Well... balls.
Step one of that grand plan didn't quite go according to plan - namely in that I didn't get the job >_>
So~ am trying other places now, as before. Am tempted to just say 'sod it' and go to YCon funded on my uni grants, but that assumes I'm going to uni...
Wasting tax payer dollars to go to a yaoi convention.
Also "sod it" but whatever, Ork.
Got a wig; it needs styling. First, though, I need to get the hairspray etc that's already in it out of it. So what's the best way to clean wigs - just cold water, just warm water, either with a cleaning agent of some sort...?
Oh hey I hear there's this website where you can search for things. I think it's called "goggle" or something.
Also I hate the term "flist" it sounds like one of those fake curse words I might hear in an Elder Scrolls game or something. S'WAH!
On an unrelated note, I fsking hate grass clippings >.< *scratches like crazy at itchy arms*
fsking, sod off, flist? I think I might actually be dealing with an Ork. Only one way to deal with them, don't you know: fire.
With bursary and government grant payments (grants, not loans - no paying those back!), I'll be getting £4k a year (ish) just for attending uni.
Which you later contemplate spending on an anime convention. I hope someone finds out and you go to jail for fraud or some shit.
I'm actually kind of amazed, though not entirely surprised. Even by carrot standards, it came out incredibly phallic...
Shota-cawk? :3
(Herf derf :B)
You fucking-- wait what the shit is that on the side of the screen? Some sort of animu boy in his boxer briefs with a bulge-- whatever. Back on point.
Now here's a lot of pictures I'm definitely not clicking on.
Best way I can describe myself right now? Not got a headache, don't feel up-chucky or anything, and my brain and body are totally alert. It just feels like my brain is currently sitting 4ft away from me. This must be how it feels to star in a Shintaro Kago manga...
A what?
[/pointless entry is pointless?]
Now here's some form she filled out like I give a shit. I have to fill out enough of my own forms, lady, I don't need to look over yours.
Wow you have awful handwriting.
Those jobs I applied for yesterday?
Phone call just now.
Interview in two hours.
No, no details. Because cryptic emo-wank posts are what LJ's really about, right?
Actually "cryptic emo wank" pretty much describes Livejournal, thanks.
...that said, Australia are looking like they're in trouble in the Ashes match...
Words. Also "Australia is" because it's one thing but whatever.
1) edsfgsraedqdsa GUH! *headdesk*

Old-school flisties, I need your help! ;_;
I wish I had saved my reaction face for this. Oh, well he is looking down so I guess it's still appropriate.
Today, my free upgrade came through. I now have a 10mb connection, running 9.91mb in real-time. And did I mention it was a Free Upgrade?
What. Free upgrade, it actually runs close to the speed advertised? Sure you're not doing something wrong or is England a magic land where the internet isn't absolute fucking horseshit?
Given that England is still a place run by a government made of people and has companies that sell services (also run by people) I'm guessing it's far more likely you're just wrong (and also stupid) than this being true.
Alright, mon mews - it is time for the neko to jet off!
This fucking shit. I have to go do something else before I strain a facial muscle with all this :| I'm doing.
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