The ability she learned in that picture for hitting rank 30, inner quiet, sucks by the way. In theory it's supposed to raise the quality of the next synth you do (which is of dubious usefulness in the first place) but doesn't appear to actually work correctly so it's really useless.
Are there any subjects you either embrace or totally avoid talking about when you meet someone new?
I'll talk about anything because I'm just affable and charming like that.
Plenty! I hate subjects like: What's your family like? Are you single? Do you have an age limit when it comes to dating.
Well fortunately as a man I don't run into this problem ever but I am curious as to what kind of men you're talking to. Who asks shit like that? WOULD YOU DATE AN OLDER GUY BECAUSE YOU HAVE WONDER CHILDBEARING HIPS-- the fuck is wrong with people?
(usually asked by some rusty-looking, 30-year-old dude. Yuck!) Then of course there are those crude questions...I just hate any question asked about my life. Period. Oh...and of course...Can I have your phone number? (I'm extremely introverted and reclusive)
"Baby if I wanted your phone number I'd already have it."
I embrace simple questions like: What genre of music do you like?
Oh I love asking people that question.
Statistically likely response (based on own research figures [95% confidence interval]):
"I dunno I like all kinds of music, lol"
Woooow thanks for dead-ending this topic.
What do you like to do for fun?
"Umm I like hanging out with friends and listening to music (redundant after previous question) what about you, lol?"
What are your hobbies?
"Oh you know, I like to go shopping and talk to friends on Facebook (I'm such a nerd xP)"
What are your future goals?
>Simple questions
>future plans
Also the previous responses have played out for me so many times I don't even bother talking to people and I just assume I already know the answers to their lives.
I'm right more times than I'm wrong by a ridiculous factor.
I'm currently moving on to a new paradigm of categorizing people. It's sort of like how you can categorize books by genre even though within each genre there are several permutations on a similar theme or visual or concept.
I think, after identifying the prime archetypes I can trace the common traits and create a personality profile for the first humans ever.
What's your favorite thing to do on a lazy Sunday?
Okay this gets specifically into her hobbies, so let's see how much we can go on in a hypothetical dialog.
Sleep, write, watch anime/movies, sleep, write, internet, sleep...
So we have "write" twice, "sleep" three times, "the internet"once and we'll just compress movies and anime into a general "watching TV" category.
Considering "sleeping" is about as much as a hobby as "existing" or "breathing" we can just cut that right the fuck out so we're already down three things on a 7 item list.
In my experience most people are pretty guarded about what they write (or they sell it on future potential like "I'll show you some next time") so we can probably cut that out too, though I wouldn't categorically eliminate it yet.
"the internet" is so vague as to be useless so I probably wouldn't even ask, especially considering it probably boils down to "Facebook" anyway so the only thing one could ask her about is "well what kind of movies?" to which the response would be "I like all movies lol" (translation: whatever is popular currently).
Dammit it all to hell! I constantly feel like my life is just all one big fucking smudge of a blur! Everything passes me by and I'm just sitting right in the middle of it all...watching. Sigh. I'm like a ghost...a fucking appartion just drifting through nothingness.
Hell yeah. Being a ghost would be awesome.
There's no sky, there's no air, there's no light.
This sounds awesome. Transcending and turning into pure energy.
There's just darkness all around me.
Darkness and a whole bunch of bullshit constantly shooting me in the fucking face!
Shit this is hardcore.
Shit just melting from the shadows and shooting you in the face? "From nothing have I come, and to nothing shalt I return."
Oh how I long to be somebody else! I hate who I am. I hate me, I hate them, I hate everything!
And the entire thing is really just a primordial force that can assume the form of anything it comes into contact with but isn't really capable of intelligent thought as we understand it, it just does all of this shit because that's what it does.
It'd be like getting angry at a hurricane for tearing shit up. That's what it does, Christ.
That'd be an awesome villain.
I'm tired of existing...you know? I feel like all I ever do is listen to lies, watch people sneak out the damn door, and fucking scream at me for shit that doesn't make even the slightest bit of sense.
This is a really emo entry, but thanks for giving me an awesome idea.
Actually fuck you, I'm thanking myself. You had relatively little to do with it, really.
Maybe it's me. Is that it? Is it me? And if that's the fucking case then what's the purpose of my being here? Why the fuck am I needed?
Do you want the reality or do you want me to sugarcoat it?
The reality is you are unnecessary and redundant as there are several thousand people that are a close approximation to you.
