Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Watch out, disgruntled white wahm!
Describes every blog ever pretty much except "gender confused lad (or gal)" and "boring guy".
Blah blah "people hate him" blah blah "wear a vest" blah blah...

"I don't think he can work. I don't think anyone can hire him... George is a pariah," his lawyer said.

So .. an armed outcast. That always ends well. 
Should have sentenced him to death, then.
A man with a gun and a sel-appointment to "the neighbordhood watch" gets out of his car when he's told not to to confront a younger man when he was told not to and kills the unarmed man with a gun.

6 women found this guy "Not Guilty".

Question: What is this going to be distracting us from?
Also what is this distracting us from?
I've been sitting around with this vague discontent. Really vague. It's like wanting to eat but not sure what and not being hungry in the first place and then wondering if you actually are hungry and are simply not paying attention or blocking it. 
Sure glad I picked this blog. Scrolling like a motherfucker already.
I'm here at work and the fucking thing won't open. I kinda need that.
There is no tech support for us on the weekend and during the week - they tell us to have our supervisor call in a ticket.

While I can get to the inbox if I need to, I need to get to the databases. This happened before during effing Xmas.
Sigh I've been trying for over 20 minutes. It's just sitting there saying "Loading". Earlier it .. simply closed after a bit and I had to kill the processes.
What irrelevant bullshit do you do, anyway?
A new trend among Japanese teenagers called oculolinctus, also known as "eyeball licking," or "worming," is currently sweeping across the internet in videos and photos


The Japanese.

Shouldn't she, though?
Like imagine I said
The African Americans.
Imagine the fallout from the literally fives of people that read this.
Sunday we watched Battleship, which - Avery & Ricardo: you suck for recommending this. Some said the Science was suspect, others said the story was suspect. The whole thing blew monkey chunks. The lead was simply not someone you can like. Rhianna was a Marine. No wait, she's Navy. No wait - Marines. Hang on, she's a WySO. No wait - she's a heavy gunner. Ok she is an assault .. I give up. They just smeared her all over the screen and yet gave her very very few lines. She was pretty good, though.
When you give command of a US naval ship over to the Japanese - isn't that technically surrendering?
I know I spent half of last post lambasting a movie about giant CGI robots but are you seriously finding fault in the movie based on a board game?
Like what the fuck did you think would happen?
From this article:
New York Magazine’s The Cut coined the term “Netflix Adultery,” the act of binge-watching TV episodes ahead of your significant other when you promised them you’d watch together. Have you been a victim of this horrendous crime? According to Netflix’s survey of 2000 American adults, “12 percent confessed to watching ahead on TV shows they were supposed to save to watch with their partners. ” Also, “ten percent admitted to being the victim of Netflix adultery, which means either 2 percent are blissfully unaware of their partners’ indiscretions, or the cheaters are hitting multiple victims.”
No wonder divorce rates are 50%!
Also what kind of slob can't wait for their chick to get ready to watch it?
Isn't that a thing couples do?
Watch crap together?
And make a big deal out of it?
Or am I crazy?
........ talk about a mountain out of a molehill. I'm certain this is light hearted, but I have heard of people getting honestly upset and hurt by this. Something about "lack of commitment" or "the principle of the matter"..
How about maybe you don't shut up during a show (blurting what you think is about to happen out loud, cracking a joke and turning to get acknowledgement) and they want to watch it in peace? Or maybe they are hard of hearing and after have a need to rewatch a show to catch what was missed (cough Hannibal cough). My roommates and I can attest - there be some mumbling on there. 
Holy shit maybe that is why the divorce rate is so high.
Grow up, people.
If I had a girlfriend and we watched TV together (ha ha me watching TV) and I found out she'd watched it ahead of me I'd be pissed she didn't spare me the misery of having to watch TV.
Last night Nikki and I suddenly had a pitched battle with a large roach (where the cats were NO help). No matter how hard Nikki hit it with her shoe, it merely stunned it.
>not skewering it and lighting it on fire
I eventually captured it with a large amount of toilet paper. As I sent it to a watery grave, I heard Nikki exclaim "Oh god there's a baby one."
This morning, as Kevin and I were discussing a potential health issue on my part in the bathroom, I saw another giant crawling across the wall; as if sneaking up to drop on Kevin.
So I made the decision today to bugbomb the house instead of buying my prescriptions. 
The only solution is to torch the place and start anew.
Give the hated xenos no succor.
Let come what may.
We have to stay out in the garage and backyard area for the next 2 hours. 4 people, 5 cats and 1 farting pitbull that totally does not prefer the outdoors. We've got 2 fans, a small ac unit and a PS3 that's currently applying updates for the past 4-6 months. I'm on my work laptop, may as well knock out a few things while waiting.
A foe without shelter is without hope.
Here's a video of a pitbull keeping a drawer filled with knives closed from a toddler trying to open it.
It keeps looking at whoever is holding the camera like "please God do something with this kid".
In my infinite wisdom I have decided the pitbull is a better parent and shall be given the child to raise.
Oh God this person is Texan.
That explains it all, really.
Anyway fuck the internet
fuck the police
fuck blogs

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