Monday, July 15, 2013

Market Research

I've been doing extensive (and I do mean extensive) market research at my target audience for this blog because frankly I don't advertise so I'm kind of curious about how the literally dozens of unique hits per week (recent spike in activity ahoy!) found out about this travesty.
The number one audience, unsurprisingly, is the United States of America. Apparently the bile I spew about 'Murikuh hit a patriotic cord.
Second biggest audience?
No I don't understand it either. I did find a new love for France teaching French class (a school I substitute for frequently seems to be under the mistaken impression I know French and I'm not about to tell them they're wrong) but I'm pretty sure I have called them cowards or surrender monkeys or something on this blog before.
Either way I'm sure my puerile hatred of Europe has found a place in their heart.
The third biggest market is the kicker: China.
My love for Asian women is well known but I somehow doubt that translated. I'm guessing some sort of marketing scheme.
Or maybe my pure hatred for corruption and ineffectual governments has struck a cord of love in the Middle Kingdom.
I can't say.
What I do know is 41% of you are reading this on Internet Explorer. What is wrong with you, friend?
1% of you are on Safari. You can stop reading as far as I'm concerned.
The fourth and fifth biggest markets (Ukraine [what] and Sweden) lag so far behind the three big ones it doesn't bear mentioning.
Anyway I'm just putting off having to review a blog.
I've done some extra homework for once and once I heard George Zimmerman was found not guilty I immediately went to Dreamwidh to find the biggest twat whinging about it and it didn't take long.
This wahm won a spot for Monday's update largely based on two criteria: her infantile whining about George Zimmerman and social justice and in addition her love for the movie Pacific Rim.
I had just seen that piece of shit so that kind of brought my piss to a boil.
What the verdict tells us is, to the astonishment of tens of millions of us, that you can go looking for trouble in Florida, with a gun and a great deal of racial bias, and you can find that trouble, and you can act upon that trouble in a way that leaves a young man dead, and none of it guarantees that you will be convicted of a crime.
I was interested to see how Dreamwidth would handle this.
On one hand booo perceived racism but on the other hand yaaaaay all women jury.
As we all know no one on Dreamwidth can be happy and just not whine so I reckoned early on if he was found guilty it'd be a "hurrah check your privilege white man" but if he'd been found not guilty it'd have been "boo racism :(" either way they get to whine.
I don't care about this trial, frankly. I was interested from a purely sociological standpoint.
This case was pretty open and shut as you can get, ladies and gentlemen whom are not listening to this post in the least. I've seen Black men and women convicted on almost little no evidence for shit that don't even have anything to do with murder and manslaughter, but this motherfucker gets off without so much as a Manslaughter charge for stalking and killing a young man in cold blood because he needed get off on his gun. That and no one thought to charge his ass with it. The verdict doesn't surprise me, but that doesn't mean I can't be fucking angry about it. Thanks for reminding me what my position in this white driven society is, America. I sure as hell don't mean shit if Zimmerman can avoid not guilty and manslaughter charges for killing a young man for merely existing in Florida.
I guess she's black?
I don't know. It's hard to tell with women on Dreamdwidth. They'll appropriate any cause they feel will get them sympathy points for being a victim.
It honestly wouldn't surprise me if this turned into a "well if this happens to a man imagine what happens to women".
Blog: Words Fail me right now. I will get academic later, though. PACIFICRIMISTHEWINNER!
It was a huge piece of shit. Insipid dialogue, nonexistent characterization, poorly framed, cartoonish action and plot twists so stupid it actually made me stupid watching.
Idris Elba was the King of the movie and Rinko Kikuchi was the Queen. 
The part that pisses me off is it should have been a slam dunk. White guy pilots giant robots and then bangs Asian chicks.
It's basically what goes on in my head 24/7 but no, they somehow fucked up the easiest movie on earth to make.
First world problems: The closest one in my area decided it wasn't going to have any showings of Pacific Rim period. Fucking A, Mr. Convenience, you had to choose the one day I wanna go to a premiere to be Mr. Inconvenience, did you?
The theater I went to accidentally started showing Man of Steel.
I feel like it was warning me. "You don't know it now but you'd rather sit through this turd again."
It's true. If I'm a captive audience at a theater I'd rather sit through that again than Pacific Rim.
We’ve all always suspected that Johnny Depp’s portrayal of the pidgin English-speaking wildman Tonto in ‘The Lone Ranger’ might be more than a little racist, but now that we have an abundance of official images to go on, we can say conclusively that yep, this character is offensive as hell. 
Don't worry the movie sucks hard.
Pacific Rim was so bad guys--
I think I'd rather sit through Lone Ranger again.
That's how bad it was I'm dead fucking serious.
SO IT WOULD APPEAR Pacific Rim is about to suffer the same problem Remember Me experienced as far as viewership and attendance goes. Those who somehow got a hold of its tracking announce that its being beaten out by the worse comedian ever and his sequel to his equally awful movie, Adam Sandler. 
Remember Me?
The video game?
That like 5 people played and is already 40% off on the Steam Sale (still not spending 30 dollars on it)?
I'm wishing that Aisha Tyler had been considered for Lois Lane in "Man of Steel". Lord knows she's got the looks, the personality and the passion to pull the character off without a hitch. Problem is, she'd just be stuck with the same bland interpretation of the character from David Goyer Amy Adams had to deal with.
Not sure the American audience is ready for Superman to go interracial.
She is a lot hotter than that 5/10 white wahm they went with though but that seems to be what the American people demand so who am I to judge?
... Seriously I bet you people just read right through that sentence without another thought.
"Who am I to judge?"
Holy shit she did mean Remember Me the video game and not some movie I've never heard of.
Who gives a fuck? tends teeter on the edge of offensive to rare-moments-of-clarity. This time its the first and not the latter and since this is coming from an author who appears to understand why it’s a big deal video games have Black protagonists or female protagonists in video games
That chick is black?
Are you fucking joking?
as in during character gen they picked the "not lily white" option, right?
What the fuck black person has blue eyes?
JEAN-MAXIME MORIS: No, we wanted Nilin to stand out. I think these sort of issues become self-fulfilling prophesies; people saying that only white males sell so then everyone only does white males. If you start believing these things, you get your head inside this cold marketing strategy that you cannot get your head around. It becomes a pretty fucking racist and misogynistic way of thinking about lead characters.
And 5 people  bought the game so I guess they were right.
White male protagonists let's do this shit.
It was their belief that Nilin’s status was a biracial woman (Black mother, white Father) should have no standing on her ability to stand as a the headliner of a game, that the belief as stated above is not only racist, but a misogynistic mantra that many won’t or do not challenge.’s Evan Narcisse attempts to argue the same under the pretense. However, he suggests that because “Remember Me” doesn’t discuss the issue of race and her status as biracial and female, this means that her being a Black Woman “doesn’t matter” in the role of a protagonist at all and it does.
See what I mean when I say don't waste your time with this piece of shit?
It's the future and I can inject other peoples' memories into my brain but the real issue here is what race the DNA the main character's mother got injected with.
Not, you know, the moral and ethical ramifications of injecting someone's memories into your brain.
I know virtually nothing about this game outside of a 3 minute Broteam review and the opening sentence of the Wikipedia page and already I can think of a handful of far more interesting issues than the pedigree of some slut:
1. how do I know my memories are my own if this technology exists?
2. what defines a memory?
3. what am I if not a collection of reactions to past things and a current interpretation of events based on those reactions?
4. Nostalgia is generally accepted to be a necessary emotion to keep down angst about the ever-changing definition of who you are (no one holds the exact same opinions they did when they were a child or even six months ago, for instance) so does that change if your memories aren't your own?
A nice Cheerios advertisement whose only discernible difference from other Cheerios commercials is that it depicts an interracial family was forced to disable its YouTube comments section today after it became inundated with virulent racism. 
Get everyone whining.
Personally I'd have an interracial transgender couple in my commercial.
I am biracial. My mom is black and my dad is white. My family often had the audacity to eat breakfast even though cereal was not being specifically marketed to us. When I was growing up, there were no families on television that resembled mine. My family was something of an anomaly in the overwhelmingly white neighborhood of Seattle where I lived. When I was with my mom, people would look at me and ask, “What is she?” When I was with my dad, people would ask, “Is she Italian?” 
Most Americans are part Italian.
Most of my ancestors were Roman, though.
Here's the character from that shitty video game.
Would you have ever guessed in a thousand years she was supposed to be part black?
Ignoring the fact the entire game has this shitty effect where everything looks like it was dipped in Tang but you can't even tell.
There's this thing called facial morphology and most video game makers haven't heard of it.
Capcom really needs to learn to divide its series up between different characters instead of pigeonholing the series to just Chris and Jill. Claire Redfield hasn't been seen in a primary game since Code Veronica, Rebecca Chambers and Billy Coen have all but fallen off the face of the Earth; the characters of Outbreak have yet to be seen in another game and the list goes on. Sheva (and Josh Stone) is just another in a long line of "new characters" to join the ranks of the unvisited after their initial showing. It's a shame, really, because she was one of the best parts of RE5 outside Excella.
People care about the plot of Resident Evil?
Since when?
Here's the plot of Resident Evil.
People care about that.
    Spleepoppetween wrote:
    People bitched about that pretty much because there's Black Africans in Africa that were being shot which is the dumbest thing I've heard, I doubt they're avoiding making a certain race of characters over a group of dumb people who made a dumb accusation.

