I found this. I still quit, by the way.
It's called "We live in an aischroletreian society..." Which is a word I have never heard before. I looked it up, and my dictionary suggested it wasn't even a word, which considering how difficult it is to pronounce I'm not surprised, but a quick googling confirms it's some recent coinage by some French asshole. Supposedly it means "a society that worships the nasty and the foul" which is to say any society ever.
People do enjoy their dirt and gossip, and why not?
I think our boy here might be some kind of Junior Bill O'Reilly (or my new favorite NEIL BORTZ [seriously that's his name] but I doubt anyone outside of bumfuck, NC is familiar with him or he might be nationally syndicated I don't really know). At the bare minimum he's very angry about stuff and to be honest I'm not really sure why. I mean it's one thing if you're angry at something that affects your life like THE FUCKING TRAFFIC or such like, but he seems to mostly be angry at a bunch of bullshit.
I haven't really read nor taken seriously anything from HuffPo when it was very clear that last year they became the worst of the worst Obama-ass-licking morons in the blogosphere.
The second the term "blogosphere" comes up outside of the "I'm going to make fun of this word and any douche that uses it" context I think you're taking yourself far, far too seriously.
The blogosphere. Great.
The article he linked is admittedly douchey, but come on, man. It's about some "racist" Halloween costumes for dogs including shit like the "Chinese geisha" (geisha aren't Chinese but whatever I'll roll) and the "Spanish bandito" (banditos aren't Spanish but okay).
Racist? You think a human dressing up as a geisha or pimp for Halloween would make you "probably die a little death"? Holy fuck on a stick, it's "disgrasians" (how apropos) like this that make me HATE one half of myself very, very verily.
Whoa, what? Looking up "disgrasians"-- I'm watching you, now. That's the second time in like five minutes I've looked up a word I don't know (already alerts are going off in my head, because I know every word that's real) and my dictionary doesn't have an entry for them.
All right, googling.
Google doesn't return with anything that makes sense, and a Google image search brings me pictures of some Asians (disgrASIANs I see what you did there, Google) and a picture of Rihanna. All right.
Fuck you, you bunch of lefty PC retards from Hell. While you fucking sit there are bitch and moan about how RACIST!!11111111 it is to dress a dog up in a pretty asian silk jacket, you're ignoring the REAL racism that's out there,
I'd like to point out, gang, that we're up in arms about dog costumes. DOG COSTUMES.
I'm sick of hearing about Jon and Kate.
"So let me make a 500 word post about it."
Also I really haven't heard that much outside of "he cheated and they're getting divorced and she's a turbocunt but he's a putz so they're right for each other." Which admittedly knowing anything about them is too much because who the fuck are Jon and Kate? She had six kids (at once, plus a previous set of twins hence "plus eight" in their show title), whoop-de-shit.
But then Jon became a complete and total douchebag, whoring around with all of those younger women and leaving behind his litter with his bitchy wife. Which I wouldn't blame him for, EXCEPT that instead of taking time off and laying low and relaxing, he behaved like a 17-year-old ghetto ASSHOLE, schmoozing it up with Christian Audigier/Ed Hardy and all of that crap (which basically ruined Ed Hardy for me--something that even *Kevin Federline* could not do!).
Oh no, how will "Ed Hardy" (who?) survive without your approval?
Now here's an entry entitled "Another reason why allthingsdog is superior to dog_lovers." At first I considered sparing you, the readers, the details of this fascinating post but then I decided that would be pretty cruel. After all, I'm sure you were burning for yet more proof that "allthingsdog" is indeed superior to "dog underscore lovers".
This idiotic/myopic commentary coming from the racist moron who once referred to his dog's "oriental eyes".
I had no idea dog lovers (presumably platonic love and not the kind of love I saw a documentary about once) were such ardent racists. Or, possibly, "racially prejudiced" as one of my classes recently informed me only white people can be racist. I didn't agree, but I don't have my PhD in whatever-the-fuck so I don't know.
What is your dream job? Do you think you'll ever have it?
Vampire hunter. Or witch hunter. Or inquisitor.
Also: no.
I have my dream job, if I want it. I do like graphic design and I'm good at it.
Ha, ha you have a dumb dream job.
I hate modern music. I want to stab the asshole who invented the vox and other computer-generated crap that producers layer onto girls' vocals in all music these days.
Aww but "vox" is one of the coolest words in any language. It's Latin for "voice", don't you know.
I don't know who the fuck came up with the idea that 9/9/09 should be a day without cats on the internet, but whoever it was needs to die in a fire. They apparently got CuteOverload to go along with it. What the fuck? What's with the cat hate?
I usually reserve my wishes for someone to die in screaming agony in a house fire for serious events but I guess people who want to go one solitary day without an "ironically funny" picture of a cat with "hilariously" misspelled words underneath do invite that much raw emotion.
Before anyone suggests she (?) is doing that to be funny, I'd like to point out this post goes on for FOUR paragraphs.
How do I get this guy off of my fucking channel? Seriously, because I can't stand that he's there, on right after Victoria's show, sullying any semblance of compassion (and intelligence) that Animal Planet has.
I also love it when people refer to something as "theirs". No, unless you're the CEO of Animal Planet (or more likely its parent company, Viacom or Disney or some shit) then no, it isn't *your* Animal Planet.
fucking adopters
dumping dogs off at shelters
make me want to KILL.
Chelle's such a whiner
no HP in IMAX yet
she threw a tantrum.
still so hot in here
and computer running slow
someone just kill me.
Ha, ha funny you should call someone a whiner. Although I guess you aren't whining so much as a raging psychotic, hmm.
[ mood | ifuckingrate ]
Not only did they completely fuck up the ending for Life on Mars, but adding salt to the wound the writers implied that one of the Obama children would be president in the future (LOL, yeah, okay, like that would ever happen).
There are many reasons why I don't talk politics with some people these days. One big reason was the Election Season this past year. People far too often accuse me of "being butthurt" over Clinton's loss to Obama, but
Stop. Yes you are.
said same people's eyes are too awash with OBAMA HOPE that they can't fucking stop the stupid ad hominem bullshit for a moment and look at WHY PUMAs are PUMAs.
Ha, ha oh what?
So I think that's it. I'm going to go do something else. Starting to get a headache.
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