Friday, July 26, 2013

Things you're not allowed to say

So let's mix it up a little by going back to my old friend ONTD_Feminism.
Last update: July 12.
Feminism is hard ;_;
Da Roolz:
2. No personal attacks. There is a difference between calling an idea stupid and saying the same thing about a member. And you know it. 
Yeah but telling a Commie in EVE Online his build needs improvement maybe isn't quite the same as calling him a shit-eating pig farmer.
Something that is really being talked about in my state of Texas is the prevention of a bill that would restrict abortion. 
... Speaking of shit-eating pig farmers, what's going on in Texas?
That really was the perfect segue. I didn't even plan that.
I couldn't have planned that.
It was supposed to be voted on but what happened was that a state senator named Wendy Davis stopped the bill from being passed by filibustering for 11 hours straight. She wasn't allowed to sit down, lean, eat or go off topic when discussing the bill for 11 hours. The midnight deadline was narrowly avoided and Repbulicans tried multiple times to get her off the stand. 12 minutes before the deadline Republicans were to start voting but there was so much cheering and raucous from protesters that they didn't (couldn't?) vote.
The effect this had:
delayed the vote by 24 hours.
The endless parade of serial-killer dramas on TV today raises an uncomfortable question: What does it mean that we as a society seem to find violence against women endlessly entertaining?

