Monday, October 5, 2009

Don't tease the octopus, kids

Yeah baby, samurai level 27 to 30, warrior level 36 to 39 (!), dark knight level 1 to 10, dragoon level 4 to 10. This weekend was a very productive weekend in every category that matters.
Oh right, the real world. Well, unsurprisingly, there's still douchebaggery afoot. I confirmed this the moment I stepped into class today. Here we have Mistressdeath (groan).
First thing you'll likely notice about this blog is that it's crazy randum xD, the highest form of humor, at least according to Socrates. Plato. Whoever.
Brian: If there are any rewrites of the KJV it should be like The Bible and Ninjas, like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
me: YES! Really, Vampire Jesus sort of makes sense. Rising from the dead, all that. And now they can make a film version where he sparkles.
Brian: Well that's what's so special about Jesus, he's both a zombie and a vampire.
me: I wonder if he ate Judas' brains. That would be a sweet plot twist for the movie version.
Brian: bible REMIX
me: ::record scratching sounds::

So randum xD
I am concerned because I put my last name in a friends-only post, and obviously I don't want that post to become public. Smart people of the internets, I humbly request your help.

Yeah someone is totally e-stalking you.
Ha, ha people treating the internet like it's real life. Don't post your last name on the internet, people, come on.
In fact, I think the more integrated minorities (sexual or otherwise) are into the world at large, the more everybody else is forced to see real people instead of stereotypes.

Oh hi class I thought I just left (went home to get away from, in fact) I see we're still having this conversation.
Yeah apparently people look and think differently than I do.
It's pretty sad that one of the few places in the suburbs that facilitated that is now discriminating against a segment of its patrons.

Now, back to the previously-scheduled program: trying not to puke my guts out all over the place.

During a convoluted discussion about BJ Novak from "The Office," Jon decided that my new nickname is "Hand Job." I don't think he's really thought this through. Giving your wife a nickname like "Hand Job" sends a certain message to the world, one that maybe he doesn't want to send. Hmm. Maybe I should nickname him "Donkey Punch."

Your nickname is really the measure of your worth as a person. While you have nicknames like "Hand job" and ""cumdumpster" or whatever, people like Frank Nitti have nicknames like "The Enforcer", the title of a fine Clint Eastwood movie.
I know Frank Nitti was dead before Clint Eastwood ever made a movie, but it still gives me pause for thought.

The camera and the computer finally decided to work together and allow me to upload images.

Computers are sentient and this is how it works.

For our cotton anniversary, I had these shirts made into a quilt.

Excuse me?

Even though two years of marriage doesn't sound like very long,

No there is no "even though". Two years isn't that long.
it's still a milestone. The fact that two people as stubborn as we are haven't killed or maimed each other by this point attests to our deep and abiding love.

I predict a long, healthy marriage.
On a day like today, when the temperature is more or less perfect for enjoying a cool breeze off the lake, there's no good reason to be inside anyways.

Also, au contraire, there's never a good reason to be outdoors.
Jon was able to meet me for lunch today at Nine Muses, before I went to the museum, and we ate quickly enough that we had time to walk in the park by Old St. Pat's.

The name of a pretentious restaurant where pretentious people eat.
Still though, correct. There are only nine muses.
We held hands on the path while I crunched mustard seeds that were stuck in my teeth and he told me about patching servers, and while I don't really know what that is, I was happy to listen.

I DON'T REALLY KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS, GUYS. Look it up, son of a fuck.
Now there's a post about having wisdom teeth out. Heh, enjoy that, primitives. I get to keep mine.

Hello, people who talk about "The Mexicans."

I have news.

You know "the Mexicans" you talk about all the time? As if they're all going to connect together like Transformers and form one Giant Mexican?

I'm detecting butthurt.
Also before you proceed: in my world, any comparison to Transformers, no matter how obtuse or supposedly negative, is a compliment.
Oh, unless, of course, it's in reference to Michael Bay.

Go look at a map of Mexico. No, really. Go look.

O--okay, what am I doing, exactly?
I know this doesn't actually apply to me because frankly I could give a shit about Mexicans or any other sort of immigrant, but I'm piqued.
Do you see how big Mexico is? I know you like to think the USA is OMG BIGGEST COUNTRY EVAR!!1!

Also: the US is a lot bigger than Mexico, so I'm not really seeing your point.
because bigger always equals better. Mexico is really big, though.

According to that fountain of knowledge that is Wikipedia, Mexico isn't even in the top ten largest countries (by land mass) but do continue. I'm riveted. (that's definitely sarcasm in case you couldn't tell)
Take a few moments to find, on the map, the cities Oaxaca, Cozumel, Juarez, and La Paz. You'll notice that these places aren't very close to one another. Yet, they are all full of...Mexicans!

Okay. Not getting too technical, are you?
If you are one of those people who bristle at being lumped in with New Yorkers, LA residents, or Southerners when you say that you're American, you should understand this.

I'm okay with this. Except Texans. They don't count.
I therefore do not want to hear you loitering around campus and talking about "the Mexicans." You know, some of them are even actually Americans, as in, they were born here and may speak English as a first language. Brown does not equal foreign.

Christ can I not get away from Foundations of Education today? Apparently not.
Coming soon in this series: No, That Romanian Woman Is Not Polish.

Wow you're giving people a lot of credit if you think anyone knows the critical differences between Romanian and Polish.
When we moved in, we noticed right away the loud calling of two Cooper's Hawks. They're not usually very vocal, so it wa

Holy shit I saw a hawk swoop down and grab a rabbit today while I was driving. Sorry to interrupt your really boring story with something totally awesome, do continue. Man, I saw all sorts of shit today. I saw a real transvestite, too. Always an adventure.
s no surprise that they turned out to be nesting in a nearby tree.

Yeah whatever.
Man speaking of hawks, is anyone else fucking pumped for Assassin's Creed 2? I cannot wait. November 17, wooooooooooo--
I know the symbolism in Assassin's Creed figured more around eagles than hawks, but still same shit. Birds of prey.
We haven't been able to buy Mario Karts for Wii since the stores seem to know we're coming and hide all their copies. We rented it instead, and quickly I'm learning some things.

1)I'm still not very good at this game.

Now there's a video of what I thought was some woman attempting to perfect robotic leg movement but it turns out to be just some sort of furfag contraption. This is why we'll never have Gundams in real life, people.
All right that's it I have to study for some really douchey test.

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