Also douchey user name but frankly if that surprises you at this point you're easy to surprise.
When I was younger, I wanted to be accepted into the spanish riding school in vienna. I wanted it more than anything. for the past 500 yrs they have only accepted male riders and I had this plan where I would dress as a man and somehow get accepted. Its part of the reason i initialy took german in high school, thats one of the requirments.
500 year old riding school that only accepts males, what is this where knights used to send their kids?
I just found out that last yr they final droped thier ban on women and allowed 2 girls into the school. Thats awsome.
Not really. I remember (well not really remember, but whatever) the last woman who tried to pull off the knight routine.
Didn't end well for her.
Showed those Britishfags what for, though.
Research and science is a deep part of me, but equaly as deep is my yearn for horses. I may never make it to the olympic, but I don't need that.
Research and science but apparently not grammar, spelling or diction, good Christ.
Yeah, the once in a rare event that a hurrican *actualy* goes this far north, and I am *actualy* on the right side of the country....I'm ofcource too far inland to exsperience it.
Wow my brain almost had a spelling explosion. I'm going to spot her "hurrican" because she spells it right in the title, but really it's "actually", lady phonics.
Darn, I was wanting my exstreme weather.
Every x is immediately followed by an s. This happens nowhere at all in the English language so I'm not really sure where she got this.
Actually I do know. This is probably the result of a popular practice in the early 90s to "spell it like it sounds" because as we all know it's much, much easier to correct bad habits than to just learn right in the first place.
Further proof the educational standards in America are as disconnected from reality as everyone accuses them of being.
We had some sever tornado warnings the other day. the same day, ironicaly, my friend and I decided to go out to dinner.
Not fucking ironic but whatever.
as were leaving, I look out my window and notice that there is a very very smal patch of clear sky, slowly being swalloed up by the ominous clouds. By the time I set my foot out the door the sky is almost black and very very engry.
so what do i do?
"ye ha! lets go for it."
Half way there it is pouring. like uber pouring, and my roomate is not amused. We have 1 umbrella between us that isn't doing a bloody thing.
To make matters worse...there is crazy thinder and lightning very very cose. I don't like that.
I have a blanket reaction for everything: the stupidity of the actions taken, the spelling, everything:

As far as my project is concerned, I did an exstensive literature review and designed a pretty awsome exsperiment from that from the ground up...
Hope whatever you type that shit on has a brutal spell checker.
Also there's something terrifying about you working for the CDC. I know your ability to spell "experiment" has nothing to do (really) with how well you perform that action, but I don't know I'd feel more comfortable if you were capable of spelling what you did for a living. It shows a certain command of basic skills that I think are important if you're going to combat contagions. I don't know, tell me if that sounds completely off basis.
Grah, writing a personal statment seems to be an exsersize in emotional exstremes.
I never notice how prevalent the letter x is until this blog.
I was also looking at my grades and well, I have a 3.3 right now. I've brought it up a good amount. And Assuming I pull another 4.0 I can get it up to 3.4 by the time I graduate. Thats fully respiectible.
I *really* want a prius and it looks as if I can offord the early modles.
At first I thought the particularly atrocious spelling was funny but now I'm starting to get a headache.
What? Hi! Sorry I just wandered away for three and a half flow-breaking hours.
Uhhh... Entry over, I guess.
1 comment:
"We had some sever tornado warnings the other day. the same day, ironicaly, my friend and I decided to go out to dinner."
not only is it not ironic, it's completely logical. TORNADO WARNINGS WITHIN THE RANGE OF A MAJOR STORM SYSTEM? NO, CERTAINLY NOT!
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