But no, like everything real life when compared to fiction, this turns out to be incredibly boring:
Do you believe society will ever truly overcome racism?
>Implying "society" is a collective entity
And the answer is no regardless.
Improve? Hopefully. Completely overcome? Doubtful. Society has always made a massive deal out of physical attributes, and skin color has always been one of the physical attributes where people tend to get more dramatic over.
Like them DBGs, man.
If humanity doesn't go extinct soon, in hundreds to thousands of years I do believe that the days of white supremacy will eventually come to an end.
What about black supremacists?
Yes, contrary to what I was taught in pussy sensitivity, black people can be racist.
For instance whoever is the new majority in the future in the US... Yes they will likely be the new ones oppressing everyone else. I do hope white supremacy does eventually fade away, in spite of the fact that I think we'll always have problems with racist supremacist groups from whoever the majority/richest group currently is.
All right shut up I get it. You're just saying the same thing over and over.
Disturbing cause well obviously explained in the name of the link. Interesting because I wonder if something similar but different, with positive as opposed to negative results could be done.
Cool sentence you have here. This, by the way, is in reference to scientists using magnets to turn off peoples' moral judgment centers in their brains.
Logically the "opposite" of 'off' is 'on' and it's on usually (in theory, anyway) and so scientists wouldn't have to do anything with magnets to get people to behave according to that part in their brain.
What she probably meant (because she is an idiot after all) is if scientists could use magnets to create people with a greater morality and the answer to that is obviously no. There is no objective morality, you dumb cunt.
Perhaps something similar but different could be done for things to help chronic low self esteem? On one hand, I'm afraid this might be abused.
Chronic low self-esteem, morality-- these magnets are fucking magic. They can just fix every problem you have.
Insane Clown Posse I take back everything I said. Magnets are indeed miracles.
I'm afraid of this being used on people against their will. Of people being pressured to have magnets to alter their brain when they don't really want it.
Maybe you read a different article than I did but these magnets just disrupted the flow of neurons. Once the magnet was removed you went back to business as normal.
I mean I can't be sure but you did link it and I did read over that paragraph of text so I'm pretty sure there isn't a part i missed.
Or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.
Ha, ha maybe. I dunno.
Funny that the medication I was on for my wisdom tooth removal didn't seem to have much if any mental or emotional effect on me.
Pain killers tend not to alter your mood?
Huh that's really weird. It's like they designed the medication for that specific purpose or something.
That's what I was told would happen.
So when a doctor tells you something about a medication it typically happens? What a time to be alive!
I was off Tylenol a day afterward. YOU ARE WORTHLESS AND WEAK.
You know what had an effect on me? I tried to prevent it but somehow my MSN messenger became updated.
Oh yeah, sing it sister.
That new Messenger update is a step back in every category that counts.
It irritated me cause the new layout severely disoriented me. And between everything that's been going on I feel really surreal.
All right I will give it to MSN: "surreal" is not a word I would have chosen to describe it. Perhaps "so bad it's surreal" but not actually surreal.
Random question: Does anyone know if there's some list on the internet somewhere with every IRC that exists, or is that simply not possible?
Considering there are hundreds of thousands of IRC channels, some of which are private, I kind of doubt--
What about one with almost every IRC? I did google searches for "Irc channels" trying to find something with thousands of results, and didn't find anything.
I can't really go to the old one anymore, can't say it's name for security reasons. I feel a strange mixture of being overstimulated, while somehow feeling stuck.
What's happening?
My biological parents don't completely understand my situation, I don't expect them to.
Oh God incoming confusion.
What is your situation? You're completely normal?
Please, for once.
I wish they could understand that I don't consider my attraction to women a heterosexual thing, and I wish they could understand why I don't want to date HETEROSEXUAL women.
Oh God no.
So, what, you're a guy, really?
Wanting to date lesbians?
At least my father remembered, and brought up once talking to someone who knew a trans lesbian. Though he was confused by it.
Confused by this? Fuck.
And I was asked if I wanted to wear dresses. My response was that "It's kinda stereotypical to assume a dress is what I want to wear". Sometimes I wish I had more feminine clothes, but I don't want to wear a dress.
Should have I mentioned that I dislike how dresses hide the shape of the legs?
Your shapely, womanly legs-- fuck off, I mean goddamn.
This shit is confusing enough and then you get all indignant when people attempt to understand your nonsense. KIND OF STEREOTYPICAL-- well fuck me for being curious.
I guess that in itself isn't a big deal, I guess I appreciate my biological parents at least being open to the possibility of separating gender identity from sexual orientation.
Here's my new idea for a scorecard:
you are biologically a: man woman
wanting to be a: man woman both
wanting to date a: man woman both
Everyone knows I need a therapist that's not judgmental at all, and particularly a very understanding/knowledgeable one. My father mentioned wishing we could find a specialist. He is worried that my autism, combined with my attraction to women is going to give me problems finding an understanding therapist or something along those lines.
In other news: You know how I always seem to subtly notice being a stare magnet sometimes? Well...
Yeah when a guy wears a woman's clothing you're going to get some looks.
Oh some guy just followed him around the store who the fuck cares get over yourself--
and that's the first entry, awww. New to this blogging thing, I see.
Well I have nothing better to do so let's pad this entry with captain writer's block.
Here's his (her whatever who even can keep track at this point) answer to the previous writer's block about racism:
Sadly, by the way things are now, I don't think society will ever truly overcome racism.
Racism can be brought on by parents influencing their children with it, and causing them to spread it and so on. But racism can be developed in a person through a bad experience or experiences with a certain race that leads them into racism.
Just ran into a retainer on FFXIV named Qubeley and I'm suddenly reminded of something awesome and totally unrelated: Gundam. Let's talk about Gundam instead of this fuck.
Qubeley was a mobile suit from Gundam for those HIDEOUSLY UNINFORMED ABOUT GUNDAM.
Now this person plugged some of their brilliant writings into that website that tells you who you write like and they write like Gertrude Stein, who wrote some fuck.
Incidentally it said I wrote like Mario Puzo (who wrote The Godfather) or H.P. Lovecraft so I clearly have it going on.
And here's what they have to say about Gertrude Stein:
...who is that?...
If you were to write your autobiography, what would be the title?
"Holy Shit, What the Fuck and Other Incredible Tales"
If i wrote my own autobiography I think the title would be; "Written In Pen."
This is because my life is written in pen, I cannot erase to go back, I just keep writing.
DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP no I like my title better.
I cannot see myself writing my own autobiography, I feel like I might end up glorifying or undermining myself in some way.
As opposed to AUTObiographies written by OTHER PEOPLE. Dope.
I wonder who would read my autobiography if it was published.
No one.
Would it become a mandatory English reading book in a school somewhere? I really wonder...
Considering your favorite form of punctuation is the ellipsis and you forget to capitalize "I" a good 66% of the time I'm guessing that it will not be very popular.
Remember the "what's your favorite rainy day snack" question?
I find this question kind of odd.
Not every question is odd, brosef. This one seems pretty pedestrian to me, actually.
Also my game decided to crash so here I am, giving this my full attention. Go me.
Oh and of course I reach the end of this blog too immediately as that happens. Fuck you, bloggers. The one time I want you to drone on you shut the fuck up.
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