But mostly I have to get up early. That's my real problem with all this.
Here's some whining cunt, I dunno.
Actually grinding puks for cotton bolls and wind shards isn't that bad. It's entertaining in a mindless sort of way.
What food would you never put in your mouth for any reason, and why?
Pretty much 90% of every kind of food I see.
i dont think i could ever eat a rats head.
I don't think that's a food.
in thailand its used to be a favorite street corner snack, until it was one of the causes of an ebola outbreak.
Spoke too soon. Adding Thailand to my list of "places to avoid" incidentally, Christ all mighty. If you eat rat heads you take whatever you get.
but besides that, i just dont think i could ever mentally stomach the idea of eating one.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say any part of the rat I can't imagine eating.
i think after hearing the crunching sound of the skull i puke up everything thats in my stomach
People of Thailand: I hear there's this incredible invention called the domesticated chicken. Look into it sometime.
Here's a posted called "losing it" and I had to agree about 5 times I'm 14 years or older. This is kind of unusual because the entire blog isn't like this, just this one specific post.
Can you imagine if movies were like this?
its been a long time again since we last spoke and im losing my mind.
I love it when bloggers say "since we last spoke" like I'm just knocking on her door on the internet.
"Oh hi, come on in and let me pour you some Kool-Aid and let's talk about my shitty blog."
i just dont know how to keep it together anymore. im fucking losing it and i feel like im either gonna hurt someone or have to be committed.
Hey, hey I agreed for some PG-13 content. "Fuck" is definitely an R rating.
im just fucking losing it and i cant get a grip on my mind anymore, fuck. i feel like putting my head through a wall and killing myself cause i dont know how to deal with anything anymore.
Well I see a "kill yourself" tag in your future.
just wish some fucking miracle would happen and save me from everything.
"The Lord helps those who help themselves" I believe the Bible says.
i dont think those fucking doctors were right about me not being bi-polar.
Fucking doctors giving me meds that take the edge off but don't do anything for me--
wow you are fucking crazy.
i was thinking about the band i wanna try out for and where that would go and i was also thinking about getting a job to make money and pay for things.
... Speaking of how crazy I am: the job I want.
I just got whiplash from that abrupt change of topics, Jesus.
You probably can't tell because of the way I chop the text up but this is the very next sentence. There's not even a paragraph break. Fuck, she even forgot the space between the period and the next word.
im having a hard time concentrating again. i got the music playing and the tv on to try and help keep me focused.
To ensure I can concentrate I have as many distracting things as I can surrounding me.
i work best that way being ADD.
ADD and bipolar. You are a mess. I have a novel idea: stop fucking thinking of yourself for ten goddamn minutes.
i just really dont know what to do with my life anymore. i wish i could just kill myself and make it easy or just fucking start all over again some way.
People who always talk about killing themselves never do it (I'm just trying to goad you into doing it).
i dont know how to deal with anything and i need my friends so bad. i just fucking want someone here with me or someone to fucking call me for a fucking change.
You know "fuck" only adds emphasis to a word so many times in a row before it loses its impact. You have to let it cool for a bit.
im thinking out of context again, wishing for a better dream in the future. some guy harassing me while im on a movie set about my father and i kick his ass and hold him for citizens arrest.
What the fuck?
Settle down now, wacky.
im trying to calm down and keep it together but its just so fucking hard to. i feel like i should just fucking give up on everything and die somewhere far away from here.
Also, note to future self: Wish You Were Here, So Far Away
im such a fucking cry for help and attention but i feel its always been that way.
Ho-boy. Yawn.
What a fucking whiny bitch you are, goddamn.
so last night i saw of picture of her kissing her boyfriend again. and just like that it set me off and i immediately got depressed and angry. thank god it wasnt as bad as last time but it was still pretty bad. it only lets me know how much she really does love him and then my skin starts to boil with hatred for this guy.
... Surely this isn't a guy?
i just want her back and i know shes never coming back.
No, I need assurance this is not a man.
i'll always be that guy to her.

just another page in her book. but shes forever burned into the back of my mind and on my heart and i cant ever get rid of the memory of her.
Time to get over it, pusscakes. I know she broke your heart but your goal should be to make her write this whining post about you instead of the other way around next time.
Also while I was digging through my image folder I found an early beta version of my FFXIV character (I know I'm the only person who cares but whatever):

She sure was dark back then.
I guess she's still a delicious brown color but definitely more red than blue now.