Except that it wasn't bitching, a lot of it was pretty justified when you step back from the knee-jerk reaction of ''Resident Evil'' being deconstructed from a critical standpoint at all. Especially when the arguments were valid once you start looking at the social implications of a white character (Chris Redfield) and a light-skinned [West] African woman (Sheva Alomar) killing en masse her darker skinned counterparts.

Throw in how people in Africa are depicted as downtrodden "savages" in need of rescue from a white counter part and you've got a problematic recipe for disaster that most were right to point out. 
... They're not just shooting black people. They're shooting black people infected by some sort of fuck off leech zombie virus.
Here's a post bitching about how roleplaying always has to be about two gay guys in a romantic relationship and why can't they just be friends?
Because you're dealing with a group of people with 0 social interaction. That's why.
All are modeled after women of color. Not that this is an important part of any of their identities, but it’s still a very conscious choice on the developer’s parts in an industry where anything but ‘white male’ is an other. The few earlier, well-established video game women are all white (ex. Samus Aran, Lara Croft, Joanna Dark, Sarah Kerrigan).
Lara Craft is actually half black and looks it, unlike the other game you were mentioning.
Do you even play video games?
Samus Aran is also like 6'7" or something ridiculous and can fold herself into a ball (bending her spine the wrong way) so I suspect she's a different species.
Inspired by Anita Sarkeesian’s Video Game Tropes vs Women, I wanted to pitch a Zelda game where Zelda herself was the hero, rescuing a Prince Link.
Shiek was Zelda in disguise and Shiek basically saved Link's stupid ass throughout all of Ocarina of Time.
Do you people even play video games?
Ha, ha here's something asking me to take a pledge: "gamers against bigotry".
No and thank you. That'll get in the way of the killing.
Nonstop whining about video games and black people--
Nonstop whining about video games and women--
All right I've decided I'm done with this shit.

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