I didn't think you could enjoy Guyver and Persona 3 and still turn out a cunt, but surprise, surprise.
This blog along with the entire career of Carlos Santana has me near a breakthrough with how douchebaggery works. See, Santana has this uncanny power to turn any douche (c.f. that song he did with Michelle Branch and also that song with the lead singer of Nickelback [more like Nickelgay]) into something halfway presentable, but this blog appears to have the inverse power.
I am intrigued by the potential, here.
So this girl-- apparently married another girl.
Holy mother of God this is a man.
What do?
Okay, let's play this cool.
I DARE any of you to have a wedding as awesome as mine was. If you missed it, you'll just have to go to your grave knowing that you missed the PERFECT wedding, and you'll never see its like. If you were there, you may thank me in the comments.
Perhaps you can see why, in this quote, I thought it was a girl. Seriously, wedding shit? Really, bro?
Actually, I should thank you. Thanks to everyone who could make it and to everyone who wasn't. You're a part of this crazy love story between two kids who first talked to each other in a Final Fantasy 7 RP chat room.
I wish I had the linguistic skill to type the noise I just made and have it make sense. Unfortunately I do not, so imagine a noise halfway between a groan and a chuckle.
We first met in person at Otakon. I was cosplaying Wolfwood from Trigun.
Heh, heh, heh.
Oh my, no.
Now he's talking about the books he read this year (a whopping two, congrats bro) one of which is Starship Troopers, one of the classics and the grandfather of giant robot fiction. Even if you disagree with the author's admittedly Republican view of war (implying war is good, what), it's hard to deny the contributions he made to one of the greatest triumphs of human imagination (giant robots).
There was a shitty movie made in the early 2000s that I can only summarize by saying "it's basically homogenized pap for fat Americans" but our boy has this to say:
In a lot of ways, the movie is better than the book. If you just want a story with only a hint of dystopia, you can watch the movie and not have to deal with the crap from the book. If sociology is more your thing, and you want a lecture on the cost-benefits of an entire society based around its all volunteer army, then the book is for you.
What. I think the whole "wow this is kind of a downer" was the point of the book, way to miss it.
The book is thought provoking (even if you're like me and didn't agree with it at all) but gets pretty boring in parts.
Way to just barely step around the pitfall of "I DON'T GET IT, NO STARS" only to fall flat into "I DISAGREE WITH THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE BOOK, NO STARS".
2) you roleplay, and sometimes your characters seem to wind up really deep and elaborate. do you always get a chance to play all that out in-game, or is it more just a secret history between you and your character?
It honestly depends on the character. For my Final Fantasy XI character, most of it actually has been role played.
Holy mother of fuck you're that dickbag that takes five minutes to pull a crab because you have to roleplay your motivation, don'tcha?
I have only had the intense misfortune of playing with your ilk twice, and needless to say it gives me pause for thought before any invitation I accept.
His depth came from many, many hours of actual in-game role play. Reinbach started out as kind of a vague concept and grew into a character with his own psychology and realistic motivations through role play.
Uh-huh. Here's my character's motivation: "I better not suck or my subscription will be cancelled."
He has taken a few tweaks here and there that took place internally, but for the most part, Reinbach kind of grew up in real time.
Cool story.
Oh, hey, your character's name is Reinbach. SHOW ME YOUR KUNG FU.
You are on the Lakshmi server so I've never personally had the dubious honor of being in a party with you, but based off your FFXIAH profile you are a level 70 corsair/ 31 red mage--
Complex character motivations indeed. Apparently not deep enough to keep your subjob properly leveled. (brotip: your level should read to me like this: 70 COR/35 RDM)
3) pokemon trading at the wedding. yes or no?
I didn't know ten year olds got married in civilized nations.
Mein Komputer ist tot.
Ich finde deine Blog sehr Möse.
I don't know if that's right because I haven't had German in like five or six years.
The other one is called (Stephen King fans are going to love this) Graff. It's a malted, slightly hopped apple cider.
oh I get it. Yeah, all right, you. Graff was the devil from the ten billion+ page waste of time entitled The Stand.
Kat and I are putting figures of Gendo Ikari and Rei Ayanami on our wedding cake
Open to: All, detailed results viewable to: All, participants: 9Is this awesome y/n?
I don't know, putting anime figures on your wedding cake? I'm going to have to go with a resounding "what the fuck" but whatever, not my fucking wedding. Personally I'd try to convince the bitch it's better to put all that money towards a house or something but that's just me.
Dear Internet,
I just got my car broken into.
Please post amusing pictures to cheer me up.
Dear Dickbutt,
Well I think the time is nigh to do something else. It has indeed been real, dickbutt. Might I suggest blogging less and leveling your subjob more? I'm sure the miserable sons of bitches in your parties would appreciate it.
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