Violence period is endlessly entertaining, apparently.
Why else would all this shit sell?
Since the 10,000s BC that shit has sold.
One of the first professions you could be that wasn't hunter-gatherer was storyteller.
Most of the stories told?
Heroes killing shit dead.
A man that produced nothing except entertainment was one of the first jobs to rise out of the agricultural revolution and the barter economy.
Think about it.
The two species most related to us are chimpanzees and bonobos. Our behavior is a perfect compromise between the two.
Chimps are violent
Bonobos bang everything
welcome to the species with STDs constantly at war.
People sure don't think a lot about shit.
 The show is not subtle in its embrace of feminist themes. It purposefully paints male characters as both limited and flat. The hollow men, the stupid men who think largely with their cocks, the men who delude themselves into thinking that somehow they are worth more or are just better than women, are shown not as fully sympathetic human beings, but as dumb, or violent, or impetuous men.
Feminism: we're fighting for our equality.
We're achieving this by making men seem like violent brutes.
But we want to be equal, honest!
It's different because we're oppressed! We're allowed to say bigoted things because that's just us giving power to our gender!
You are a slave to your desires, you have no control at all, you are weak, impotent, you think you are some kind of artist, but you are not… you try to dignify what you do, but it’s just misogyny, age-old male violence against women.
In this story I'm kinda working on probably the most sadistic and violent character is a woman.
It's partially that way just so I can gauge ONTD_Feminism's reaction afterwards.
The goal is absolute moral ambiguity.
The people she hurts are thugs and criminals but she's every bit as cold and malevolent as they are.
I'm a big fan of the theme. Becoming your enemy to beat them and at what point can you no longer justify actions like that?
How much collateral damage is too much?
See good stories start with a premise like that. They don't just say "hurrr muh freedms and muh sogyny."
I'm looking at you, Tom Clancy and ONTD_Feminism, respectively.
And that's just one lesser theme in a web of statements.
At no point will it even beat you over the head with it. It's all just a facet of a larger picture I'm painting.
You see the fact is this character could even be a male. The gender is incidental to the development of the character.
Real character development stems from what a character thinks and does. Not what they look like.
The character is female for a different reason. The story necessitates her being a woman.
That's another important thing to note: make sure you develop your characters in a way that they could be no other way. Most people aren't arbitrarily nice or an asshole. They're that way due to genetics and upbringing and shit.
If you just say "hurrr wahm character because feminism" then you're a shit author who needs to stop.
When developing characters don't ask "what are they like?" instead ask "why are they not another way?" and if you don't have an answer it's a detail you don't need to include or need to rethink.
Character development is less about you jerking yourself off and more of a torturous thought experiment into the true nature of man.
This is incidentally why fanfiction sucks.
Look at that question I just asked: "why are people not other ways?"
Do you have any idea the hours of research and debate that leads to?
That's why so many authors claim all of the story came in a sudden bolt of inspiration. That's just the pieces falling into place. More than likely all (good) stories have been a 10 year internal dialogue.
Yet, the show then runs into the same problem it creates for viewers. This argument forces the viewer to ask: If violence against women is nothing more than violence, plain and simple, then why is it at the center of this show? Isn’t it a bit hypocritical to send this message while entertaining us with violence against women?
That'd be a good question to ask if the show didn't clearly suck.
Kind of self defeating, too, because the only conclusion is "wow we are complete assholes."
I know what my first question would be: "why is violence against men normal but violence against women horrific?"
Creepshot is dedicated to posting pictures of women in stages of undress taken without their consent or knowledge, basically.
Don't undress when people are around.
Check your surroundings.
A post about the existential angst of multiculturalism causing misogyny-- (OH NO)--
This was inspired by a question on my Christianity & Sexuality exam about the detrimental effects of pornography on society.
Because pornography elevates the levels of the same chemicals also activated during drug use and falling in love, porn can become an addiction for those who use it. Addictions are harmful not only to those who suffer from them, but to the friends and families of the addicts as well. Addicts tend to isolate themselves, and curing addiction is a long, arduous, and often painful process - but it can be done. The viewing of pornography does have everlasting effects, however, and those who view pornography - both women and men - view women differently than those who have not used pornography.
Oh yeah I remember these debates in pussy sensitivity.
Also Christianity & Sexuality are you fucking kidding me?
There's a wasted tuition if I've ever seen it.
Simply put, pornography encourages the ongoing objectification of and violence toward women. Women in the sex industry are routinely viewed as sexual objects created for men’s pleasure. Real sex is devalued by the viewing of pornography, because no actual sex could live up to the air-brushed fantasies that porn presents as reality.
It’s not like being a porn-worthy bombshell is any better. Women from the sex industry are viewed as a lower from of life and degraded by both men and women for their perceived “choice” - although in many cases there is no alternative, or the alternatives are just as bad if not worse.  
Never mind the Youtube channel with literally millions of views devoted to talking to porno whores and how most of them agree it has been a positive experience for them.
I guess they're fucking liars or delusional because they don't agree with your petty gender politics.
I don't judge them.
Hell some of them are even college educated.
You get ahead however you can.
They're not traitors or cowards so I have no problem with them.
Men and women both not in the sex industry view it as their right to pass judgment on prostitutes, call girls, dominatrices, escorts, and porn stars. Apparently holding any one of these jobs means you have given up your right to be treated as a human being.
And yet the Madonna-Whore Complex is enforced, not just by pornography but by the media. One has only to look advertisements of any medium to realize that sex sells - and not just any sex, but female sexuality. Girls must not actually have sex, yet somehow be an expert on the subject in the bedroom. They must appear moral and innocent, yet have a kinky wild side.
Let me be the first to say: I don't give a shit what you do or think. Just shut up about it.
"Dead Island: Riptide is the sequel to Dead Island, the survival horror video game that has players stranded on a tropical island with a zombie outbreak. To promote the game, publishers Deep Silver are offering a special “Zombie Bait Edition” which includes the console game, artwork, a weapons pack, and a statue of a woman’s bikini-clad torso with her head and arms chopped off. And so help me god, they’re comparing it to the Venus de Milo. The graphic image is after the jump [at the source] and probably NSFW.
Zombies don't care about your feminism m8.
Why Are There No Women In Tolkien's World?  
I did not read The Hobbit or the The Lord of the Rings trilogy as a child, and I have always felt a bit alienated from the fandom surrounding them. Now I think I know why: Tolkien seems to have wiped women off the face of Middle-earth.
I do like how you say you haven't even read it and yet you're an expert on feminism and The Lord of the Rings.
Here's another important woman character.
I suppose it’s understandable that a story in which the primary activity seems to be chopping off each other’s body parts for no particular reason might be a little heavy on male characters —
>No reason
>prevent the conquering of Middle Earth by the devil
Yeah that's true no reason at all.
although it’s not as though Tolkien had to hew to historical accuracy when he created his fantastical world. The problem is one of biological accuracy. Tolkien’s characters defy the basics of reproduction: dwarf fathers beget dwarf sons, hobbit uncles pass rings down to hobbit nephews. If there are any mothers or daughters, aunts or nieces, they make no appearances.
Except Galadriel whose lineage the book spends a protracted amount of time describing.
She gives up her immortality when Gil-Galad dies?
It's kind of a pivotal moment in the story.
Your knowledge of this story really is breathtaking, though. I see you spent a lot of time studying this and didn't just say "I don't like it because muh sogyny."
Trolls and orcs especially seem to rely on asexual reproduction, breeding whole male populations, which of course come in handy when amassing an army to attack the dwarves and elves.
Trolls are, as I recall, depicted as reproducing through unknown means and possibly just split like amoebas.
Orc women are depicted as sex slaves and that's a large part of the reason Orcs are deemed evil and misguided.
Really you're on the same side if you'd stop being unreasonable for two seconds.
I found three women in a cast that is quite large but has relatively few major characters and all of them are fairly big players.
What the fuck more do you want?
Named /= significant character. In the movies, there's really only Eowyn, Arwen, and Galadriel. The only other one I can think of offhand is Goldberry. 
>Only three
>Number of important male protagonist (because if a woman had been evil they'd be crying harder so we won't count that): nine
3:1 ratio don't bitch.
Also it's one thing to name a female character and say she's important to the world. If they are never given lines to speak, it's hardly worth mentioniong. Also, tt's another thing to include 15 main characters in the Hobbit (13 dwarves, a hobbit and the wizard, basically) and 10 or so in the LOTR and NONE of them are female. That lack is keenly felt as a young female reader, let me tell you.
Apparently you haven't read it either because we just named 3.
That's it women aren't allowed to read books.
I am banishing you all to illiteracy and bare feet.
Deal with it.
Saudi Arabia implements electronic tracking system for women   
You say primitive barbarians I say forward thinkers.
I hate everyone.
Part of everyone is fat people.
1. Stating a specific size, shape, or weight that’s less okay.

