Today was trying because I had to get level 50 before today's update otherwise I wouldn't have this picture to post and as it turns out there's maintenance and woah! Too much shit going on.
But fortunately I made my deadline. My goal was to have level 50 by the end of break and even though technically break has ended I've had snow days since it ended. This is probably going to be a controversial call for people playing along at home but I'm awarding myself full points for this victory. I made my deadline.
But there's no time to stare at level 50 video game brown girls: we have HERESY.
Here is today's writer's block:
What's your favorite snack for a rainy afternoon?
I'm amazed at how many people answered "grilled cheese and soup" because that's pretty much my entire lunch for a cold, rainy day but then again I'm not fat so who knows?
Cheese. Sometimes on bread. I really like cheese. It is pretty much the most delicious food category I have encountered.
I applied for a job today scanning pictures & stuff. I am pretty sure I have a good chance of getting hired, cos it's been on the job board for like a month even though it's the first job listed. It's minimum wage, which is suck, but ya know, what can ya do.
Already I'm kind of sad my game is about to go down for maintenance. How else will I blow off having to read dumb, boring shit?
I'm taking Cryptography and it's gonna be SO COOL o.o though I do have ALL THE MATH on MWF mornings (two hours of math!).
>Complaining about math
>taking cryptography
Okay here's her next post and I'm going to leave it all together so you can get some insight into what I have to deal with on a tri-weekly basis:
Safely (and sleepily) arrived in Rochester.
I have FOUR classes tomorrow o.o
All unpacked (the advantage to limiting my stuff).
nurr I miss terry being MY fuz so much :< I am such a dumb why did I ever break up with him
I have acquired a tambourine! :D
I no has bamboo D:
I feel like I need to take cryptography to successfully interpret this. What the hell are you on about you fucking nut?
Also I just kicked a motherfucker from my linkshell for doing the "NO CAN HAZ LOLZ XD" bullshit. Don't think I can't kick you in real life.
ha so that 'drabble a day' thing din't last very long, did it? butts
solution: write moar!
Also looking at your display picture: are you sure you're not really a man?
She hates the graveyard shift most of all. The worst creeps come out at 3, 4 a.m. and leer drunkenly at her while they're buying their scattered groceries and snacks. One of them has gotten uncomfortably close, commenting lewdly upon her uniform.
What the hell am I writing?
Oh, a drabble, right. The lowest form of fiction there is. Let's see how much nonsense we can cram into 1000 words or less! Great in theory (I always appreciate brevity) but most people forget to have a point so whoops!
If he touches her... if he touches her... He touches her and quick as the blink of an eye she has his arm twisted up behind his back and he's on his knees and while she summons the police she reminds him, forcefully, that assaulting a security guard is serious business.
Is it? I thought it was about as serious as assaulting anyone. Also I'd like to point out touching someone falls under "battery" but whatever, fine.
When he tries to cop a feel on the officer who cuffs him, she adds sexual harassment to the list and feels relieved as he leaves in the back of a car.
See you can't do that. "Running out of room, just cut to the end."
Here, let me write a drabble:
once upon a time,
the end.
Fuck yeah.
Wow there are more of these. I'm not reading this.
All right maybe one more.
Sometimes she listened to the voice in the back of her head. yes good When she did, although her friends avoided her, she felt better about herself for a little while. i'm good, i will be rewarded and i deserve it Never mind that she didn't understand what she was doing; it felt good. i should go to the pub, and find someone who looks like they understand Still, she didn't understand why the people who looked like they would understand her always lurked in the shadows, almost as if they hid. yesssss, talk to them Well, what the hell.
Let me just vomit up as many words as poorly as possible.
Seriously what the fuck was that about? Are you purposefully trying to piss me off?
happy birthday to meee
sorry, general existential malaise means you don't get an actual post
>actual post
>here's a post
Why bother?
"Gee gonna make a post on Livejournal, might as well make sure it's shitty."
I see a lot of writings around that either point out or take for granted that sexism (in particular the idea that women are less interesting or less important than men) is pervasive in popular culture and much of the time I can't see it very well unless I squint real hard... but then I think about the Bechdel Test. And I go "wait wtf is goin on here".
