Not feeling especially inspired for this entry. I think all the life has still been sucked out of me from the last entry.
Which book do you find yourself regularly rereading, and why?
Dante's Inferno and blah blah blah--
Obviously HP. All seven of them.
Because it might be the greatest story ever written...
Harry Potter?
Uhh, no?
despite the blatant lack of sexual situations, even in the face of countless opportunities.
Truly what is lacking from all great classics.
Err wait, no it isn't.
Everything that I have witnessed over the past few days has only worked to further convince me that the only way to bring about radical improvement in a community is by changing the general attitude of its people.
Brainwash them. Quash all dissent.
Change attitudes, and then wants, desire, and perceived needs begin to change. Modifications in attitude lead to actions, which alter the status quo of said community, and can change things for the better.
Is this about a fanfiction community?
I bet it's about a fanfiction community.
Only it is not that simple. Digging a little deeper we can see that a change in attitude can only be brought about through education.
So are you going to get to a point at some point or is this just brainwashing masses for dummies?
Is that really the way it works, though? Perhaps the most essential, most basic part of this “right attitude” a group of people has to adopt in order to reach its potential is skepticism.
No, skepticism is a dark path. Can't have my happy workers questioning their lot.
It branches out into so many other core values, it translates into so many benefits, it implies so many things, that we have to have it first (before willingness to help each other, before selflessness, before a desire to be better, before anything) in order to move forward.
The path forward lies in solidarity.
Why? Because only accepting new information after it has been properly supported by evidence inevitably leads to all those other values.
But then… Does education lead to skepticism, or is it the other way around?
Well I mean, Warhammer tells us that if we educate men without faith we make them but clever devils so I'm guessing education leads to skepticism first.
And logically you'd have to know something first to be skeptical about it so yeah, this is an easy one for logical induction.
That is a fantastic question, sir.
Glad to know my genius is appreciated.
I didn't ask a question.
After all, the need for supporting evidence leads us to seek information, and therefore absorb more knowledge before accepting something as fact. Indeed, skepticism leads to education.
So-- point?
Ok I skipped ahead: no point.
Girls, am I right people?
I am not gay.
You never sound gayer than when you're saying "I'm not gay".
Not only am I not the least bit gay,
I just suck cocks to prove how comfortable I am with my heterosexuality.
I was raised in a conservative, catholic, repressed environment in which the norm was to believe that gays were dirty, disgusting, and evil sinners, and so, this is what I was taught. This was my life. Gays were a race apart, less than human.
Sounds like with a little work we could turn this into a proper Imperial creed.
We did not know any, we did not want to know any. In fact, I was told repeatedly, it was dangerous to get too close. They want to “do stuff” with you, you see.
See that's the part that has to go. FEAR NOTHING.
In support of this argument, I shall relate the following experience: A few days ago I had a pretty exciting episode, while at the doctor´s office for a terrible cold complete with fever, pains, and tonsillitis. The doctor wanted to give me a prescription for antibiotics, and asked me about allergies, to which I responded that I was allergic to penicillin...
A doctor gave you antibiotics, that is, something effective against (anti-) bacteria (-biotics) for a virus?
Do go on.
It all sounds perfectly rational.
or rather, that my parents made it a point to tell me so as a small child. Needless to say, after discussing it at length, we went ahead with an allergy test. Turns out I am, indeed, allergic. Badly. So much so that the paltry amount of penicillin used to test my dermis for a reaction (rash, etc) had quite the unexpected effect on me, I lost consciousness and my blood pressure dropped to dangerous levels for a few minutes.
Or you could take some vitamins, drink some orange juice and sleep it off.
A gullible, dogmatic mind might consider this proof against everything I have previously stated. That I should have simply accepted what my parents told me as fact, and carried on living my life, and I would have saved myself a traumatic afternoon, and possible fatality.
well call me Adolf Hitler but one thing I do know is antibiotics don't help against viruses.
I contend that the stakes were too high to just assume that my parents, who, like parents do, taught me a lot of things that were laughably wrong, were right this time. More plainly: The odds of experiencing any lasting or permanent damage from a simple allergy test (even the odds of going through what I went through) are pretty astronomically slim. Meanwhile, penicillin is a hugely important tool in treatment of a vast and growing amount of ailments.
Not in Anno Domini two thousand and eleven where penicillin is so over-prescribed for things it doesn't even treat that all bacteria is immune to it.
This shit didn't really happen.
Unless I absolutely cannot, I would like to have this tool available to me, should I ever need it. In other words, yes, it was a gamble... a low-risk, ridiculously high-reward gamble. No different than, say, getting a driver's license and using it, knowing that traffic accidents are a looming possibility.
