Friday, August 14, 2009

Let's post about anime!

Just got level 30 warrior in FFXI today, which means some mad attack bonus, new armor and additionally dodge and some other shit by virtue of monk subjob, so today is pretty fucking awesome. Way better, in fact, than anything else anyone can come up with, which in this case involves anime and dolls and possibly the Japanese language (日本語) (translator's note: 日本語 means Japanese language).
So here we have Spiderling or something, click or don't.

Congratulate me! I am now one 250 Gig external hard drive ridher and about $70 poorer.

Just found a 1 TB external for 90 bucks, you got ripped off. I didn't even look for a deal, either, I just went to Newegg > external hard drive. Also before anyone comes up with a flimsy excuse of "maybe she doesn't have 90 dollars, maybe she only has 70" I found a 250 GB one for 50 bucks, so whatever white people.
Also I'd wager an internal hard drive would serve her equally well in her situation but she is no good at computer to know how to install that (it is a little tricky I'll give it to her, I needed help my first time installing one).

I have decided to take backing up a littl emore seriously!

Oh God, what?
I tried to save my Art Docs file from my art computer on a 4 gig flash drive but no go! I needs more storage than that. Lots more apparently. If the 250 gig doesn't hack it I shall cry! But it ought too! I mean jeez!

What the fuck do you mean "ought to"? It's not a sentient being. It's not like if it tries harder it'll store more. Either 250 GB is enough or it isn't.
Also what the dick art documents are you saving that are more than 4GB? They're pictures, for Christ's sake. Even in the off chance you're saving a ton of PDFs I know for a fact a 250 page book in PDF format is like 80 MB, so you've fucked up somewhere. Unless you're like my FFXI Linkshell and enjoy saving pictures at obscenely (25000x30000) high resolutions.
Well, been a awhile since I talked dolls huh? I can hardly beleive it!

While I'm sure my mom would enjoy this talk I don't actually have a vagina (although I've eluded to things earlier, like watching American Idol, that might suggest otherwise) so I think I'll pass.
Why do authors give a character a name and then AUTOMATICALLY call them by a nickname??

Perhaps because real people often have nicknames and authors try to make their characters as realistic as they can so as to create a more interesting story? You know, people tend to be more interested in situations they can relate to.

Just name them the fucking nickname or use their full name!

All right I'm going to explain this slow using real world examples so you can understand how nicknames work. I'm sure I've said my name here before. It's Tim. Well that's not actually my name, see, it's actually Timothy, but people refer to me (and indeed I respond to) Tim.
My parents could have named me just Tim, I'm sure, but they didn't, because as is often the case people pick names with history attached to them.
I can't think of a single character of mine that had a snappy (in the author's mind) creative (also ONLY IN THE AUTHORS HEAD) nickname. Priscilla was NEVER called Priss.

Of course you could pick better names than Priscilla but fine whatever. This is such a non-issue I can't even believe she's still talking about it (or me, for that matter).
But seriously! I 'm so sick of it. Why even give your character what is to your mind, a creative name and then give them a stoopid nickname, thereby completely subverting the original "creative" (sarcastic air quotes) name??? Do you think you're being clever? Is there an actual physical 'teehee' moment where you are amazed by your own cleverness?

Son of a fuck, what? Maybe it's just because I never read any book written after 1800 but I never encounter this problem.
But so far I have maybe- cute mythological girls??? Like a kawaii Medusa which I have a total obssession with.

>kawaii Medusa
>kawaii Medusa
(translator's note: kawaii means cute)
I can't believe what I just fucking read. Cute Medusa. She has snake hair, woman.
Also she gets decapitated by Pereus (fuck year Perseus). OH BUT YOU WOULDN'T KNOW ABOUT THAT BECAUSE IT'S JUST NOT KAWAII ENOUGH (or at all, for that matter).
Oh! Amusing con faux pas-

Here's your convention faux pas: going to one.
SO- ideas? Anyone? Dover seems to have covered everything at least twice, but so far NONE of their artists are like me so I think I may have a chance at this.
Today I went swimming then did almost 2 miles on the treadmill. That isn't really as impressive as it sounds.

It doesn't sound impressive, either. Two miles, whoop-de-shit.
I walked for only 40 min. including cool down.

Walked for forty minutes as a function of running 2 miles? Or is this in addition to? If it's part of, then you are seriously fucking slow. That's at least 20 minutes a mile.
Swag- I got some free books. But I have to say I think the publishers were a little stingy. On Sunday they were handing books out only to kids! WTF? Oh well.

They let children go to conventions (also known as NAMBLA meetings)? Now nothing can go wrong!

The Family Guy panel was cool and they showed a long clip from their Empire Strikes Back parody episode. SOOOOO FUNNY! OMG!

Family Guy and funny in the same sentence.

So my fashion question is: Is wearing a dress over pants still verboten or is it okay??

I always thought girls looked stupid wearing that combo so I'm going to say yes. Yes it is.
I just happened across a post which mention how obnoxious all the Airbender fans were being about the movies cast so I looked up the cast list. Not thrilling really so I see their point but everyone is condemning the movie before they've seen it. It could be good.

Reason is the bane of conviction, as they say.
I hate new words replacing already servicable words that have been in place fore AGES, except everyone acts like the new word somehow describes A NEW IDEA, when infact it's an old idea which already HAS a word to describe it. Case in point TROPE.

>from Ancient Greek "tropos"
>new word
Someone who I think very obviously wants to show off how bloody smart they think they because THEY read the dictionary.

I am a pretty smart person of decent education and I have never heard the word 'trope' until LAST WEEK when I saw it twice.

Oh well if you haven't heard the word it must be stupid. I bet you don't know any other language besides English (and pretend Japanese) so I guess that makes all languages not Japanese and English stupid, huh?

And as described- tropes are CONVENTIONS.

Actually if you had bothered to read any part of the dictionary entry YOU LINKED you'd know a trope is a cliche (or alternatively a verse added as an embellishment to the sung part of Mass during the Dark Ages, which is how I learned this word originally).
Now she posts pictures of her "book haul" which is probably why she's a pleb because this is a lot of garbage. Trash serials, I see some animu books that aren't Fist of the North Star, very disappointing.
Now she's posting some dolls which if she painted the faces for I'm mildly impressed. So she must not have, do ho.

Guess who got their rockin' pronstar body today??? EISHETH that's who!!!

Eisheth. Eist-- no, how do you pronounce that? I'm not often confounded by pronounciation (as the only person I know of who knows how to pronounce Einherjar correctly [it's not ein-her-jar]) but this has me for a loop. Eis-heth? Is the h silent? Ei-sheh-th? What in the fuck?

Lately I've been reading a lot. I read Persuassion and Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austin,

Persuasion*, Christ. Learn the title of what you're reading. It's by Jane Austen (e not an i like the city).
That's okay because halfway through the post "Persusassion" becomes "Pursiassion" so I'm sorry about jumping your shit about "Persuassion" when it gets a lot worse down the line.
Brett and I may start a webcomic!! YAYS! Although neither of us can code html so I've been eyeballing Drunk Duck as a place to host it.

Starting a website without knowing the foundations of website programming. No, no problems here. She then later reports she won't be learning HTML and since I never heard from this webcomic after this point in time I'm guessing it didn't go so well.
Also for your approval I found (and by "found" I mean "saw a link at the top") her Etsy shop. So you may now judge her artwork. I found this one in particular to be horrific. Ignoring for the moment it's furry, that has to be the longest torso and upper arm I've ever seen in my fucking life, goddamn. Well whatever if I keep this shit up I think I'm going to piss myself (literally) so I'm going to go do something that lets me retain bladder control.

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