Anyway today we have According to Desiree... she's pretty bland and devoid of character. Her life reads like a Lifetime movie character's life.
doctors appointment today.
still on prozac. the doctor recommended some councilors/therapists. mom doesn't think she can afford one. we don't have health insurance.
So already this is registering high on the "who gives a shit" meter. In fact, I'm already looking at my DS sitting in front of me. Yeah, I do wonder what's going on in the fascinating world of Pokemons.
i got asked out on a date.
like. a date date datey date.
So many directions I could take this, but I think I'll go the self deprecating one this time: something I'll never know, having admitted to playing Pokemon do, ho, ho.
not "let's hang out sometime"
but "are you free saturday? i wanted to take you to dinner."
I've seen pictures of Desiree, I think you made a critical flaw your wallet is going to be regretting.
by jesse. i don't even know his last name. i don't know anything about him.
we've been playing phone tag.
Ah yes I forgot to address the million sentence fragments that are her blog. You know there's a punctuation mark between a full stop and a comma, right? It's called a semicolon. Actually just kidding based on what I've seen so far the only punctuation marks you're aware of are the ellipsis and the period.
i miss youth group.
i miss everyone there & most importantly, i miss feeling close to god.
i'm not joking. i miss reading my bible. i always forget to pray before i go to sleep.
Personally I suggest finding better things to read but all right if that's your bag you could read the Bible on your own. You know, use that critical thinking English teachers (in theory, anyway, if they're doing what they're supposed to be doing) tried to pound into your head for your entire childhood?
my life is weird & i don't know why i feel like crying right now.
the tears are swelling in my eyes & my body is getting goose bumps all over
and my ears are tingling & my heart feels like breaking.
what am i doing?
I'm listening to I Ran by Flock of Seagulls. Feels good, man.
i HATE it when you get like this.
you didn't even let me explain myself.
you just signed off.
Ha, ha treating the internet like real life. You girls need to stop treating the internet like an overly complex networking site and treat it for what it really is: a sewer.
i was talking to other people via facebook im & my computer is really old, it freezes up.
So take better fucking care of it. I got a computer for 20 bucks (monitor included) from a flea market that still has Windows 95 on it (and is from 1994) that I'm sure has been dropped before and after much dicking around with it it works perfectly. I use it to play DOS games. Fuck year, DOS games. DOSbox? Get that shit out of here.
he was venting to me & all i said in response was "i'm sorry." as in... i'm sorry you feel that way. what else was i supposed to say?
How about "stop talking to me" or "I gotta go do something interesting now and you're definitely not invited" or "get some nice Summer's Eve because you're clearly a cunt" I don't fucking know. They're your friends. My friends don't bitch like faggots every time something bad happens to them.
gosh, how could you say i do a horrible job of being there for you?
every time you like a guy i have some interest in, i let you go for him.
i drove you to the airport & to your school today.
Jesus, God do you make everything complicated. Look, you two are bros. Bros drive each other to airports. You shouldn't tally this shit together like it's some kind of give and take, because if it's a friendship it shouldn't fucking matter.
she is a riot. she has the worst mouth ever & this thick brooklyn accent.
Ha, ha you are a card.
this past week has been cah-razy. shaun & joan are here. you know, my older brother who lives in china & his new chinese wife who i have never met before now.
Huh looks like the interesting family member left for the other side of the world.
Well good for him.
she likes to talk to me about makeup & hair stuff & shopping. she's really ridiculously tiny, like most asian girls. makes me feel like a huge elephant around her, but that's okay.
Huh yeah I'm sure you just look like an elephant next to her. Not, you know, most people not 150 pounds.
this is her first time being in america. we're going to hilton head tomorrow. =) maybe we can go to harold's diner!
Yes you truly haven't been to America without stopping by HAROLD'S DINER!
anna leaves on wednesday, too. back to texas.
Back to Texas, implying they let you leave there once you're there. TRULY THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN THE WORLD.
our jonas concert is soon. =) we're staying at the ritz in atlanta, where the boys will be staying, too. i cannot wait.
>staying at the Ritz
>at the Ritz

i have important stuff to do, i need money to do it.
so i work, but since i work so much, there is no time to do the important stuff.
Life is hell.
But seriously, you know, you could try to be less of a materialistic whore JUST KIDDING THAT'S NEVER HAPPENING.
mel, anna, derek, & van were in an car accident. they were coming back from savannah & it was raining really hard, with extremely strong winds. they hydroplaned & hit the car in front of them & landed in a ditch.
Further proof New Yorkers suck at driving and shouldn't be allowed to buy cars.
i am scared to bring back these overdue books to the library.
So keep them home and incur an even larger fine. Smart.
i always feel selfish when i'm writing in this blog. i feel like i use to the word "i" way too much. or "me", "my", "mine"...
I wonder what my most commonly used word is. I'm sure there's a website. Not counting conjunctions and articles, of course. No common words.
Now there's a post about her best friend's mom dying and somehow she makes it all about herself. Impressive.
i have been miserable since saturday & i've been totally "eating my feelings".
meaning i've been stuffing my face with food.
Wow, Desiree, you sure are boring. I think I'm going to go do something less boring, which is to say could literally be anything. Enjoy your weekend, AIDS patients.
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