Welcome to a law major.
Oh, also: today's writer's block.
How would you describe your ideal romantic partner in six words?
Delicious brown or yellow girl.
One extra word.
Patient, respectful, mellow, intelligent, cultured, and cuddly.
Oh yeah yeah anyway onto more important things: FFXIV. I found a flowchart that summarizes the FFXIV and indeed any RPG experience:

The question is do I sell the 70 of the item I don't need?
There's such a pack rat mentality in these games. IF I THROW IT AWAY I'LL NEED IT IMMEDIATELY and it sounds like fucking crazy talk but I've been burned by that exact situation more times than I can count.
Classes started yesterday. I think my MWF mornings (American Legislative System, then Ethics) are going to be my favorite part of the semester. You know, minus the whole "being awake in the morning" thing.
Ethics. What would filth like you know about ethics?
Lawyers don't understand ethics, they know ethics. There is a huge difference.
When you look at a book I'm sure you see the weight of the paper and the quality of the material before you see the actual words on the page.
I may have pulled out all A+s last semester, but aside from Saturdays in Bryant Denny, I wasn't having the kind of fun that I wanted.
They are pretty much mutually exclusive categories.
I hope to be an attorney someday, and even though I'm only a college sophomore, I've gone on a researching spree tonight for large law firms in the Atlanta area.
My two most important qualifiers in a choice: insurance litigation practice and domestic partner (NOT just spousal, nor only same-sex DP) benefits.
Domestic partner benefits. That's good. You get the double whammy that way: you get to create and leech off a bad situation.
Also your kind is the reason insurance is as crazy as it is.
With a high success rate (and high starting salaries) in tow, I think it's an understatement to say that I'm excited about my future.
Excited about my future of producing nothing, thanks.
I hate this cunt.
Admittedly, I have yet to "come out" as several things; however, some are more pertinent than others, and I decided it was time to let my parents know that they shouldn't be expecting children from me.
Well at least you're opting yourself out of the gene pool.
So far, things haven't been so hard. I dread the day I have to announce my convictions to my partner's parents, but that doesn't need to happen for years to come. Hopefully I'll be fixed by then, so there won't be any argument.
Gay guy?
Who the fuck cares, goddamn.
A few weeks ago, it was finals week. I slept in until 10:30 after cramming the night before and woke up to get coffee with my best friend before she left town for the semester. As I pulled on a sweater, I had the realization:
The rest of my life could be exactly like this.
Ok, maybe I can't take finals for the rest of my life, nor can I sleep in every single day. However, I can sleep in on weekends and go meet my friend for coffee on a whim. I don't have to get permission. I don't have to make special arrangements.
See what I mean? And she'll continue to do this by suing insurance companies. Her freedom and everything she enjoys in life is parasitic.
Meanwhile people can't afford insurance at all because of nonsense like this but OH FUCKING WELL.
I was only recently made aware that having children is optional. I know, I hear it all the time: "For a smart girl, you don't have much common sense."
Oh you hear that all the time, do you? I guarantee you've never heard what I'm saying about you right now.
I'm aware. I operated under the assumption that having kids is "just what you do" for 19 years.
It is just what you do, though. It's biology.
Don't interpret that as me advocating people should have children, though. Most absolutely should not.
I assumed that I would do it too. I never really put any thought into how I would be a proper parent on an attorney's schedule, nor how I would fulfill my dream of going to every Alabama game for the rest of my life around a child's needs; I just assumed.
I have to give her some credit: at least she considered the kid.
I'm still not buying any of this. She'll probably decide she wants to pass on her glorious genetics to the future and not raise the bastard. Great.
Recently came the fun part: discussing my realization with my partner. I acknowledged that his reaction could mean we couldn't be together for life, and I'm not going to pretend that losing him would be a glancing blow.
I seriously cannot tell. Using the term "partner" would seem to imply a gay couple but-- no, she said "smart girl" before so presumably this is a girl.
Or are you one of those that thinks the term "woman" implies some sort of submissiveness on the part of women so you refuse to use anything but absolutely gender neutral terms?
Oh God, no.
As always, he was understanding, if a little confused. He seemed to want to listen more than inquire.
He was probably thinking about sex while listening to you prattle on about dumb bullshit.
