Oh right, today's blog. I see ads, but that might just be Livejournal~
I didn't even really read today's blog before diving into this entry, but from the sounds of it our boy needs knocked down a peg. As Don Henley said (I hate the Eagles) "kick 'em when they're up, kick 'em when they're down."
That's a bad word now, isn't it? ^_~
^_~ faggot.
Well. School was quite fun today.
Swedish class went by rather quickly, after which I had some lunch and then proceeded to call a certain English girl who sounded very sleepy . So damn cute.
Anyways, that really made me happy and energetic and just... happy! <3
Whatever, putz. By your emoticons I'm sure you're just upset she doesn't have a dick.
I banded together with the more talented people in my class, gamesdev-wise, and we've decided to make a semi-3D roleplaying-game in Microsoft's XNA environment.
You can't have part of a dimension, people. Either it's full 3D or it's 2D with models rendered in 3D. Knock this whole "2.5D" shit off.
Also, mischievous rabbit is mischievous? =D When I got home from school, her damn cage was open and she was happily hopping about in the living room. ^^';
Ok gearing up for the world's longest entry ever, and I'm actually going to read at least part of it before skipping.
Upon walking through the gates to the arrivals hall, my eyes find a very specific girl amongst the other randomers, smiling. I walked towards her, but she disappeared. Then I heard a voice that I've heard through my headset oh-so many times before. Upon turning around, I was welcomed by the most heartwarming embrace I've ever felt. I've known her online for over a year, and I just couldn't believe she could be as nice a person in real life as she was online, but... she's all that, and much more.
also: lol internet romances
I acted as her pillow on the train ride back.
A while later, Bry came back down and said she couldn't sleep. She cuddled up beside me on the couch, and... we kissed. And Gods, did it feel wonderful.
I hate it when people say "gods" instead of "God" because they're Pagan or some shit. Talk proper, Christ. I don't believe in God or gods or Jesus Christ either but that doesn't keep me from invoking his name every other second, inevitably at something douchey one of you assholes said. Dipshits.
Saturday, the 8th of August, was a very special day.
Ah, she slobbed your knob. Say no more, my man.
The most important reason the 8th is a special day, though, is that it was the day upon which me and Bryony officially got together, which is something that means so much I can't put words to it.
Really you don't need to go into details, bro. I get you.
Skegness was really fun.
Excuse me?
I don't know what (or where, for that matter) "Skegness" is but it sounds treatable.
Ok I can't read any more, good grief.
Moving on~
Meaning, I can play a song perfectly in theory, but my damn hands just can't do it.
That's a convenient excuse.
Then I made a new EVE Online account (shock!) and played 'till four in the morning.
Oh you played a screen saver until four in the morning?
It appears as though 2009 is approaching rather quickly.
Oh what, I just skipped nine months' worth of entries? Goddamn, kid. You're boring as fuck. I'd read a sentence, then skip, read a sentence, then skip for a whole nine months? Bro. Seriously. Liven up. Say something interesting once in a while. It won't kill you to have a personality.
This blog is left with so little content (five minutes spread across at least nine whole months) I'm left with little else to say.
So here's a humorous picture to amuse you:

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