I guess in a literal sense you could "be needed" to produce something or do some activity (which would invariably be menial) but in the grand scheme of things even that's redundant, especially in light of the fact nearly any of your thousands of close approximations could do the task effectively as well as you can.
No one fucking benefits from my being here. It's not like the world is gonna collapse because one person fucking disappears!
Yeah that's kind of what I was saying.
It's probably better that way, though, because if the world collapsed due to the lack of one person I'm guessing it would have collapsed a long time ago and let's face it, you (or me, or anyone reading this) probably wouldn't be that one person whose absence causes the world to collapse.
I'd give up everything to disappear. I wish I were deaf so I wouldn't hear their voices, I wish I were blind so I wouldn't see their faces!
Did I tell you guys what bullshit the R35 leves are?
The rewards are fucking rad on paper but there's no fucking way you can do them at rank 30, especially since two of the three I've gotten required a separate subcraft I don't have.
The start of every 10 ranks is incredibly awkward as you can't quite do the new leves yet but the old ones are way too easy and don't give the skill points they would have previously.
I wish I were mute so I wouldn't have to answer such retarded questions or talk to such ignorant beings
I was about to go on about my dumb FFXIV character but I suddenly had a rush of strange memories at her talking about being mute. Anyone remember that show John Doe and there was that weird cult that only spoke in sign language?
That show had a lot of potential but wasn't very good and then they canceled it.
Good premise ruined by Fox writers, I think.
I wish I was gone so I wouldn't have to stand in their presence and endure all of this.
Oh yeah, anyway: almost rank 31, though, so I'm hoping it'll alleviate somewhat. I (maybe foolishly) bought tawing training instead of glovemaking or cobbler training but I kind of figured with all the fur I was going to be making in the coming levels (because gigantoad skin is almost impossible to get reliably) tawing would probably come in handy but now I'm not so sure with most of the rank 35 leves revolving around gloves or shoes and I'll apparently need every advantage.
I hate people who always want something, but they treat you like fucking dirt!
I'm amazed people trade with me at all in FFXIV. I get these insanely one-sided deals constantly and people thank me!
I guess it really is as I've always said:
common birth, common man.
Also bizarrely people seek me out specifically to repair their leather shit now. I get tells from people I've never even heard of. I guess it's because I am apparently like 1 of 20 people that can repair half this shit but goddamn.
Oh, there are 171 people on my server 30 or higher.
That's not very many considering there are over 20,000 total.
But most of all....I hate the looks in their eyes. I hate the way they all look at me!!!
Eh, whatever. Love me or hate me, your money is all the same to me.
My Sony Walkman is here and it's awesome.
And it is the year 1982.
Gonna pop my Flock of Seagulls tape in and go for a walk--
I love it. Instead of downloading a measly 250 songs to it (like my lame Sansa),
You can now pop a tape in which contains an entire 12 songs!
Of course after song 5 you have to flip the tape over and after a while the tape gets a little old so the end of the one side starts to sound funny--
ask your grandmother.
I bought it in red because that's one of my favorite colors, besides black and purple of course.
Of course.
For the past two days I've had this strange headache that's been killing me. Literally....
I am literally dying from this headache.
Well, technically it's not a headache since it's in the back of my head...
>technically not a headache because it's in the back of my HEAD
>back of the HEAD ACHES
In fact, I hate "family" gatherings period. Drama always happens and somehow I always get caught up in the middle of it and take blows that weren't meant for me.
I love it when these bloggers play innocent. I can't be sure they're at fault because I'm not actually there but I'd bet money they're not guiltless.
I also miss the stars. I miss seeing so many in the sky. I remember that...as a child...I would gaze at them from my bedroom window and see that odd red, glowing light blinking on top of the water tower. They were so bright, so filled with life, and no matter what I had just went through it would soothe my nerves.
That light on the water tower actually isn't a star. It's a light that keeps low-flying planes from hitting it.
I think stars represent some sort of hope. I also believe that for all the billions of stars in the sky, each of them represents a person that has lived on this planet.
I think they represent balls of burning hydrogen and helium myself.
Then again, what if a star was some kind of guide?
Astrology? What's that?
I'm inventing this entire belief on the fly, here.
Suppose they're there to help guide you on some sort of path and it's possible to communicate with it and call upon its power?
I hate mankind. There's just no point in them.
Oh, uh-- wow, this entry sure has gone on a while.
Considering what follows is WRITER'S BLOCKS AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE I think that's it for today.
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