The Bechdel Test.
That's what I do when I write, incidentally: I make sure to focus on word count and tests. That's how I know I've TRULY CREATED A MASTERPIECE.
For the unfamiliar, a work of fiction will only pass the Bechdel Test if:
1. It has at least two women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man.
Last story I wrote:
number of female characters: 0
Sorry when you have badass fucking knights choking people out there's not a lot of time to listen to women whine about their periods OOOOOOOOOOOOOH SHIIIIIIIT YOU JUST GOT ICED.
You'd think this would not be difficult.
But think about it for a minute.
Let's see, The Odyssey fails I'm pretty sure because there are a lot of women characters but they don't talk to each other specifically so--
I'm not sure why that's important, come to think of it. There are plenty of women in that story who talk about other things. Why specifically to each other? Wouldn't a test truly looking at the equality of women want to see women speaking to a variety of people?
The Inferno-- actually The Inferno also fails because most of the time the characters are speaking specifically to Dante, a man.
The Count of Monte Cristo passes, however.
Or wait, does it?
Well, there's a point where a girl talks about her father's business, does that count?
Sorry Homer, Dante and Alexander Dumas, you're not good authors according tot he Bechdel test. I know you had several hundred to several thousand years of "classic" status but I need to pull your cool club cards now.
I have just finished reading Catherynne Valente's newest book, released yesterday, The Habitation of the Blessed, volume one of a Dirge For Prester John.
Those of you unfamiliar with the story of Prester John can view an entertaining summary here.
Sounds stupid. You're stupid.
I read in order to escape the world. I want the world I read about to be one where everything will be set right in the end. I want the good guys to win, and I want the world to not be irreparably made less (less happy, less fantastical, less magical) because of the events of the story. I want a happy ending. These are the kinds of books I read, and read again, and love.
This is not that kind of book.
Am I the only person who just likes convincing endings? Happy or no is unimportant as long as it makes sense.
How's that for a test? How many books have a truly satisfying conclusion?
Think about that instead.
But I have read it, and will read it again, even though it hurts my heart. I will read the next book, and the next, even though they, too, will almost certainly tear up the roots of the world as I want it, so much, to be: kind, and fair to heroes, and unfair to villains.
And I love it, because it is beautiful and harsh and fantastical and because it cuts at me in a way that I can bear, that is not painful until I stop to think about it.
>good always good
Your head would explode if you saw Warhammer, goddamn.
Who are the good guys in Warhammer?
I guess it's technically the institution with a functioning inquisition that kills untold billions of innocent people on a regular basis simply because they suspect there might be some bad people mixed in.
There are no heroes, no villains, only people who desperately need to believe they are doing the right thing, even though they don't understand the world upon which they have stumbled, and who, in their ignorance, will cause the world to change,
Oh, so it's like real life.
Fuck that book, then.
Have you ever closed the door on an opportunity or a relationship in order to open another door, only to realize
you made the wrong choice? If so, how has it impacted your life?
Man, are we writing a test question or what?
On one level, definitely yes. Abandoning Terry for Adam seems, right now, to have been the absolutely wrong choice. I miss him terribly, my emotional stability is compromised, as a result my schoolwork is compromised, and all around it feels like a really crappy situation. At the moment that's the only thing I can pinpoint as feeling like the wrong choice... but during the beginning of my relationship with Terry, for instance, I thought that dating Andrew had been the wrong choice.
Wait-- who's Andrew?
So we have Terry, who she wanted (wants?) to be with, but she's with Adam, but while she was dating Terry she thought dating Andrew was the wrong choice-- I guess the "but during..." part throws me because "but" usually sets up a contrast and in this case just further shows why she thinks Terry was "the one".
This is also further proof that people will do whatever they think at that second and then justify it later in their own minds, future ramifications be damned.
On another level... We are not given to know what would have happened. I think that ultimately none of the crappy experiences in my life have been enough to permanently weaken me, if I do not choose to be weakened.
Oh my God, really?
Someone taking personal responsibility on Livejournal?
Am I really reading this right?
