Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What is a man?

Here's our pro animu artist. Rather telling when I can't find any of his drawings even though I've located his blog, his myspace, and pictures of him.
Cool mutton chops, by the way. Very Chester A. Arthur.
So in the first entry he sets his schedule for the summer (very cute, by the way) and it's all this regimented shit that I suppose is supposed to make him better at drawing, but I don't know.
-a page a day in the sketchbook at least (is actually kind of required now that I've gotten in the BFA program) ...that's the one thats actually kind of assigned

-Listening to at least 1 animation podcast a week (most likely more) I just have a lot to catch up on...

-I'm going to try my best and keep up my anatomical studies... an hour a day just working my way around the body, like usual

Fine, fine, but what do you learn from that? Senseless copying and drawing probably won't make you better at it through sheer force of repitition. Life isn't really like an RPG, friend.
I'm amazed that It's a friday night (and a beautiful one at that) and yet I'm here int he art building working... I guess it shouldn't suprise me but it really does... I turned down 3 chances to drink tonight (some harder to pass up than others)... just to work in peace... funny right?

I'm sure you don't mean "ha ha" funny and I don't actually know you so I can't say if this is strange behavior, so don't fucking ask me.
Now there's a song I'm not reading.
Krazy night last night... and call me greedy but lately it seems no matter what happens or what I do I want more...

Also, yes, that's pretty much the definition of greed.

I don't like being this vulgar usually but I can't think of a better way to express how I feel...

Nightmare, rolling constantly and ajusting to the point where I ended up just watchign the last two hours pass before I had to get up thinking I wish it would all end soon.

So suck it up like a man, faggot. So you had a nightmare and rolled around all night like a goddamned pussy. Deal with it.
They say dreams are from Zeus, and he's probably punishing you for being a twat. Let this be a lesson.

Why has this goddamned neccesity plauged me my whole life?!!

Plauged. I'm going to be unusually generous and assume this is a typo.

(keep reading if you wanna hear a whole dialouge with myself inside my own head...)

All right I take it back, you can't fucking spell. Every time I'm generous with my typo allowance I get screwed. There's no such thing as a typo, just people who can't spell. Really, dialouge? Let's say that word outloud. Die-uh-louwj.
Protip: it's dialogue or dialog.
she was refrenceing some of out other firends who seem to constantly be stuck in either a mediocre or grumpy sour puss kinda mood all the time, but still I liked this thought.


(it's a complex emotion)
If infact Sense and Sensibility is the title of my autobiography then only time will tell nothing I can do about it, the Colonel is just himself and goes and does his own thing untill others discover their mistakes and his real worth, sucks but that's life, nothing I can do about it, so why try to speed up some kind of idealized fate?

Holy shit, what? Let's take a time out from these bizarre philosophical ponderings and focus on your diction and grammar.
It's the end of the book anyway, lets not spoil the ending and just enjoy our journey through the pages right?
Be yourself is all you can be.

No, actually. Actors and spies pretend to be different people all the time with varying degrees of success.
There's not one lyric in the world that means more to me in this world (and I don't even like the band!!!) and I might seem like a broken record by now but thats what you get for listening into the thoughts of a crazy person, I have all the answers I know I get hung up on these things because of the long lonely nights alone stuck in a 3 colored building or inside the brick walls of my head where silence truely dwells, or because of the altered state of reality I land in after high levels of stress on a regular basis and low levels of sleep on a much more regular basis.

Jesus Christ, what? I've read opium-fueled ramblings that were more coherent than this (I'm dead fucking serious).
All the answers to what? Why should the color of the outside of a building make a difference to your disposition? What brick wall in your head? Are you Pink Floyd? Am I dying?
You're definitely not cool enough to pull of the vaguely emo "building a brick wall in my head that keeps people out" bit because you aren't backed by awesome guitar solos like Pink Floyd was.
It's kind of funny really, just like being a better artist or being funnier in general it's simple really I just have to be more careful, and that always sounds loads easier than it actually is...

Do you consider yourself funny? I have yet to read anything in this blog I'd even classify as a joke. I bet he's someone who thinks talking loud is like being funny.
They aren't the same thing, by the way. Being loud and being funny, that is.
Oh poetry. My favorite time of the day: shitty poetry time.
The cold air from the open window ony cools my tea prematurely...
Unlike those surounding us, I realize I don't have a chance with you.