Example: “Women who are a little bigger are more attractive, but 400 pounds? No.”

Example: ”It’s okay to be plus-size as long as you don’t have fat rolls.”
A woman over 105 pounds is not a woman for me.
Can't possibly be under 105 because you're 6'0"?
Keep walking.
Fat acceptance is for all fat people. If you draw a line – 400 lbs, 500 lbs, “apple”-shaped, people with mobility issues, etc – and say that people on one side of the line are okay and people on the other side aren’t, you are part of the problem.
The line is drawn at over 5'3" and over 105.
Deal with it.
18. Focusing on (usually heterosexual) attractiveness in general.

Example: “At least being bigger means you have bigger boobs, too!”

Example: “It’s okay, honey, men like women with a few curves.”
Not me.
I have two words:
and "off".
Welcome to why I was popular in pussy sensitivity.
At a recent presentation, I asked all of the gay male students in the room to raise their hand if in the past week they touched a woman’s body without her consent. After a moment of hesitation, all of the hands of the gay men in the room went up. I then asked the same gay men to raise their hand if in the past week they offered a woman unsolicited advice about how to “improve” her body or her fashion. Once again, after a moment of hesitation, all of the hands in the room went up.
First there was the "Bic for Her" pen. Then there was the Fujitsu "Floral Kiss" lady-computer (complete with a built-in scrapbooking app and bedazzled keyboard!).

Honda just took things to the next level by producing the Honda Fit "She's" — a pink car made specifically for women that's marketed as "adult cute."

The $17,500 car, currently only being sold in Japan, has loads of lady-friendly features. 
A nation with sense.
Apart from pink aesthetics and a dainty heart to replace the apostrophe in "She's," design features include: A windshield that helps prevent wrinkles, and a "plasmacluster" air conditioning system that Honda says will improve skin quality.

If you don't like the pink tone, don't worry. A Honda executive told Yomuri Shinbun newspaper that it's also in brown and white, to match the driver's eyeshadow.
Would laugh again.
What's wrong with wanting a car that matches your eyeshadow?
That might be important to Japanese women.
An article on how awesome Dredd was (even feminists agree!)--
Ehh I think I'm done here.
I certainly don't miss Livejournal.

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