Also bintier haircut back then because I didn't know it was the archetypal bint haircut and I thought she just had bangs and it was shorter in the back or like some kind of pageboy haircut :(
Ah, those were good times.
i dont understand why its so hard for me to make and keep friends. why is this a problem that ive been struggling with all my life? its not fair at all!
Oh my God dude. This reads like Hope whining in FFXIII, I'm dead fucking serious. You are the whiniest person I've ever read on Livejournal and that is saying a ton.
im tired of being alone and i just want people that will talk to me and hang out with me! it that so much to ask for!?
Considering I'd fucking punch you if we hung out I think you're better off in isolation.
or better yet, how is it that my brother can make such could lifelong friends that he has and there have never been any problems with any of them.
Because your brother is a cool dude, apparently.
How the fuck is it I hate people and can make friends? Where did you go so horribly wrong, friend?
Oh right, I don't whine incessantly and at least try to be interesting and charming.
why is it so hard for me just to make so real friends? real and good friends? why cant i talk to my best friend more?
All right bro some fucking free advice: fuck friends, fuck all that bro shit, you don't need any of it. What you need to do is cruise on down to the motherfucking Olive Garden, find the most delicious (brown is optional) waitress and you need to make time with her.
i feel like im slipping away from him and maybe that he doesnt feel like we're best friends as much as we used to be. i dont know what would happen if i lost his friendship.
everything is always good when we're in person. but we cant just talk on the phone like regular people.
Most men I know don't talk on the phone like fucking women. They call, they make plans, and that's the end of it.
im just so fucking tired of always being alone up here and having no one to talk to. and im fucking tired of all the people up here that ive tried to be friends with. my fucking neighbors are still right next to use and i havent heard anything out of them for about 10 months now. some great fucking people they are.
Know how many times I've spoken to my neighbors since I moved here?
i hate always crying and being the emotional type lol
Oh my God dude, really?
lets see where to begin on this one. im not sure where to start myself. i just need to get this out cause it pisses me off.
I found the entire Skyrim theme song that they use in the trailer on its own in Mp3 format. You need to listen to it a few times I think, my good faggot.
It's about making blood oaths and fighting to the death and killing dragons and shit.
Just a little manliness to balance your otherwise pussy self out.
It's also 1:30 because it's modeled after old songs and back in the day they knew how to say what they meant and then shut the fuck up.
Something we should all strive to emulate I feel.
so apparently ive lost another friend...again. i hate the state of the way things are done in this world today. its all internet without any earthly human confrontation today. it leaves us all to be cowards.
Did you just accuse me of cowardice you mealymouthed worm?
I will fucking fight you over such an accusation.
hi its me again. its been a while since we've talked.
Hi, just me knocking on your door. Door to your house. House on the internet.
it started with my birthday. i was stuck here with no money and no friends to take me out on my birthday to have fun.
No one cares. Go to work.
i loathed the days upcoming to my birthday cause my past birthdays have been ruined by her.
Days leading up to my birthday are exciting. ANOTHER YEAR GONE, ANOTHER YEAR TO CONQUER.
Oh shit he just updated. This rarely happens so let's REWIND YO and read.
i dont really know how to start this but everything is just a mess again. im out at starbucks writing this time cause i think mom is gonna kick me out. im sorry that i cant control my anger but everything just continues to get worse here.
I can't control my anger nothing is ever my fault but other people are cowards ;_;
i had big plans to leave and go leave in texas with my grandparents but oh wait im guilible and he has alzhiemers and doesnt really have any money to help me out or put me through college.
Then you get student loans and you get a job and put yourself through college, goddamn.
just another stupid plan that fell through cause im too stupid and wont grow a fucking pair and just up and leave this place. and stupid fucking jen was supposed to call me last night and she even fucking promised that she would. i swear im never gonna be fucking able to trust people again. i know we've both been fucking playing games with each other but dammit a fucking promise is a promise.
Yeah. A promise is a promise. First manly thing you've said all blog but it was in reference to what someone else should do.
i think im getting ahead of myself again, feeling a little narsasistic but then again arent we all.
the only times i find myself not thinking is when im playing WoW now which ive got hooked on.
I enjoy this sentence for several reasons:
1. is anyone surprised this guy plays WoW?
2. playing WoW takes literally no thought at all.
Ho, ho, ho. I feel like I just got a look into the average WoW player's life.
she told me today if you wanna take off the just take off.
Taking my pants off, baby and when I do there can be no stopping THE PYTHON.
Hooo, goodness. I'm officially up to his first entry where his location is "his room" and his mood is "lonely :("
What a pussy, goddamn.
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