This is one of those crazies that was homeless at one point and will probably ramble about some spiritual power she thinks she possesses at some juncture.
I can't believe this is a category of blog I've encountered often enough to have the entire course mapped out in my brain.
What will we see? There will probably be the threat of becoming homeless again and that can't happen because blah blah blah FUCK THE INTERNET.
So i bought myself a present yesterday.
glow in the dark blue hair dye.
i was going to get the splat! regular hair dye, but im worried about $$ and i have to go grocery shopping and laundry. all which takes $$. and oh yeah, rent. Anyways, i like stuff like that.
blue hair dye, black glitter eye shadow, stuff that glows in the dark. what i bought is sooo obviously for a rave lol. i went to a rave once, at this hotel, but i couldent stay because i was sick. lame.
That is a great story.
Speaking of great stories I've been rewatching Dragonball Z lately and I had no idea how balls out insane that show is. I guess when you're a kid it all seems very normal but now as an adult this show is completely off its ass.
im supposed to be typing up my novel but i feel lazy. i worked hard yesterday and im wicked tired. the house is looking better though, although currently i have drayno in the sink (hopefully fixing it ) and nothing to eat. thats why we had macdonalds for lunch. hey they have good chicken. it feels good in my tummy. but burger king is better by far. tylers watching battlestar galatica.
What the hell was that?
You call that a paragraph?
im good with the 70s star wars, thats about it lol. my fave characters were luke and chewy. i heart wookies. and of course, dr pepper but its all gone. sooo sad.
I found the perfect image that represents my emotions during these blogs:

If you could find out what happens after you die, would you want to know?
But I wouldn't tell anyone because how many people have claimed to know what happens after you die?
Nothing ever good comes from it.
Yeah, I'd really, really like to. I mean, I have an idea what happens after you die, since I am spirtual.
Checking that off on my list. Soon she'll be claiming some sort of ESP or something.
Then the rant about homelessness.
You watch. It's coming.
im getting tired of leaving work feeling like im going to get in trouble. today was a good day, until that weird assistant manager showed up, the one i dont like. i caught him glaring at me today. i dont know what his problem is.
Kick him square in the dick.
maybe hes just one of those ppl that always come off that way. who knows. who cares. all i want is to not get into trouble and keep this job.
Do that thing where every new sentence is completely disconnected from the previous with no attempt to even join them together.
It makes you look really fucking nuts.
which i s part time by the way. its funny i like work for 2 maybe three days then im off for 3 or 4 more. its fine with me. the apartment needs to be cleaned top to bottom. i got up today at like 7 AM and cleaned for two hours. im ging to do that every day for awhile until the place is immaculate and then make a cleaning routine so i can keep it that way. god i feel so tired. wer'e outta food so i have to go to the grocery store and get some. im prob not going to get to typing more of my novel until tuesday or more realisticly wednesday. im actually in a pretty calm mood right now. all i can think about is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. so, im going to spend time with tyler <3 and then head to bed. i love my sleep too.
What the hell was that?
Thinking of playing FFXIV. Have to do some bullshit on the internet soon. I'm wondering what I should have for dinner tonight. I wonder if I can still get free PS3 games on the PSN. This new gum I got is really delicious.
so my fiance and i just had a talk about alot of things, mainly how the house is literally a disaster, and i need to clean it. dont worry, we are ok :) but i need to start cleaning and picking up the house, espescially since i want to be a houeswife once he's able to keep a full time job that is substantial enough.
Is it albeit or arbeit? I forgot.
It might be arbeit, actually, because it probably comes from Latin arbites.
Embarrassingly the only way I remember the German word for work is because the Japanese borrowed it and it becomes arubaito so I don't remember if the r should become an l.
Let's look it up~
Arbeit it is.
You know I often make fun of Final Fantasy Tactics for screwing the name of high school level mythological figures up but I can see where this can happen now.
Is it Wigraf or Wieglaf?
Both sound kind of made up so who knows?
Man my brain just filled to the brim with fuck as the three foreign languages I kind of know were battling for supremacy over one word.
