paraphrasing of a comment I got last blog.
Thank you, friend.
Thank you.
I just try to bring wisdom to my fellow man.
Whether it falls on deaf ears or not I cannot say.
Man must choose what he wants to do with my wisdom, as well. I'm not about to instruct you on what this means.
Today's blog is coming straight from Wordpress for once.
I have EVE Online to thank for today's merriment.
"Look at this fucking guy" said one dude on one of the chat channels I frequent.
Well, I'm looking.
Playstation 4 and Xbox One are a total disappointmentWatchdogs still looks great though.
His reasons are total bullshit, by the way.
The best games of all time were made like 15 years ago and use sprites. I don't think graphics make the game.
Fuck this industrial SCAM. ( excuse my tongue )FUCK THE ESTABLISHMENT MAN
EVEN ANDROID OUYA beats both of them in a heart beat LOL
holy shit are you kidding me?
Android Ouya.
A console to play Android games that barely works.
Surely if your standard is "graphics didn't get better" the Ouya is a step back in every single category that matters.
That category being graphics.
Hello everyone,How do you charge it?
This is my first post here at Apple Community Forum and I would like to share some ideas that I had for the past 5 years.
needless to say I tried to sell I tried to suggest them to other top corporations and as they turned down every concept my words fell on deaf ears..
But I tell you to expect a lot our of the following:
Idea #1:
The next generation handheld should be of smooth shape similar to a soap of bar, a first ever fully coated display design
no plugs or cavities for anything at all.
Wireless charging? Nokia Lumia has it.. but an iPhone should be able to do with an (under the screen) solar battery!! YAY!! ( engineers can make any idea happen, they just know too much to think of something unfamiliar here’s the heads up!! )There you go
fictional technology can be willed into reality by the
Also I'm Googling this "Nokia Lumia wireless charging" and I don't know how it works but I don't think it works like you think it does.
Oh did I mention “fully damage and water DIVING proof” capabilities? YES!! a shell that does not have cavities and doesn’t need battery replacement ( since batteries last 5 years is a period long enough for people to change phones in the first place. ) can make a fully DIVER Proof phone.Drop all that quantum computing research
I need a phone I can put in water.
Pffft, quantum computing.
It'll just make computers made today look like computers from the 1950s within 10 years.
Who needs that garbage?
I need a phone I can dive with.
Because I make all my most important calls underwater.
With all due respect to the late Steve Jobs “may he rest in peace” would have told you to forget the keyboard and mouse! although the keyboard is still super convenient for notebooks I’d love to have a notebook shaped double screened iPAD! that will have mat I can set up custom keyboard layouts.. custom buttons on.. and re-size my touch pad.. or even drag projections to and from the top display and the surface display!! Picture it.. you can make it.There you go.
that’s a 20 years leap worth of tech.. would easily sell as a new touch display with fire wire/wireless integration capabilities.
Underwater 3DS running iOS is 20 years' worth of technological innovation.
Computer technology has advanced about as far as it can go, then, because 20 years ago was 1993 and most people were still stuck on 16 bit microprocessors.
PRIVACY!! please emphasize that the government does NOT have access to our iCloud because there has been LOTS of questions about PRISM protocol and we hate it when politics hinder innovation, and casts fear upon its own people.. I can’t trust my passwords to iCloud with ease until I’m sure they are safe.. and LOCALLY ENCRYPTED.. ( learn from Last Pass )>locally encrypted
>it has been demonstrated the US government and the Chinese government can crack 128 bit encryption with relative ease (easier than previously thought)
Also I'm guessing the average Apple consumer blabs every single intimate detail of their life on Facebook anyhow.
Why are people so worried about their privacy?
Even if the NSA wasn't spying on you you'd still be the worst threat to your privacy.
I'm not excusing the NSA. I think what the US government is doing to its own citizenry is sickening but really it's not like you people have proven to be that concerned about your own privacy.
One day if I ever run for office that quote will come back to bite me I know it
"I think... the US... is sickening"
- Tim on the US
Here's the picture that was linked to me on EVE that lead me to review this bullshit.
God look at that
isn't it the worst thing you've ever seen?
Okay maybe not.
Oh God it's an Omegle discussion.
I'm really going to read this.
You’re chatting with a random stranger. Say hello!
Question to discuss:Discuss why atheism is destroying society. Atheist positions are not wanted. (To atheists: I will get the last word on my Tumblr, so don’t bother)
how to confound everyone in this debate:
"I'm not atheist or Christian."
Don't tell them what you are.
End of debate.
No one can handle a scientific debate coming from a non-atheist.
Christians can't call you a baby killing atheist and atheists can't call you a deluded religious fanatic.
Take their name calling from them and they have nothing.
Tell them your philosophy derives from an ancient religion but does not require a profession of faith and literally no one understands you.
Only Zen Buddhists are on my level.
