I know I am!
Norma Jeane Mortenson will always be remembered by her screen name, Marilyn Monroe. What stage name would you choose if you were an entertainer, and why?
I'm a big fan of Fist Rockgroin, actually.
Cadie Roberts. Cadie (pronounced Katie) because it is what my mom calls me and I love it. Roberts because Robert was my dad's name.
Cadie Roberts. Cadie pronounced K-T.
I don't even know what to say to this beyond "Cadie gives me douche shivers".
I'm getting really burned out at work. I've had overtime the last two weeks and two days last week we were so busy I never got to take a lunch. There is just so much that needs done and not enough time to do it in. I hate being bored so I really am not complaining about having things to do I am just tired. Especially since everyone other weekend I have to work on Saturday so I am not even getting days off to rest my poor brain.
You really think I care.
It's kind of cute, really. Writing all of these words and I couldn't give three shits.
Thankfully, I had all three days of this long weekend off from work. Don't worry, I still had plenty to do.
Amber picked me up from work Friday night, I helped her get the girls ready for their tee ball game, grabbed a quick dinner at Subway with Moriah and then went to the game. They were adorable and hilarious just like last time. After the game the whole family went out for ice cream. I didn't get any but I did sample what everyone else got. I stayed at my mom's house because I needed to be close to my cousin's house. Troy and I were riding with them to their nephews birthday party in the morning.
Oh what's this?
As a side note: the (one) review for this product is awesome in its own right. A JOURNAL HELPS YOU ORGANIZE YOUR EMOTIONS!
We left about nine and didn't get home until after seven.
A common problem when traveling through the Warp, I find, is that you arrive before you depart, and wildly off course to boot.
Oh God, I'm skipping this because if I don't I will die of old age before this entry ever ends.
What follows is about 900 pictures of her little girls I feel creepy even clicking on. Why would you post these?
I had trouble falling alseep last night so it was after 1:00 when I finally drifted off. I woke up around 1:30 feeling like there was a hairball in my mouth.
That happened to me once when I got new flannel sheets.
I pulled a clot of flannel the size of my fist out of my sinus that day.
I stuck my fingers in my mouth to try to get rid of this stupid hair so I can go back to sleep but when I looked at my hand it turned out I was holding a huge, stringy blood clot and not hair at all.
Fucking rad.
So I run to the bathroom and try to rinse my mouth out thinking this is going to stop in a few minutes.
Two and a half hours and a ridiculous amount of bloody compresses later, I drove my self to the ER.
Oh you're fine. Just blow your nose.
Of course, by the time I got there I had finally managed to get it under control myself and it was almost done but there was no way to know how much longer blood was going to continue gushing out of my face so I figured it was time to get some help.
>Under control
>no way to tell how much blood was going to continue gushing out of my face
>under control
>no way to staunch the flow of blood
Maybe I'm not much of a medical mind but what?
The doctor I had was an idiot. Like seriously. I am glad there was nothing more serious wrong with me because I don't think he could have handled it. Anyway, he stuffed the hole full of surgical packing and sends me on my way.
The hole in your face you call a nose?
Or your twat?
How does blood from your vagina end up in your throat?
... Maybe I don't want to know the answer to that, upon further inspection.
I like to imagine that's how Maxi-Pads were invented, incidentally:
And lo.
I was in and out in about 20 minutes. The packing, which was supposed to stay in the hole until it disolved fell out of my mouth by the time I reached my driveway (no more than 10 minutes from the hospital). That was a nice waste of my $125 copay.
Break down the acronym for me:
You were not experiencing an EMERGENCY and so therefore you didn't belong there.
So I went to Walmart to buy more gauze in case the bleeding decided it was going to start again. By that point it was only a trickle and not the flood it has been but I was not trusting my body to cooperate. Walmart took so much longer than it should have at 4:30 on a Sunday morning and by the time I got back to the house, changed back into my PJs and was relaxed enough to go to sleep it was 5:30. I woke up at 7:00.
This is a great story.
I have been fighting back completely unnecessary tears ever since I woke up to the bloody waterfall in my mouth last night.
It really freaked me out because it was so out of the blue. I have not had any bleeding since a few hours after I had the tooth taken out on Thursday.
Oh I--
Wait, you were surprised having part of your jaw removed caused bleeding?
What is it with you people and wisdom teeth stories?
Maybe my surgeon was a miracle worker but I came out from the drugs, passed out like twice, vomited and I was over it.
And it just seemed to last forever and there was no one I could confer with about the amount of blood. Was it really all that much or did it just seem like a deluge based on my lack of sleep and the fact that it was all coming from my mouth?
What's that other liquid frequently found in your mouth (besides sperm in your case, I mean)?
Eh, answer will come to me eventually.
I could have tired to wake up Aunt Carol or Uncle Gordie (since I was at their house) but I didn't want to bother them.
Oh right: saliva.
Can't imagine blood mixing with that, no.
Also I have pulled clots the size of my fist out of my nose before (weirdest feeling ever as it comes out) so I'd be really interested in hearing how large her clot was.
Here's a post entitled "More on Wisdom Teeth" so I am now left with the perplexing reality that the entry I just read was part 3 of this saga.
You know when some people write sagas they document the rise and fall of the Roman Empire or the life and death of Hrothgar Frostaxe or some shit.
This woman writes about her oral surgery.
I took the entire day off of work to go to this appointment. I suppose I should have gone to work in the morning for a few hours but my face hurt and I didn't sleep that well 'cause, ya know, my face hurt.
I seem to recall mention of spawn.
How are they doing raising themselves?
So we drive most of an hour to get to the oral surgeon who agreed to squeeze me in today. We sit in the waiting room for 20 minutes. I spend five minutes in the office with him, get a prescription for antibiotics because he is concerned about an infection, get a perscription for pain killers because he thinks I need them (even though I told him I did not want and would not use them) and get an appointment to come back and get the tooth removed. On June 20th!!!
How am I the only person who is concerned about the risks of leaving this sawed open tooth in my mouth for a month and a half?!
Oh you'll get over it. Blow your nose.
Not to mention that I really can't eat because I can't open my jaw wide enough to fit much in. I've been eating noodles and baby food and not much of that.
Well. Let me tell you about my troubles now.
They stopped making my paint thinner, this new Games Workshop bottle is shit, their ink range is still a bunch of fuck, I can't properly switch to Valejo because I'm trapped in fucking North Carolina and their response to Valejo is either "GW is the same" or "well we have P3" which no, it isn't the same.
Did I mention they stopped making Terracotta like 5 years ago?
Oh here we go, the thrilling first part to this saga.
When I went to have my teeth cleaned a few months ago it was decided that I need to have my wisdom teeth taken out. I made appointments to get them out in the dentist's office two at a time.
I selected the "all at once" model myself because I'M HARDCORE.
Oh, who gives a shit, I mean seriously?
Anyway I have some Warhams to paint and shit so I think I'm going to go do that.
The Emperor's Finest definitely don't build themselves.
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