So here we are, Mace's Thoughts.
Mace might be a guy named after a weapon or a girl whose full name is Macy, I don't know at this point.
Oh also Mace fancies himself (herself, whatever) a writer, as do all people on Livejournal. Writers, actors, directors, artists.
I started my story (or stories rather... or novels...whatever) a long time ago. First as shortstories, basically taking my first limps (I dare not call it steps) as a writer.
So whatever I don't really care how you decided you wanted to move from Harry Potter fanfiction to Bleach fanfiction.
At the end of my stint in that fantasy club, after much soulsearching, and realizing that German wasn't (ironically enough) my language when it came to writing (after all most of the books I was reading/am still reading are in English).
I never learned to learn, ironically enough.
That sure is ironic. At this juncture I'd like to make my typical statement that things that are interesting (to you, naturally, because it's stupid and boring to me) aren't automatically ironic. Irony has a fairly strict definition that you can't just apply to fill that void of "don't know what to say at this point". This shit doesn't even need qualification, actually. Surprisingly I'm not a complete illiterate and can follow your thoughts from one point to another.
Also "learning to learn" creates an impossible cycle of events. If you have to learn to learn, you could never learn to learn because you'd require the skill to acquire it.
When I didn't understand something I lost interest... unfortunately my mother (who incidentally is/was an elementary school teacher) told me she never had the force of will to get me to learn this stuff.
Oh, incidentally? Sure it's not ironically?
Last year, I met an old friend of mine whom I finished school with.
With whom I finished school* but whatever.
That's when I began to rewrite the novel again. Not everything, mind you, but those parts that were "wrong". No, I'm not going to detail every bloody thing (OK, I detail lots of bloody things, read gore) but with the alterations so far it feels even more alive. Also, I will restructurte the entire book.
Because details = showing and not telling, am I right?
Let's compare and contrast these:
The man happened into a room. There was a body in it.
The man happened into the room with the corpse. There was blood on the walls and a knife on the table.
Which is better? I'd argue they both suck, but I don't think I could argue the second one is less detailed than the first. Adjectives aren't the magic fix-all of storytelling, chief.
Amazingly enough people don't quit smoking because the price has gone up. The government is counting on that, ironically enough.
That damn government and their humorous ironies!
Now he's arguing the government wants the people to smoke so they can collect tax dollars on the cigarettes which is a brilliant hypothesis ignoring for the moment that I'm sure the hospital bills you assholes rack up with your cancer and shit outweighs the taxes the government collects, and being in Germany you have socialized medicine so the government foots 100% of that bill, so whatever.
Now there's a ton of entries I don't really understand because I'm not a fucking mental patient.
Given that I only gamed for 23 or so years, no, I'm no dinosaur of gaming...neanderthal of gaming maybe.
Nope definitely don't care about this.
yeah, well, I'm having a StarWars moment...trench and all that...
Anyway, back to me book...yea there are kinks still....what? You thought I'm perfect?
I sure did, Mace!
or me being kwazy enough to send those 600+ manuscript pages via mail to some publishers...
Oh I'm sure they'll read all 600 pages and get right back to you (brotip: they chucked it without even looking at the title. Try sending a cover letter first).
Now here's a long post dealing with religion and it ends with him mentioning he's listening to "Cradle of Filth". Cool story, bro.
I also like magic-users to be more powerful than fighters.
Um... I dunno... cuz Merlin could hand Arthur his ass every day of the week?
Considering Excalibur (and the sheathe, more approximately) made him invincible I doubt it.
To make a long and stupid (and hard to follow at times) post shorter: it's called balance, bro. Not everyone is interested in your totally awesome wizard as you are.
and videogames in general bore me after a while (WoW lasted 7 months and that was that!).
>video games

and that's the end of the blog. Well, Mace, thanks for keeping it real.
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