Speaking of just took about a 3 hour break to get all the Halloween event items. Treat Staff II awww yeah.
Uhh... Oh yeah.
I just talked to my father on the phone for over 17 minutes. That has got to be a new record.
Unfortunately, it was mostly about complications in dealing with my grandfather's estate. My poor Pop is having to deal with a ton of crap, in addition to his already-stressful job. He's the executor of my grandfather's will, so apparently there is a lot of stuff only he can do.
Yeah, hence "executor". If it was shit anyone could do it wouldn't be called that.
I stayed up until 3am last night. I woke up a couple times, but the final time was at 9am this morning, to get to my 10am doctor's appointment.
So what? I did that shit just yesterday and indeed do it two times a week. Big fucking deal.
The waiting room filled with pregnant teenaged mothers and their small children. And the TV playing cartoons. I mentioned this was a planned parenthood, right? And the icy receptionist behind the inch-thick glass wall, who give me all the forms back on which I only checked "yes" to the things that applied to me, and left everything else blank instead of checking "no" for each ailment I've never had, which was most of them. Grrrr. I had to check each "no" and hand the forms back in.
Oh no checking all the items off on a form is really fucking difficult and frustrating. I WAS INCONVENIENCED FOR, LIKE, FIFTEEN SECONDS I BETTER BLOG ABOUT THIS! Goddamn.
And wait. And wait. The visit was not off to a good start. Thank good I had brought my knitting with me, or I would have gotten seriously pissy, rather than just irritated.
Yes, praise be to good.
I got lucky and really like the therapist I got paired with. I was a little nervous about him at first. An Asian man with a mustache would probably not be my first pick, but it turned out fine.
Toshiro Mifune?
Oh, what, it's not like many Asians can grow facial hair, so I figured my choices were pretty much limited.
He said some sort of touchy-feely, new agey things, but he did so in such a way that my inner cynic was not put off by it.
Okay here's a health report. This is good, I have been wanting to read this.
Wow, no, not reading this.
Here's another.
That was a tiny huzzah, to celebrate the fact that I feel pretty good today, and am feeling optimistic about getting better!
Great thanks for fucking my font up.
I do still have a troublesome feeling of fluid in my throat and lungs, that makes me want to cough. I have been trying to resist the urge to cough, because it will most likely make make gag and possibly throw up.
So, just for the sake of record keeping, I hereby report that I just barfed again.
Thanks for the update.
Fuck. What the fuck!? Now I have a fever again. Not a high fever, just 99.1, but enough that I noticed I felt feverish and took my temperature.
98.2 is normal for humans, so this barely, barely fucking counts.
And I am in a big argument with myself, because one seems more valid than the other. If I am sick, then that's a legitimate excuse to be "lazy" and "not do anything." But the doctor I saw today seemed to think I wasn't that sick. But if I am depressed, then I should snap out of it, get my ass in gear and get back to work already...?
Holy fuck.
My mom called and woke me up at around 9 this morning. She suggested that I go to Santa Cruz today to see the family or something. I don't want to go. It's probably very selfish of me, but
Okay multiple choice question time. Does she say:
A. she's sick
B. she's tired
C. she's pregnant
D. she has to go to church and Christfag it up
E. all of the above
Well if you picked E you suck at multiple choice tests because it's almost never all of the above. The correct answer, of course, was A. Or B. I'd take either.
My mom passed on an idea that came from my uncle who is a doctor: I might have whooping cough, or pertussis.
That's like when I was reading the guide to the Halloween event in FFXI today I came across this brilliant line:
" Utilizing different npcs after obtaining an item seems to expedite (speed up) the process of obtaining items."
Thanks. Expediate = speed up. Got it.
There is a whooping cough vaccine, which I received as a baby... I have the records. But it wears off after ten or fifteen years. So most adults are theoretically walking around susceptible to it, but it's been mostly wiped out, so it's not that big a deal.
then it comes back 500 times worse because no one has a natural immunity to it anymore.
While I was writing this, I coughed and then threw up a little bit. I think it's getting worse.
Fantastic (translator's note: fantastic means good)
Just FYI,
Okay I need to be paying attention, because this is an FYI (for your information)
Today (10/9) was the 18th day of me being sick.
I barfed for the first time on 9/30, although I had been coughing to gagging before that.
I have barfed 5 times since then, so about 5 times in ten days.
The vomiting started after I started the antibiotics, but seems to be getting worse, more frequent, and appears to be continuing after the last dose of the antibiotics.
I really need to hear about this.
OMG I just threw up AGAIN. Three times! What the fuck is going on?! I am definitely calling a doctor tomorrow.
This fucking blows (no pun intended.)
Heh, heh-- oh what?
I haz a scanner!
Now here's a picture of her grandfather, and he looks kind of like a Jewish version of Lee Van Cleef.
Probably the coolest person in her family by virtue of that fact alone, but of course he's dead, so no chance at anything cool from this blog now.
Except for about half and hour ago, I decided to stop just trying to ignore the voices scolding me, and actually deal with them. I asked myself why I wasn't doing anything today.
Voices in your head, huh. I usually call these persistent images and voices in my head "thoughts" but all right I'll roll with it.
Unless you're actually hearing voices that aren't there, which given your previous entries is entirely possible. You do seem nuts.
Good news:
You vomited!
I have nothing to report!
Oh. Darn.
In generally I have been feeling much better physically, although I still feel like there is mucus in my lungs that I periodically have to try to expel, with mixed results that range from nothing happening to vomiting.
FUCK. Spoke too soon.
The bad news... I mean, more bad news: I barfed again today.
All right time to wrap this shit up. It has been real. Real dumb.
I guess if I had to summarize my feelings for this blog in image form it'd probably be this one:

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