That'd be "surrounding", Captain Phonics.
But still, the taste of tea is comforting
But stil, I love to enjoy your company

Unlike the tea, you make it hard to concentrate
both seem like an addiction
why can't I just focus anymore?
maybe it's always been this way?

I'll give you this one because you spelled "still" one line above.
I think I couldn't live a day with out my tea
but I'd try for you
I think I can't live a day with out a smile,
but making someone else smile is much more rewarding

"without" is one word, chief. Also, I'll tell you someone who isn't smiling: me.

Thinking about you're current predicaments and frowns, only torment me
when I can clearly remember those watermelon smiles and endless gigles in such clear proximity.

You're predicaments. You are Predicaments. Rare is the day I see people screw up grammar backwards like this. Also "giggles", Captain Phonics. You seem to have trouble with double consonant sounds.
So here we are (or here you aren't)
I've tried my best (possibly too hard)
and you won't change your mind...
nothing can stop my tea from growing cold.

Seems like a temporal impossibility to me. "Here we are (or here you aren't)" since the only (given) characters of this poem are the speaker (presumably the author in this case) and the person to whom he's speaking, it would be impossible to have "them" there and yet one absent, unless we're speaking psychologically absent, but I seriously doubt he's good enough at this to pull something like that.
But maybe tomorrow will be warmer?
I guarantee you I will try again
I promise a new cup will be brewed
Maybe tomorrow will be a better day...

(for you and me...)

That was pretty dire, brostorm. Further proving that all poetry is just paragraphs with random line breaks.
Of course I have read books of poetry similarly written, and they were staples in many universities as far as I can tell, so I'm clearly either a poor judge of poetry (doubtful) or all poetry is bullshit.
Except epic poetry, of course, which is the greatest form of writing there is.
Communication is one of the biggest gifts from God to man.

Oh-ho, is it?
I seem to recall a certain quote:
Come, let Us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.

Genesis 11:7.
I must say, though, in terms of trolling that one was pretty good. Not as good as Eris "this golden apple will start the Trojan War" daughter of Zeus and Nyx (according to Hesiod's Theogony, anyway), but still pretty good.
Sure the end result is presumably greater than one war, but Eris didn't even really do anything to start this insane chain of events, whereas God had to change the way everyone spoke. Seems like a lot of work to me, and that's always an important consideration in rating the troll. Less work, greater result. That's my trolling moto, anyway.
"Judement day can not be stopped, only postponed... " okay that doesnt soud half as kool as I thought it would but... you get the point...

You're quoting fucking Terminator 3, what did you expect? Quotes that look good on paper?
You said tonight is a wonderful night to die.

"Baby, every night is a wonderful night to die." Sorry I'm not writing a biker movie set in the 1960s, am I?
All right I finally know this guy's name. DAN. HI DAN.
All I can say about your previous entries is this: learn what a paragraph break is.

Monday, May 25, 2009


Oh you furries. Incidentally, Atomic Coon, "coon" can be taken as a racial epithet, so you might want to be careful using that in publi-- just kidding I hope you do and someone kicks the shit out of you.

Got plenty of work in on Skate 2 tonight.

>Skate 2 (a video game)
I think you missed the point, brometheus.
The scores are capped. Which means that if you exceed a certain number, you'll get no experience, no money, have your score negated, and booted out of the room.

The reason? People taking advantage of the various 'Super Jump' glitches (the common ones being the 'Torpedo' and the No Comply) that give the user extreme air, thus getting huge numbers in the events.

Sounds boring AND stupid.

In some other news, I decided not to try and fix the eyelet issue with my black jeankilt.

Jean skirt. You're wearing a skirt, bro. You're not fooling me with the "I'm Irish" bit because no one in their right mind dresses like that in the year 2009.

I like the extra freedom it has, and it more than likely won't be worn anymore outside the house.

Nope you can't play the "my huge cock and balls need more room than mere mortal shorts offer" because no one's dick is bigger than mine and I'm just fine.

Been playing a lot of D&D recently. Playing as a Halfling Cleric. A bad ass one at that. :D

>Dungeons and Dragons
Other than that, life has been kind of quiet. Have picked up coloring, though. It helps me pass the time and to keep me sane.