While my partner seems to be a milder problem, his mother is another story. From what I understand, she's infertile, but wanted children. Because of this, she adopted my partner and his sister from Eastern European countries.
WE ARE GOING BACK TO CZECHOSLOVAKIA-- I already did this joke.
Family is a huge part of her life; her Facebook says that being a mother is her biggest accomplishment. Her Facebook also reveals other things... A refusal to acknowledge me by name despite being her son's partner since junior year of high school, a special level of cattiness toward her coworkers the likes of which I've never seen, and a seriously Southern Baptist outlook.
I really care about whatever the fuck it is I'm reading.
So now I'm back to my proverbial rack here: is this a guy or a girl? Maybe it's a guy who dresses up like a girl?
Transgendered person?
"Gender confused"?
I deeply fear her reaction to the fact that her son will not have children - even just the reaction to him not having biological children. I fear insulting her by refusing to make use of a perfectly good uterus.
I suppose this very long, very tangent-y post is to say that I'm thinking a great deal about my choice to be childfree lately. My certainty is about as effective as my superb birth control.
How would you talking about being child-free (not a compound word, idiot) be "tangentially related" when your entire post is about not having children?
I don't think I will ever rule out the possibility of a mind change, but I am not doing so to comfort others; it is for me, for the reassurance that I am in control of my decisions at all times.
This is why I'm never marrying a girl who speaks English. She's going to have to have all these crazy thoughts in a language I can't understand.
In fact, no, fuck that. She can speak English but she's going to be so AMAZED THAT I BROUGHT HER TO A COUNTRY WITH CLEAN, RUNNING WATER she'll never pull this dipshit stuff on me.
Goddamn what a lawyer move. All this conviction but "I reserve the right to change my mind" like, what, educated people never change their minds? No, it happens all the time. You just put that wiggle clause in there to later avoid having to say you were wrong. You are the definition of a coward.
I think biological is out of the question for good, but from time to time I like the idea of taking in a teenage foster child and sending him/her to college on the fortune I would have spent on diapers, or offering to board foster children who were kicked out of the system at age 18 with nowhere to go.
Oh yeah, all your ill-gotten money spent on a worthy cause.
Jeeeeeeeeeeeesus Christ.
I have a tumblr, and as much as I like that blogging format, I don't feel like I can talk about the serious stuff on there. It's a more a place of funny and attractive things for me, so I need a place for the ugly to go when it needs.
So, here I am.
Ooooooh a pretentious Tumblr girl.
Hipster bitches, all of you.
I'm a student at the University of Alabama. I absolutely adore it here. I'm currently majoring in both Political Science and Criminal Justice; I'd also major in History and English if I had the time in my scholarship.
Major in engineering and build something.
Someday I hope to attend law school and become an attorney.
I grew up outside of Atlanta and love the Southeast, despite its Bible-beating tendencies. Speaking of, I consider myself somewhat of a Christian, albeit not nearly as devout as I once was.
I bet you have an annoying Southern accent too fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
I believe in ZEUS.
I believe in a higher power and I follow Christ's "love one another" message the best I can and don't worry about the nitpicky stuff, so take that for what it is.
I'm a pretty outspoken feminist and liberal. Absolutely pro-choice, pro gay rights, pro taxes on the ultra-rich, etc.
Corinthians 14:34-35:
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
I'm not gonna make a huge deal about this since you said you don't focus on the "nit-picky" parts of Christianity but that is a quote from the apostle Paul, one of Jesus' "elect".
I have a partner with whom I've been exclusive for a little over two and a half years. He's patient and understanding, loves cats, and doesn't get on my nerves; he's pretty much the ideal human being with whom to enjoy life.
Yeah, about that. Why "partner"?
Unless they're business partners, but-- no.
I have stretched ears (half-inch) and one tattoo (with my next hopefully to come in the next few weeks).
Oh, very attractive.
I have terrible nearsightedness, but awesome glasses more than make up for it.
My favorite family members are covered in fur.
And a furry. I found a real winner here.
I suppose you can expect this journal to be on any of the above and more. If you read all that, you deserve a medal...
Just pile that next to my other extensive honors earned in battle against douchebaggery. A true Space Marine cares not for accolades and ranks. I am just thankful to do battle against the enemies of Man.
Also I'd like to take this time to amend my earlier writer's block answer. I feel "I want a girl not accioalabama" would be a more accurate answer.
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