My blood pressure didn't drop to dangerously low levels once while I was getting my license.
Can you believe this entire thing about gays and penicillin is the same post?
Of course, most of you were raised in similar ignorance, if not about homosexuals, certainly about something else, and do not need this little fable and analysis to know what I know.
Of course.
So as I said at the very beginning of this post, I am not gay. Not even a little bit. Not by a long shot.
Not being gay, however, does not keep me from being intelligent, humane, and just. Being a heterosexual male does not blind me to the fact that all humans should have rights to certain basic liberties.
You're a man?
Eh-- well, I guess it makes sense, really.
How many blogs written by women contain this "I'm writing an essay for school" quality to them?
It does not keep me from seeing that there is no such thing as "gay marriage". There is only marriage, and sexual orientation should not keep you from your right to it.
Of course, there is an alternative: It is called discrimination.
Or there's another (superior) alternative: I just don't care.
Patriotism is a childish, primal, basic, and completely unsophisticated emotion. Patriotism is a somewhat ridiculous “Us vs. Them” mentality that has no place in modern civilization.
Man I'm tired all of a sudden. It feels like I've been awake for 97 hours.
Am I dying?
"You do not look Spanish... at least not what the Spanish people I have met look like..."
"Spanish? Really? I thought you were Italian...!"
"You are fair-skinned for a Spanish person..."
These (and others like them) are things I heard everyday for most of my life, from people of every race in The States.
Oh man I suddenly understand so much about life because of this blog.
I finally understand what it's like to stare into oblivion.
How can any sort of opinion on something survive this level of boredom?
What is the meaning of life?
Who even cares to seek the answer? Look at this boring bullshit.
It's like Buddha himself just spoke to me. How can you master this level of boring and still be alive?
I worked all through high school. I have always worked since. I have left jobs, and lost jobs. I have been laid off, fought with managers and walked out, and got another job right away. I have worked at a few stores, bars, clubs, and many restaurants...
I also have dated many girls. A good majority of them were Caucasian.
Wait let me see if I have an accurate depiction of myself right now.

There is a little diner in my neighborhood. It's more of a large den with some tables where one can come in and have lunch any given day. A family place, where the same people (all related) work every day. This place serves a pretty good lunch, two or three different choices every day, for very reasonable prices. People come in,
Right. Diner. Got it.
find an empty spot at a table (even if the table is already taken, no matter. You just wish everyone a good day and say "buen provecho" as you sit down) and one of the "servers", usually a couple of teenage girls, approaches with a glass of whatever juice they are serving that day, and silverware, to tell you your choices.
If I were an alien this is the blog I'd read. Mundane life in grueling detail.
I have visited this place from time to time. Not often enough to be a regular, but a handful of times. Enough times to notice the following: When the servers bring out silverware to the guest, sometimes they bring a little basket with a spoon, a fork, and a knife; sometimes just a spoon. The food itself is not the cause of this discrepancy -no one comes to this place just for soup-. Then, what gives? You guessed it. Some people (the peasants) do not use a fork and knife. They eat everything with a spoon. Servers do not ask you, mind you. They either bring you a fork and knife or they do not.
So what you're saying is if I entered one of the teenage servers would immediately offer herself to me because I am that lordly?
I have never been given only a spoon.
Just like, I realized at some point, I never had any difficulty getting hired anywhere in The States.
Just like I never had issues with any family or friends of any girlfriend at first sight.
At this place, you see, like everywhere else in the world (although perhaps more blatantly, more honestly than most) they quietly and subtly judge you on your appearance. This is a given, right? I am not telling you anything you did not already know...
What are you talking about, anyway?
Just how far does the color of your skin take you, though? Appearances matter, sure... But more so than any suit, any DKNY jeans, more than any pair of Cole Haans, any haircut, any conservative vs loud nail polish/style, any
Movado or Rolex, maybe even more than being good looking... I'd say more than ANYTHING really, the color of your skin can open or close doors for you.
Sorry too busy being knightly over here.
I'm seriously sitting at a right angle with my chin held up kind of making a :C face.
now for some Final Fantasy Tactics soundtrack.
Yes, the image is complete.
Is it fair? Is it right? Are these questions even relevant?
Fair, unfair, right, wrong, affirmative action... whatever. It does not matter because no one is color blind.
Because, well, White people rule the world.
I need a Red Bull mainline or something.
Are we conditioned to define our existence through suffering?
After reading this I'm starting to think so AND JESUS CHRIST IT'S ALMOST 1 IN THE MORNING.
No that's it fuck it I quit.
No more Edie Finds a Corpse.
I'm serious.
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