I always like these types. The "I MUST DO SOMETHING CREATIVE OR I'LL GO MAAAAAAAAAAAAD!" Have you ever looked at people who are actually creative before? Most of them were, to put it mildly, "touched".
Also all of you furry artists draw in the exact same style. It's kind of eerie, in a funny sort of way, because then I get to imagine it's the same guy I'm picking on over and over.
And its the most awesome thing ever. Ever. o.o

I don't know what the most awesome thing ever is, but I know it isn't this (mildly pornographic, no nudity, and it is a cartoon dragon woman, so don't get excited).
... Is that a dragon? She has lizard wings, but-- oh who knows?
Job sucks. Boss is even worse. Threatened to take money out my pay check if I didn't replace a stupid trash can lid. It was a complete accident (and part of my Comedy of Errors that was yesterday).

I don't think you know what a comedy of errors is, although given that you made it a proper noun you might be referring directly to Shakespeare's "A Comedy of Errors" but even then I suspect you haven't read it (brotip: a comedy, by definition, ends on a high note, usually happy or at least lighthearted).
So I climb up and start making my way towards the cables. And I slip.

And fall right through the roof. D:

Such is the punishment for being a furry.
So while on one side, we won't have a fireworks display to witness for July 4th, we the furries will pretty much have rule over the city for the weekend. Huzzah.

I'm calling the Inquisition. ABHUMAN DEGENERATES!
My glasses are currently held together by a bent straight pin. I got them fixed, then proceeded to sleep on them. Again.


Yeah, kinda creeped out. So I'm just gonna clean my piercing and get something in my stomach.

By "something" he, like all furries, means semen.
Hey look a picture of the guy. Huh, he's black.
I don't think I've ever seen a black furry before. I'd suspect they're somewhat of a rarity but I don't actually follow the deviant freaks so who knows?
So I won't be able to donate blood. Glee.

Oh no your life is now meaningless.
Just kidding it was meaningless before. Enjoy your existence~
I got three bottles of home brew in my mini-fridge and they be nice and cold. Went and got me some Giant fried chicken, and I gonna get Crunk the safe way: At home.

Christ this drones on and on.
Let this be known, Atomic Coon: you barely qualified as someone I'd want to post about. You were boring and stupid, and if my options weren't as slim as they were I probably would have passed you up for stereotypical anorexic cunt number fifteen trillion. It's dire, bro. I suggest livening up some.

Friday, May 22, 2009

I Enjoy This.

Livejournal is 10 years old. Happy birthday, sewer of the internet.
Here, today, we have Gabby's Rants on Life, and while I don't know how interesting they are (they aren't) they certainly are long. I mean loooooooooong.
Did I mention they were long?
I've been reading a lot about babies lately so I thought maybe I'd write a short little blog about my baby brother and stuff.

>short little
>1700+ words
I've written essays for school that were shorter.
You've seen him here. His name is ONeill.

... Surely that's a last name?
Oh you.
So my senior year of high school a shit load of the girls in my grades started having kids. And not like "Fuck I got pregnant but I don't believe in abortion so I'll have the kid" situations. But like "I want to have a kid so I'll have sex as often as possible unprotected until I do." situations. Crazy right?

There's this great book called The Marching Morons that I personally believe should be requisite reading in high school. It's a lot better than that bullshit Atlas Shrugged or Anthem or whatever nonsense they have kids reading these days.
If they're going to make them read some dystopian fiction let's go all out and have them read the real shit.
That entire paragraph kind of reminded me of that.
I was like like, "lol okay. She's cute."

This is fascinating. Please, continue.

I'm sorry I'm sorry. I know I'm being mean.


So I thought maybe I'd explain what happened a few days ago. And I know that almost everyone with a baby goes through this but just bear with the story.

This is still the same fucking post, incidentally. We are now... 8 paragraphs into this and she's just now getting to her point.
Kevin has a thing about poo, he doesn't like it and it makes he want to vomit so thats the main reason he always needs someone with him while babysitting ONeill.

So your step-father is a putz, okay.
ONeill had taken off his diaper, pood in his crib and started playing with it! He rubbed the poo all over his covers and them started smothering it all over the crib itself! He even got some on the walls .

Glad to see with two adults on the scene you still couldn't prevent the child from smearing feces all over himself and his surrounding area.
I'm sure this story just goes up from here!
Well we figured out my brother had diarrhea. He poo'd, AGAIN, and it was so liquidy that it was seeping out and staining his clothes and even, the new bedsheets.

I might wonder why you'd even be sharing a story like this for the entire internet to read, but then I remember I'm on the internet.

I have now decided to join Harry Potterism.

Wacky Hijynx!
And guess what? We're BETTER than Christianity. Christianity only has one holy book. We have SEVEN! Beat that, dick lickers.