As that was the only other religion in history to make its claims strictly as parables and metaphors without a requirement of faith.
You'd have thought someone would have thought of this shit.
You: I know you will not believe me.
Stranger: yes
You: but I saw it all..
You: the beginning and the end.
Prophet furry here.
Christo Dei.
Incidentally Americans: it's not "Christ O'Day" like he's an Irishman. It's "Christo Dei" as in "God Anointed".
Also there's nothing strictly Christian about the statement. In fact to early Christians (who would have been speaking Latin) it would have sounded vaguely alien.
That's why you can arrange Jesus Christ in any order
like Christ Jesus
or even "Jesus the Christ"
because "Christ" isn't his last name. It just means "anointed".
Why am I spending so much time explaining this?You: like I understood god.. the superior intellect.. and the body of space.
You: the retraction system.. and cosmological constant that stabilizes Einstein’s relativity into space..
You: what we know of science.. is a mere scratch from the surface.
Stranger: do u have any proof ? or you too will ask me to believe you coz i cant contradict u ?
You: there’s so much in existence that requires “logic” to reach and not senses..I can contradict you.
This is shit you saw in a dream.
That's my argument against this.
That's my argument against this.
It was a dream.
I had a dream I was banging all 9 members of Girls' Generation.
As much as I wish, unfortunately, that wasn't reality.
You: God is an intellect..
You: it’s “part” of the system it created.
You: to sustain existance.
You: existence *
Stranger: then the god must have its own god too by this arguement
You: Our god.. follows it’s own god.. in a god system O.O who actually depends on back on our god.IT'S LIKE I'M REALLY READING A PHILIP K. DICK HALLUCINATION.
You: O_O That’s no human life!!
You: that’s a life of a cockroach!!
You: we’re higher intellects
Stranger: But you do agree right that you can’t enforce your way of thoughts on others
You: our job is research and development
You: No I can’t.I'm seriously flashing back to VALIS right now.
Oh Jesus he now posts his insane manifesto.
I'm not reading this.
People now look at study as a very hard method that requires dedication, will, inspiration, and guidance.. such as teachers, and masters who would always follow up…Knowledge is its own end, as they say.
And when you get to your first year in university.. you start thinking, how am I supposed to make it??
Here’s the think if you want to study something, you don’t think about it. go back to the concept why do you study?
Everybody who can think are scientists....
But not a grammarian, apparently.
Everybody are
or everybody is?
Which sounds natural?
Why are people so confused about indefinite pronouns?
People know for fact that Viruses can change our DNA and pass through to our next generation.Yes but this doesn't work the way I'm sure you're about to describe.
But what people neglect and actually never scientifically yet researched that our life style, thoughts, and emotions...
have a greater impact on our DNA.. if you’re healthy, morally, and physically and emotionally…
your DNA has an immune system that will restore from damages caused by diseases. and also pass your state to the next generation..
No it doesn't.
Your DNA is at constant war with radiation and its own inefficient copying procedures.
so It’s not in vain when you choose your partner on personality, as much on physical appearance!!Yeah that's right. Your DNA encodes complex memories like a fucking a movie in your body.
The experience you get from life is coded into an archive (yup! just like Assassin’s creed)
You know the explanation for how that worked was literally alien technology?
We were made by aliens and we can watch our genetic memories through alien technology.
That is the scifi equivalent of "it's fuckin' magic I ain't gotta explain shit".
for later generations to develop certain reflexes and help it’s survival. That’s how DNA functions!
that’s how you can cure yourself from anything.. just think it. – or may be it’s just me
Will your genes into compliance.
Will that cancer away.
Will that cancer away.
Believe it or not I know how to make a miniature 32 Core Nano Processor O.O you can implement the same structure to create an arc power reactor, there’s no limit to how much levels you can add as long as the central transistor size technology allows it; the main issue here is, Why does Steve jobs put a limited last year tech into iPhone.. ? Answer: so he can sell you the next generation when he’s out of ideas hihi…
Hey I've invented a super advanced encryption method as long as your biological computing allows it.
I'm pretty sure that's not even how processors work.
Further I think the problem with a 32 core nano processor would be miniaturizing the dye enough to cut it.
You're talking monomolecular channels at that point.
If you have the secret to that technology you might want to tell someone because you'd probably win a Nobel prize no contest.
I’m very much disappointed I can’t find Online Consultation for free anywhere.Oh boy.
I enjoy chatting very much and now I decided to use both my hobby and knowledge to help others ^_^.
My skills Knowledge levels as
( Beginner –> intermediate –> advanced –> Professional –> Expert )
Social Science: Advanced knowledge.Hahahaha there you go.
Man’s Health: Professional Knowledge
Woman’s Health: Intermediate KnowledgeEmotion Therapy: Intermediate Knowledge
Psychiatrist and medical doctor.
Fuck me.
Prophet, doctor
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