd expect) it's very sweet and so I try to limit myself. This was the first time I'd eaten it this year, and given that it was another hot day (29.4 °C) I think an ice cream was a virtual necessity in any case. It's supposed to be cooler (though by no means cold) and cloudier this weekend, then really hot and sticky for a couple of days next week before a possibly quite thundery breakdown. I'm not a storm fan; I'd much rather have a quiet return to average temperatures. Oh well.
A virtual necessity.
Or you could not be a puss.
Also you don't like warm weather and thunderstorms?
What the fuck is wrong with you, friend?
Aren't we a barrel of laughs in this country? After years of complaining that our summers have become cold and wet, all of a sudden we have a genuine summery spell... and we're complaining that it's too hot. =:P
Getting people in the UK to not bitch about the weather is much like stemming the tide so--
I had a good day out today, and one which included ice cream, but I'm just too tired to write much about it now. More to come on this tomorrow, though!
Thanks for that fucking waste of time.
so don't update.
I went to another brony meet today, this one in Birmingham. This one was a bit of a step up in terms of size and length: we were in double figures and were together pretty much all afternoon. I had a very good time, and was much less nervous than I'd expected to be. I'm very pleased to see on UK of Equestria that other people did as well. A sequel seems to be in the works already, maybe at the end of the summer after BUCK. If there is one, and there's no reason for me not to go, then I will go. =:)
Lol ponyfucker
So we then sat around chatting about this and that, quite a lot of pony-related stuff (Twilicorn, Equestria Girls, prospects for Season 4 etc) but also quite a lot of other things. It was a very convivial couple of hours, actually, even once I'd finished my cider. (Well of course I had cider: what else would one drink at a brony meet-up?) 
Semen is what one would drink at a brony meet up.
So... a very enjoyable day all in all: good company, nothing that seemed to annoy/embarrass the non-bronies around the place, some very silly in-jokes created and not too much rain. Oh, and my first ever brohoofs (brohooves?) which somehow made it all feel that much more special. I'm still amazed that I, of all people, enjoyed a day-long social event so much, but I've never been happier to be amazed!
Bronies are such douche bags.
The dreaded (by some) Equestria Girls movie came out yesterday. I haven't seen it, because it's not appearing in the cinema outside North America. However, I have seen some dodgy cam footage of a few of the songs and the last 13 minutes of the film itself. (The songs are still up on YouTube; the ending doesn't seem to be.) As you can tell, I don't care about spoilers for this film -- by the time the DVD is available, I'll know everything anyway -- but I won't ruin it for anyone else. So, the rest of this, including the reason for my choice of subject line, is under a cut.
There was brief talk of attending this movie in my circle just to see the mutants that also went but then we realized that would mean going to a My Little Pony movie.
I think we settled for walking by the theater it's playing in.
The songs... well, with one very catchy exception (the song used in the second trailer) I can't remember any of them now. They're pretty much generic tween pop. Tastes differ, but personally I love the musical-style numbers Daniel Ingram creates for FiM, and this doesn't come close.
No shit?
Tween pop in a movie intended for little girls?
Color me fucking surprised.
That's like being disappointed a Warhammer video has mostly synthetic Gothic chanting for a soundtrack. What the fuck did you expect?
Oh, and there's the high school stuff. I hate high school cartoons on the whole, and I don't like magical girls anime either. The little romantic scenes with Flash Sentry were presumably put in because that's what tweens expect, and I could more or less cope with them in the humanised world. But at the end, when pony Twilight was being teased about having a crush on Flash? Urgh, no thank you. The only acceptable crush in Equestria is Spike's on Rarity!
I wonder if there's any point in a brony's thought process where he looks back over what he is entering into the public record for all of eternity and thinks "goddamn I'm a fucking dork".
I'm guessing not because if there was that sort of filter he wouldn't be a brony in the first place.
Well, I suppose that's another social achievement unlocked: I can now talk about the pony meets I've been to. =:P Last time around there were three of us in Worcester; this time it was six! Pigasus (the organiser), Electrokitty and I from last time all attended again, and we were joined by eliki, Spring Wonder and Crimson Dawn. The vagaries of the railway timetable meant that people arrived and departed at different times, so for quite a proportion of the meet there were actually fewer than six of us, but we did have some time when we were all seated around the same table at the same time, so it counts!
Is that really an achievement, though?
Sitting around with five other mutants?
When Eliki and I got to the pub, Electrokitty was already there. Pigasus followed shortly thereafter, then Spring Wonder. The five of us were all fairly quiet types, but thankfully no-one seemed to hate anyone else on sight. Crimson was the last to arrive, but he was also by a long way the most confident. I don't think any of the rest of us would have quite had the nerve to plonk a sizable plush pony on the end of the pub table as he did! The whole meet lasted two or three hours, considerably longer than last time, so I think we did all right.
What the fuck
We've been having a very interesting discussion over on UK of Equestria about where we see the My Little Pony (specifically the Friendship is Magic) fandom being in ten years' time. One thing that's come out of the conversation has been that several contributors felt that we'd already passed the peak.
Hopefully in 10 years' time everyone will have forgotten this shame.
Oh shit I kinda got a migraine so I wandered off for 12 hours.
What is this?
What am I doing?

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