Actually the Bible is a compendium, not a book. That's why each "chapter" of the Bible is called the "Book of Job" or the "Gospel of Matthew" it's actually a rather haphazard jumble of fables, parables, songs and other stories. Page for page it's probably shorter (mercifully) than Harry Potter but I can assure you there are technically more than 7 "books" to the Bible. If we were to count all the accompanying Apocrypha to the Bible then I'm sure it's actually far, far longer than Harry Potter.
I'm sorry you were trying (trying being the operative word) to be funny. Please, continue.
... Oh. That's the end of the post.
Well I must say, dear Gaby, you are smart (smart as in sharp, as in clever, not intellectually gifted, which you are that as well). You should perhaps think of going on tour, or perhaps writing a book even!
The anti-Christian bias in our society has reached absurd proportions. Consider:

1. During the 1988 election campaign, George Bush said that Christians should not be considered patriots or real American citizens.

I see what you did there. He actually said that about atheists and not Christians at all! I sure do looooove chain letters. Especially when they're posted on blogs!
Glad to see George Bush's (either one) opinion is still considered relevant and important enough in stardate 2009 to warrant posting about! Oh, that's right, I remember now, he was irrelevant even when he was president.
Don't you people have something better to do with your time? (Rhetorical question with an answer: no).
From Scientific Paganism list...think about it Christians...if this list were real how would you feel?

They'd probably cry persecution just like they do now. That's the awesome thing about persecution: you can call it pretty much regardless, even if you are a crushing 80% of the American population.
Meanwhile the good religion (the real religion) Greek Mythology only has 3 tiny factions. Hellenic Polytheistic Reconstructivists (cunts, just look at that fucking name), Discordians (heretics) and me. Hi.
Oh, she's selling her animus and mangos. Let's see-- nope, all shit.
.Hack was okay, all right. But I don't see Fist of the North Star or Berserk or Saint Seiya, so you can go fuck yourself.
Okay so I'm selling some of my books that I've acquired over a small period of time. These are mostly pretty light reads leaning more towards what a teenage girl might be interested in reading.

Fair enough, let's see--

Alice in Wonderland .50 (almost new)

Alice in Wonderland is fucking awesome what's wrong with you? If you want a lesson in grimdark and madness look no further. But nooooooooo have to offload that for 50 cents.

Okay, so maybe (I guess) I haven't established my personality on this site yet.

We're going in reverse-chronological order so I suppose this might be warranted.
I am VERY sexual.

Is that a personality trait? I would put that more in the category of "things you do" versus "things you are" you could not be sexual. But then again I guess you could not be a cunt, so I don't know.

Almost a slut except I don't sleep around.

O-- oh. In that case, I'm almost a nice guy, except I'm not nice to people.
Wow that is a neat trick.
I have had quite a couple fuck buddies since college started and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon.

ma chérie.
Such manners! Such high breeding!

When it comes to sex I am the MASTER! Yes, master. You read it.

I read a lot of things. Doesn't make them true.
If there's something up with you relationship wise (whether it be romantic or sexual) I most likely have a good answer for you.

Doubt it. You may be whoremaster extraordinaire, but I can basically read minds.
I know this blog is totally crappy and it might sound like I bragging.

That's what my blog is basically 100% of the time. Quote a post, "you may think you're awesome but (here's some achievement that's marginally superior that no one cares about)." See it's all how you frame it, Gaby. While I might be annoying about it sometimes, I actually frame it around a parody-- I tell people to stop doing these things because they're ruining the internet (exaggeration, it was never good) and then I commit exactly what I tell them not to do.
Oh please, I've probably had more fuck buddies in the past two years then they'll have their entire lives (yea it sounds skanky but I'm just being honest. And YES Vanessa. YES Rachel. I am being safe.)

So she acknowledges she's maybe doing the wrong thing in her blog but does nothing to address it?
I understand that sometimes you just want a quick fuck and then get on with your day. I have those times too.

I take it back. You really do understand.
On a completely different topic, I'm thinking about applying to the University of Illinois in Chicago.

Whoa, what? Sorry it's a little jarring to go from "I was just fucking in the backseat of some guy's car" to "I'm applying to the University of Illinois!" I know you (kind of) transitioned and even had a nice page break for me, but take it easy, holy shit.
So I made the point of saying that if the girl had the abortion THEN went back to being all 'pro life' that she was a hypocrite.

Yes, imagine. A Christian, being hypocritical? That has never happened before!
As much of an adult as you might feel, you AREN'T!

