This blog is everything I've ever spoken about that's wrong with people and more.
We have all the signs: the black background with the birds flying in front of the moon, the "oh you have to be 14+ to read these deeeeeeeeeeep thoughts" the self-important bint who fancies herself a deep, free soul who has a child out of wedlock, cheated on her boyfriend and then wonder why literally everyone hates her.
I mean I could just copy and paste responses from previous entries and you'd never know.
In fact this blog is so familiar I wouldn't be surprised if I haven't already reviewed it.
She even does that thing of "I lost my inspiration so I left Livejournal and it has been two years since I last updated (because, you know, updating Livejournal really requires a lot of inspiration and dedication).
Also today's Writer's Block:
If you had a special power, would you hide it or share it with the world, and why?
Depends on the power.
I'm not even pretending like I'd end up a super hero, though. I doubt I'd be a super villain, though-- I'd probably end up like the Green Hornet.
Just kind of doing what I want.
If I had a special kind of power, I would hide it all from the world. Why? So I wouldn't be the center of attention, so I wouldn't be asked to do anything. I'd like to do it all on my own. Helping the world out piece by piece. I'd rather find someone that loved me for me with or without the power, and then tell them.
Or maybe I'd become supremely egotistical like Maxie Zeus and try to find someone equal to my GODLY FORM.
How the hell do I know so much about super heroes?
I don't even read comic books and yet I managed to name drop the Green Hornet and Maxie Zeus.
I just realized I do have a super power: precognition. I somehow know shit without knowing it.
If you were a cross-breed between two animals, what animals would they be, and why?
Did you know the Russians tried to crossbreed men with gorillas to create a new super soldier?
I am not joking. That really happened.
I'd love to be a cross-breed of a cat and a panther. I know they're of the same species but the both have different qualties. I'd have double the amount of lives one cat has, 18 lives ;)
Well, 19 lives because you also have one as a human.
I'd be able to sprint at various speeds. Climb trees, land on all fours, and live carelessly like a cat!
& I'd be able to 'puurrrr," ;)
Humans definitely can't run at various speeds or climb trees.
Hey wait--
Now here's an entry called "Robert;" which leads me neatly into my next point: this woman doesn't know how semicolons work.
thought about you alot today, talked about you and reminised about the good times.
I remember when you said you'd always be there, that you'd be my Guardian Angel,
well I'm in dire need of your affection. I call out for you in my dreams, please come
back, make me okay, make everything okay. Make me smile. I miss you.
That's what happens when you get mixed up with dumb cunts, Robert.
So I have a confession. I was seeing two guys before I got pregnant. One was my first love, and the other was an ex boyfriend. I slept with them in the same week.
I was 80% sure it was the ex boyfriends. Now my first love posted a baby photo of himself on facebook, and my daughter and him look alike. Red hair, same nose, and same eyebrows. I don't know what to think ..
Bastard children.
Ive got a bad feeling. My boyfriend had some stuff stolen from the house which was technically his friends, and since theyre really good friends, his friend thinks my boyfriend should go along for the ride to beat the shit out of this guy because it was stolen from our house.
Seems like a good idea to me.
Now, his friend is really dumb, naive and doesnt care what happens because he thinks he is so invincible, but we have a daughter at home, and if I lose my boyfriend over something to petty, than Im nothing without him. My boyfriend didnt even want to go, but his friend basically called him out.
The daughter that might have been conceived by a different party.
Or maybe this is yet another boyfriend. The previous entry listed one potential father as "ex-boyfriend" but since I always go in reverse chronological order maybe they broke up between entries but then again I can't imagine such a prime chance to bitch and moan would be passed up.
Although his so called "good friend" should understand that; staying at home with his wife and daughter are way more important than what theyre about to do.
Just going to jump some yahoo, baby. We'll be back before dinner.
- now when I say I have a bad feeling, I have a bad feeling and cannot avoid the ovbious. Something bad always happens. I got that sense in me. I dont know what to do besides sit here and wait ...
If only there was some sort of government organization that handled criminal affairs.
Maybe they could have people that rode around troubleshooting the complaints of the citizens and if they catch someone who maybe stole something they could take this person to a place where they had barred rooms or something.
