Midterm on monday for Nutrition. got 9 chapters to skim through i think... maybe I'll be fine about it, I duon. meeting with Caitilin to work on internship paper. Uncle will arrive in 1-2 hours... then we should see.
Real interesting, friend.
GOT MY JOURNAL BACK (not what you think, believe me I wouldn't willingly keep a diary)
had a REALLY nice nap today- almost 3 hours after my 1st class.
Sorry if this comes off as particularly contemptuous you can probably chalk it up to jealousy because guess who hasn't been sleeping too well lately? Oh hi it's me.
in the mean time, I was watching..... BLEACH. no surprise, huh?
Bleach! 241!! GAH! WHYWHYWHY!!!! >O< ...at least there's Kazeshini *sniffles* I'm glad that he's pretty cool or I might gut myself someday. does that count as spoiler? I don't really think so cuz... its like saying Ichigo's in a bleach episode since he's the main character? someone kill me now if that's a spoiler. :/

I DONT get why the school don't give us heating. Really guys? its 11 or 4 C now!!
My current GPU temperature: 48C. When it's cold I just hang out by my computer. Feels good, man.
...still have not given up the skytides rp but I really need to finish work first before considering. @_@ well. at least live through october. :O and play through FFVII so i can try as Cid Highwind. though if that dont work out... I really duno who else to do LOL.
What? I've played through Final Fantasy 7 a couple times, okay, and I have no fucking clue what any of this means. I guess he's going to play through so he can roleplay as one of the characters (nerd) or write a fanfic (ugh) or something.
friend from taiwan? *sigh* she's visiting boston and with her here it kinda screwed over most of my plans for the weekend. ah well. i can deal... D: just irritated, abit. :/
Let me see if I understand this correctly.
You have a girl visiting you all the way from Taiwan, and your first thought isn't "she's totally into me, I could so hit that," but "WOW THIS SURE MESSES UP MY VIDEO GAME SCHEDULE!"
Okay, man. Your life.
Halloween costumes? was pokin' round today but... WHY oh WHY are all teh girl costumes so... slutty? 'cute'!? isent halloween suppose to be RAWR! FEAR ME, I LOOK SPOOKYYYYY? hm. gotta try on the batgirl costume--
Oh this is a girl. All right. I guess I pegged Final Fantasy fanfiction as the activity of lonely neckbeards but I do suppose girls play Final Fantasy now. Not the good ones like 6 or anything, the faggy ones like, I don't know-- 8.
it was nice but that dress is DAYMN SHORT. O_O gona freeze!! T__T. THAT would be my backup plan, I guess. It's freakishly expensive too... D: nearly bought a toy rifle, though. its 35$ which was the main reason I put it back but.... ITS HUGE!! ITS SO COOL!!! O__O like sniper wolf? but not quite? XD
I still FAIL at video games, btw. D:
>failing at video games

Unless it's FFXI, then you definitely don't want to use the summons, oh no.
Today Falcon's have a team practice. it was pouring . it was cut short. (thank god for small miracles.) I STILL love quidditch, but next time, even if its freakin' freezing? I'm going in SHORTS. long pants in the mud = HELL FUCKING NO. @_@
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Quidditch was a fictional game in the Harry Potter universe. Am I completely off my ass?
Now she bitches about a class called game development, where-- well, look at this:
WHY AM I THE SECRETARY IF I SUCK WITH TECHNOLOGY!? (why am I the secretary when I cant spell to save my life!? WHY am i in gamedev when I cannot seem to play video games!?!?!?!?!)
So you're bad at video games (don't need to be good at them to make them but whatever you are an idiot) and you're bad at technology. What business, exactly, do you have in a class like that?
ok. done ranting. XD. don't get me wrong. I LOVE gamedev. XD just stressed. this is not mentioning the hw I have piled up for social psychology, ethics and justice, principles of PR, and nutrition. don't mind me~
now i'm gona go level grind on FFVii on pc so I MIGHT get to CID part so I can research for skytides~ XD
XD count: 3
gona stop rambleing and start workin on the gamedev things. :D i feel improtant aha. XD
SKYTIDES! stlil researching! gona be Cid Highwind if possible. :D. FFVII got to Arith bit. :O will Level grind until AL gets back so she can help @_@.
It's "Aeris", chief.
Also that's literally within the first hour. That'd be like me saying WHEW TURNED FFXI ON, GUYS. CONGRATULATIONS TO ME.
Uh oh I seem to be having trouble going back further I guess the entry is over-- oh it loaded.
i live! yay! ihop's crazy... O_O
texas is freaking HOT!
This explains so much.
crashed into gamedev VP today. apparently i look 'sad' --;; i was just not as HYPER or ENERGETIC as normal (HIHI!! RUNNING ON 3.5HRS of sleep here!?).
Mother of a fuck you are annoying.
I couldn't give three fucks about four fucks when it comes to your fanfiction or any of your finals or classes. It'd be one thing if any of this shit changed from day to day, but it's just the same entry over and over with slightly different emotes. Seriously, goddamn how long does it take to beat Final Fantasy VII? The game came out like twelve years ago or some shit.
It has been said that the sign of a good writer is someone who can make a boring subject interesting. Well there it is. Boring subject = still boring. Good work, all.
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