Neither are you, Mrs. "I-Just-Turned-19". I'm allowed to pull this stunt because I'm 21. 21 beats 19 and 14, I win. Blackjack. (I had a jack and a 10 in case someone thought I don't know the rules of blackjack, which I don't actually).
I'm tired of hearing you guys gushing about how much you love so-and-so and how happy you get just by seeing them walk by you in the hallway.

How often do you hear 14 year olds speak? I know I have never listened to a 14 year old speak, even when I was 14.
061. [x] cried over the silliest thing
062. [] ran a mile

Gaby confirmed for fatty.
Well this post is getting almost as long as one of your posts, Gaby. I must say I've enjoyed this blog more than I have any of the ones lately.
We should do this again sometime~

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Bro Crusade Continues

Today I tackled the Promyvion runs in FFXI and cleared them all, so pretty much any achievement imaginable pales in comparison. It's all there in the title: PROmyvion.
So here we are today.
A fellow Final Fantasy fan, going by the avatars. Yes, Final Fantasy VI was the best. This does not mean I'm going soft on you, though. If anything I'm now holding you to a higher standard because you are familiar with things that are not shit and therefore have no excuse for your heathen ways.
Two things that I find unfair:

Somehow I bet both of these articles you are, in fact, in control of, but do continue.

That I only truly want to be writing when I am nowhere near something that I can use to write.

Yep definitely don't give a fuck.

That in order to get a good job I have to do things like apply and interview and go to job fairs and that just scares me and makes me unhappy.

Also I've cut about a paragraph from each of these two items. You didn't miss anything, she just literally got her point across in one sentence and then continued to prattle on.
See that, Jen (I love being on a first name basis with the various bloggers :3)? I didn't have anything further to say so I ended the thought.
I GOT AN A IN RESEARCH METHODS, AKA THE CLASS THAT HAS BEEN IN CONTROL OF MY LIFE SINCE SEPTEMBER. Okay so yes I got As in all other classes but the B in econ but those don't seem NEARLY as wonderful/exciting/etc. I GOT AN A IN 406.

Well whoopdeeshit I got an A in all my classes.

Now it's time to make Aziraphale's life miserable by remixing my angsty WWII slash fic <3>

I know what World War II is, and I know what Azazel is (an obscure character in Jewish Apocrypha, but given this cunt probably from some anime) but I have no clue what this sentence means. At all.

Belial just popped into my head, along with his reasoning for deciding to seduce Uriel

What is this I don't even
All right for those of you unfamiliar with Jewish and Christian mythology and associated texts and apocrypha (who could blame you?) Belial is, well, first a term, as in the oft-mentioned "riotous sons of Belial" basically, greedy people who would do anything for money. Crooks, thieves, rogues, etc. Belial was later personified as the demon of greed. His most famous appearance is perhaps in Milton's "Paradise Lost", where he attempts to convince the Court of Hell to develop the natural resources of Hell, which was rich in valuable metals.
Uriel is a rather obscure Seraph (highest order of angels) who I believe is briefly mentioned in Dante's Divine Comedy as well as "Paradise Lost" and figures only slightly more heavily into the cult classic Shin Megami Tensei series.
I can't be certain if they were gay or not, but I would have to assume Uriel would spurn this advance considering they are embroiled in a bitter war and are on opposite sides of the conflict.
Oh here she posts an excerpt.
Uriel was tidying up and singing to himself. “Love me hate me say what you want about me, but all of the boys and all of the girls are beggin’ to IF YOU SEEK AMY!”

Belial’s eye twitched.

“Say, you know, that song is so catchy but makes no sense,” Uriel admitted, “No sense at all. IF YOU SEEK AMY? What does that even mean?”

Belial’s eye began to spasm.


If Belial had a soul, it would have died.

Well that was bad and didn't make a lot of sense. I'd like to mention that Belial is only a soul by definition but whatever, hey who needs all this book learnin' when you can shit out this PURE GENIUS?
XD Sorry those two amuse me.

Oh now we get deep insight in the form of an AIM conversation. These are always fucking stupid. Put your goggles on, because I suspect unprotected eyes will be irrevocably damaged upon viewing this:
[15:29] steadfast: he will get involved in a duel to the death (not sure with who XD) that occurs over a pit of spikes that are on fire while the kraken tries to suck him down
[15:29] steadfast: so i guess we could do that XD
[15:29] foxxfire5: xDD
[15:30] foxxfire5: what are we going to do? have him spiked underwater?
[15:30] steadfast: XD
[15:30] steadfast: just
[15:30] steadfast: XD

In a two minute window (at most), FIVE "XD"s.
This conversation continues in this fashion for another five minutes, and in that window there are another SIX "XD"s, bringing the grand total (in a six minute clip of a conversation) to 11. That's almost two every minute.
So I finally sat down and forced myself to read Twilight. It took about 4 hours.