I have my first rehearsal for Emperor of the Moon tonight and a math test tomorrow morning at 8 am, so naturally I'm procrastinating on my homework by going on LJ.
the Emperor of the Moon--
Well, same Emperor as the one on Earth, I guess. THE EMPEROR OF MAN.
Of course in Warhammer we use proper Latin terms for planets: Luna and Terra, respectively.
Linguistics, as always, is non-negotiable, because I really really enjoy linguistics in general. Language is awesome; my brain runs on language.
Just your brain, though. You invented language.
We've been grunting at each other up until you came.
Should've done this a while ago. Unfortunately, I've been kind of in a state of mental/emotional upset for quite a while.
I wrote and performed a solitary Fall Equinox ritual at ~2:30am, Sept 23d.
God, what?
I did the ritual in my room, with illicit candles, because it was really the only place on campus I would feel safe doing any kind of rite.
I tried to adhere to the Core Order of Ritual. The culture was basically Roman, as I called on Janus as the Gate-keeper and Discordia as my patron, but I didn't really do a seasonal offering or any other gods-of-the-occasion.
Yeah you fucked up. Just invoke ZEUS THE ALL-FATHER and be done with it.
I know he's not technically "Roman" so just call him Jupiter if it makes you feel better.
All I gave in offering, which I gave for every piece of offering, was what wound up being around half a bottle of beer.
I don't pray to Zeus, though.
Adam's got a girl now who isn't me (only the past few days, else I'd have to hurt him). :/
Adam, playa.
Part Of Brain 1: I've liked Adam since last October or thereabouts; I can wait a little longer.
POB 2: I want a boy who'll give me affections NOW, not in two months. :|
You should hook up with me. I'm affectionate.
Just kidding not interested in lady bros. Ha, ha, ha.
"[T]he word 'medium' has a special aura to it. It evokes dozens of rich images, among them these:
The middle, or:
something by which something else is transmitted (as in a fluid medium).
Also, see also: medias.
I guess that is rich!
a wrist-flick pulse snaking its way down the twisty coils of a horizontally suspended Slinky;
Err, if you say so.
glittering circular patterns of ripples passing silently through each other on the windless surface of a pond; sound waves emanating from a sharp snap of the fingers and propagating through the air as ever-growing spheres; a series of red flashes zooming countercurrent down a jammed freeway when one alarmed motorist slams hard on the brake and in a long wake behind, as predictably as toppling dominos, one car after another reacts in like fashion; quantum vortices
We call this "purple prose" in the business and it's a sure sign you fucked up.
Oh fuck me, this is a quote from someone. Shut the fuck up you bag of wind.
Here's her Lughnassadh ritual (isn't that the noise you make when you sneeze? [haven't I already made this joke somehow?]):
We did the ritual at the fire circle out behind the First UU Church of Ann Arbor at, oh, 1 am. G'damn, we are persistent. (Barbara had just moved into her apartment today.) The ritual was roughly Celtic and was ADF-style. We even had the Core Order writ down, and Barbara had to keep crouching by her lantern to read it.
The three of us each took a part of the purification - David land, I sea, Barbara sky. Then I initiated the rite by playing a lil tune on my recorder. We honored the Earth mother by sort of saying hi awkwardly, since we hadn't really brought anything for her.
I just made a deal with Zeus: I wouldn't do anything douchey like this in his name and he wouldn't ask me for anything.
Works out well.
I invited the ancestors (of blood and spirit),
I dunno what you're on about but this sounds like heresy to me.
Current, inevitable conclusion about The Michael Thing (so now I can shut up about him for another ten months): there are 25 gazillion reasons that, even if we were able and he was willing, I should not pursue him, mostly to do with decommissioning old, emo-ful neural pathways.
What the fuck?
Am I the only person who asks a girl out and when she says no I just say "welp" and that's the end of it?
Terry was like 'are you overanalyzing?' and I was like 'well, my conclusion is both unpleasant and emo-minimizing, so probly I'm thinking somewhere around the right amount.'
"No, fuck her. She'll never know what she said no to."
Why? Because my boyfriend is probably not capable of being in a relationship with a girl who is poly.
Who is what?
Ugh, forget it. I ended up doing something else for an hour and now I've lost my spot.
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