Unfortunately to my knowledge no such institution exists.
Although proving you actually had something stolen is classically difficult so maybe handling this internally would be the surest and most expedient means by which to render JUSTICE.
; I haven't written on LiveJournal in over 2 1/2 years. I've kept a journal but I've stopped writing about a month or two before I gave birth. To be completely honest, I think I stopped writing because I lost my inspiration, the real reason why I wrote. I was on top of the world, who would have thought I would fall? Can you stop the free fall? Can you stop the screaming?
Also you may notice this paragraph of nonsense begins with a semicolon. That is not an editing error on my part: the sentence literally starts with a semicolon and there is nothing before it.
You might think it is somehow joining the title of the thing to the body but nope, the title is --.
I feel like I'm reading through a ROM with a hexviewer. Sometimes you find all sorts of crazy messages from the developers which are often written as poorly as these blogs are but while no human was intended to read these messages, here this sits, on display for the world.
If you're nerdy enough to have done something like that.
hey guys its been awhile since ive updated
but im doin good. its me an my bf's one yr anniversary :)
should be basically happily married :) its rather twisted.
Actually to correct my earlier statement that "I don't read comics" I have read one.
It's called Arkham Asylum and it was fucking hardcore, man.
It stars Batman and he goes to an insane asylum.
im wrkin at Giant Tiger haha.
still blazin. got my nose stuck in yayo.
ugh getting a tattoo.
For those of you blissfully unaware of the corrupted, low speech of the ignorant: "yayo" (or "yeyo" if you're not illiterate) is cocaine.
hopefully moving out of the parents house soon.
ugh thats bout it,,
loving life :)
peace easy
I guess so.
Here's an entry with dark purple (on a black background) font that is, I am not making this up, size .5. Additionally, it is underlined in light gray and the underscore is larger than the font.
Not even going to attempt to read this.
i guess i have known all along that
everything is about mind, body & soul ..
but i could never figure out what i was to do with it .
.maybe i was suppose to embrace it ..
lather it in .. drown in it .. something ..
i should know my mind in through out ..
What the fuck?
Ok just to give you an idea of what I put up with, I'm going to copy this entry exactly as she has it, so you get to experience the font and everything:
what do i think about .. who to think about ..
why do i think about it .. where to think about it ..
i should know my body and be comfortable
with my body .. no one is to judge .. i am flawless ..
i am beauitful .. i am desirable .. am i not ?
the only thing i am left with is doing some
when i dont know what questions to ask ..
how to go about it .. nothing along those lines ..
i dont even know how to start, where to start,
even yet why i am even wondering ...
Oh good, adding an underline to it. MY RAGE BURNS INCANDESCENT.
im a wreck ..
ive gone and spun myself out of control ..
but i thinks its going to be okay ..
the only thing left on my list is
> Gavin ..
>Implying Gavin
i want to get fucking stoned or really fucked up on pills ..
i need a hard drug ...
If only you'd overdosed.
yea .. well .. im kind of getting back into this ...
you guys have missed out on quite a bit but thats okay ..
its only me and my life ..
"missed out on quite a bit" being relative, of course.
.. yea well i dont want to be with my boyfriend no more ..
i don tknow him and he dont know me ..
we are two opposite people ..
hes outgoing, spontanious and just a wild animal ..
i cant control him ...
Because all healthy relationships are built on control.
And cocaine.
.. my best friend confessed his undying like for me ..
i love him with all my heart but ..
you know how it is ..
it just wouldnt work ..
or im just too stubborn and scared of
the word love ...
Well, hey.
If you got bad news, wanna kick the blues, cocaine.
When your day is gone and you wanna ride on, cocaine.
And what follows is:
entry with .5 font. Dark blue text, black background.
Entry with .5 font. Electric purple text, black background.
Entry with .5 font. Bright orange text, black background.
i got my first paycheck! wahoo! but yea.. this is my list
- new bong. or glass pipe.
- pair of black jeans.
- shoes.
-ummm ... dope !!
I am so fucking impressed right now.
Holy shit I don't even care anymore.
Time to do something else.
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