But I did find this and decided it needed my attention.
But I still quit.
I think I've quit before.
So 14+ to view, yeah?
Good thing I'm 14 or older. I almost wish I wasn't just so I could say "no, Lievjournal, I cannot view this" and then I wouldn't have to look at two men dressed like women kissing.
Wait, what?
Oh yeah.
This was linked in this blog if you care to click on the first entry and scroll through other images of effeminate Japanese men but I'm pretty sure that's the topper.
Heh, "topper" in a manner of speaking, of course.
I'm not sure is this gay?
Gay squared is what I'd call it I think.
I'm actually having trouble gathering thoughts currently trying to figure out the gender issues raised by two men kissing while dressed as women.
Best not to think about it.
so those who have me on facebook will know I've finally picked out my outfit for X. it involved trying on half my clothes before realising that the outfit i originally picked out was best. Not the original original one. My second idea one.
I like it and i'm sure i'll have pictures to show you after X.
ANyway I made the RADICAL decision to NOT straighten my hair.
I'm very proud of myself, incidentally, for not doing the picture comparison of "Japan then versus Japan now" thing that I've done like 15 times.
I think it'd be the most extreme comparison I've ever made.
Oh why not, let's do it for tradition's sake.
Two Japanese men interacting, 1948:

circa 2008:

I pretty much never go anywhere speical with unstraightened hair. I hate the waves but I think perhaps for this outfit the waves are my ally.
Oh right, you.
Problem is, i hate my hair in my face which happens when i wear it natural so I needed a clip or hairband to tie part back and I foudn the most awesome one in the chemist!
Want to finish out the comparison now?
Do the good ol' US?
America, 1971:

Greek myths contains some strange stroies. Just look at the creation of centaurs! First a man has sex with a cloud and then the son of that union has sex with a horse. 0.0
There's more to it than that but that's the gist of it. Just look up Centaurus on wikipedia. Here's i've done it for you.
Yeah that's pretty batshit but the stuff I just posted right above this actually happened.
I'll never EVER be able to look at Centaurs in the same way again!
Or the summon monster Ixion (from final fantasy) for that matter!
Or Ixion--
which is a horse made of lightning in Final Fantasy and a human in Greek mythology.
You've never actually played Final Fantasy or read any Greek writings, have you?
Here's a picture of someone named Gackt.
I think I've commented on Gackt before, actually.
I don't know much about Gackt other than he/she/it sings and was, horrifically, an inspiration for a lot of the later Final Fantasy outfits.
None of the good Final Fantasies though.
At least I think.
You know Emperor Nero may be on to a winning idea when he chopped of his wife's head and gave it to his girlfriend. Isn't that what any mistress wants? The wife out of the picture?
Back when men acted like men.
Wait, no--
1. What is my name?
2. How old I'm I today?
26 physically. Mentally, far from it!
Mentally you are half that at best.
How the fuck is it I'm younger than you and yet I've never written fanfiction?
Maybe I'm the crazy one.
45. What do I always forget that I have?
A brain. i often forget i'm actually kind of intelligent. Above average anyway. I just feel stupid in comparison to my sister.
So the last two days I've had some pretty clear rememberable dreams.
Hey me too.
The first was about meeting a friends boyfriend. It was a case of, I didn't like him but I couldn't actually say anything because he'd done nothing that you can really call bad. Just I didn't like him. Then a bunch of us stayed at this guys house over night and it was really difficult to deal with him.
But then in the morning when he and my friend were in the garden it turns out everyone else hated him too. The relief to find my hatred wasn't irrational was so nice.
Just a dream but the emotions were so real.
I had a dream there was a cow carcass my yard then when I approached it hornets were building a nest in its innards.
Not sure what that's supposed to symbolize outside of "deep mental troubles" but whatever.
6 more hours (and fifteen minutes) and I get this thing called a "day off". Not sure what they are anymore but it seems it's a day when I don't go to work. Don't get hassled by managers formally known as "Hitler", don't have to get up at 6AM.
I wish I had a job where I could spend all day on Livejournal.
Wait no I don't.
Also right now an origanl novel is forming in my brain, i really want to write it but i don't even have time for fanfiction right now.
It's a shape.
I also got Sims Medieval because I wanted a new computer game to play and al the second hand ones I wanted don't run on windows 7. (I won't risk buying them because the shop doesn't let you return open PC games).
Don't run on Windows 7.
I see.
The game is addictive though. Instead of making families you set up a kingdom and have quests to do.
Sounds kind of fun, actually.
Oh but it's the Sims so it'll be dumb as fuck.
So where to start?
How about Gackt XD
How about entry fucking over?
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