It means "to work" although in Japanese it adopts the meaning of working at a part time job specifically.
Because you really need a verb that specifically means that.
It also doubles as a noun.
Actually I guess the main purpose is a noun but you can make it a verb.
i love him to pieces, and to make our relationship continue to work i need to work on the house every day in the morning before work or before i do anything else. EVERY day.
Dutiful wife I guess.
It's kind of-- sweet or something I guess.
I don't know I'm not very good at complimenting people after four years of calling them stupid cunts and chucklefucks and everything else.
It means alot to him that i listen to him and clean, and i understand this. He means everything to me, and i have given him my word that i will clean each and every room , day by day.
So I suddenly find myself in a time warp to the 1950s.
On a completely unrelated note: look at this.
I am so fucking excited. The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak sounds like a place you might encounter Solomon Kane.
Also look at that baller jacket you can get. That is number one on my list of items to get.
Bet it's archer only or something queer like that. SE loooooooves to give the big middle finger to medium armor classes.
so after an extreme mixup, i went to see my psychiatrist who gave me prozac. ive been hearing about prozac for years, ever since britney spears took it. and no, i know what youre thinking.
I'm glad someone knows what I'm thinking because I certainly don't anymore.
it sounds pretty good, zoloft just wasent doing anything beneficial to my mood. at all. ive been really depressed and had alot of anxiety about my new job, mainly. im just not sure that its going to work out at walgreens. it dosent sound like full time, but it does sound like mainly overnight :/ i just dont feel like im generally good at anything, except writing.
If writing is what you're good at you must really suck at everything else.
and i hate being around people. i just dont want to keep failing ot of jobs. i feel like eventually im going to end up on disability. a part of me is starting to think that i have some sort of mental disability that the therapists and psycologists havent realized that i have yet. if the meds dont work, im in trouble. and its scary.
Come on tell me about your special power.
All you wack jobs think you have one.
scary thinking you could be fired again and scary thinking that you have a disability. 21 years old. and sometimes i wonder if im bipolar. I think i have bipolar 2. mood swings, constant depression, outbursts, with drawel from friends and activities. im always tired, i struggle coping with life, and i am paranoid, usually about people. paranoid about all sorts of things. i have very low self esteem, and i have severe anxiety. i just dont think someone like me belongs in a workplace.
You know I just want to hang out at my house, not get dressed and play video games all day.
I don't think I'm cut out for this work thing either.
and thats not me being lazy. i just dont think i'll ever be at a job for a substantial length of time. :'(
I'm definitely not being lazy either. I just would prefer not to work.
So pay me, US government.
ok, I have to let off some steam, because i am totally furious with myself. on my first day of work, i went home sick. granted, i felt like shit and then sme. the assistant manager seemed to understand, but he did also give me a look and said that i cant do this everytime i worked. which i thought to myself., duh i know. thats kind of insulting.
First day you're cutting out early. He's just warning you you probably have one strike against you and he's probably only giving you two strikes to begin with.
I didnt really realize that it was possible for men to have a low testerone level. I think that this was based on my core belief growing up as a child (and watching too much crap televison) that all men are sex starved lunatics. this is just not so. while i am a sex starved lunatic myself, my fiance is not, and this could be because of a low testosterone level.
Or maybe he's gay.
Or cheating on you with someone way hotter.
There are any number of explanations.
Now there's a really long post about ectoplasm and I think this basically qualifies for my "herp derp spiritual power" bullshit.
new york city is more than a place to me.
and when i lived there, my filthy converse hitting the sidewalk, sleeping in bunk beds, walking around manhatten, and wondering, what next?
being homeless was a good experience, its freeing, but its not what i want to do now.
And there's the homeless thing.
I swear I don't read ahead.
Oh and that's the first post, too.
That's really convenient because I was getting bored of this anyway.
THE THOUSAND MAWS OF TOTO-RAK. Hopefully that's the one that drops the cool jacket because I also see it's R25 so I can definitely steamroll that one solo.
Hoo-boy. Fuck blogging.
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