It wasn't nearly as bad as I figured it would be.

Thanks. I didn't put much time into my best seller but it has made me a fortune.

Two more scenes to go, still. Well, three, if I'm including some sort of climactic fight scene against el dragon, which I haven't quite decided whether or not I'm going to write or not.

I don't usually count climactic battles where most of the action is resolved as a scene, but I can see where you might consider it one of the most important parts of a story.

I finally got up the metaphysical balls to look at the grad school apps I still have hanging

I guess all those big bad psychology classes (and an English minor, no less) don't extend into the definition of "metaphysical" (protip: your statement didn't make that much sense).
Do you remember how I complained that my brain doesn't think linearly - that I can write the end of stories before the beginning, etc.? Prime example of this: MY BRAIN HAS DECIDED TO WORK ON THE SEQUEL.

OH NO IF ONLY THERE WAS SOME METHOD OF WRITING WHEREIN YOU COULD DIVIDE INDIVIDUAL STORIES INTO SMALLER SECTIONS AND THEN ORGANIZE THEM LATER IN A FASHION THAT MAKES SENSE TO THE READER! Unfortunately to my knowledge no such thing exi-- oh no, no wait, I remember now: they're called chapters. Might want to look into them.

Second, it turns out that my Good Omens novella has gotten about 300 viewers per chapter.

I'm parring the next paragraph down to a sentence so that it isn't so boring (and stupid).
Oh, and I ordered statues of the archangels so that they don't smite me because of the fact that they're all characters in the novella.

I forgot what I was going to say about this, honestly. The glaring stupidity of this paragraph just crushed all rational thought I had for about ten minutes.
Things Jen needs to get done today:

But wait, aren't you Jen?
Oh who cares?
This goes on and on forever about shit I don't care about, so I'm going to do something else now.

Friday, May 15, 2009

No way you're topping this, brosef

Beat the Shadow Lord today in FFXI, which means I'm officially at the endgame if the year was 2004. I also got the Warlock's Tabard, so I'm pretty pro at the moment. I also did some silly irl stuff like got straight aces in all my classes, but no one actually gives a shit about that. I just thought I'd mention it in case one of these bloggers decides to go on about their WoW OR school accomplishments. I've already got them trumped. The only thing I have to fear is if they say they kissed a girl, but given these cunts I think I'm safe.
Actually just kidding, all I'd have to do is show those bitches a picture of the Shadow Lord and they'd jump my bones immediately. Yeah, that's right, I'm a knight on the internet.
Oh right, you probably came here expecting me to riff on a blog (that sounded homoerotic) instead of prattling on for two paragraphs about whatever the fuck it is I just said. Anyway, here we go~
I need to figure out how to survive while working only 40 hours a week. No more.

Rob banks. Actually just kidding, if there's any crime in the world that you'll get caught for (after serial killing) it's bank robbing. Uhh, you could seduce bored rich women, but that implies you have charm, so-- no, rob banks. I think you're more likely to succeed at that.

I know that sounds stupid but I want my life to be about more than work.

Not in this economy. Enjoy working 120 hour weeks and dying at 80. Poor.
I want the rest of my life to be filled with more video games, more dog time, and soon some kitten time.

Sounds like you need to multitask. Do you know how many people in my FFXI Linkshell play while at work? It's like half. You live in America, bro, the most decadent society on Earth, you can pretty much get away with anything as long as you're not a doctor or a lawyer and you sit in front of a computer in a cubicle all day. You just need to get a little innovative.
And I think I want it to be in New York so thats probably where I'm going. New York, Chicago, or Honolulu.

I'm trying to imagine the individual that would actually have a decision to make between Chicago and Honolulu, then I remember I'm on the internet. OH BOY, A FREEZING ARM PIT OF A CITY THAT ONLY HAS ONE MAJOR CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORLD (the 1950s TV show "The Untouchables") OR A TROPICAL PARADISE, UHHHHHHHHHHHHH-- I'm not even going to mention New York. They seem to have a bit of an airplane problem. (too soon?)
I am really happy I decided to only keep 5 pokemon on my team. I have been using the 6th slot for the random pokemon that know the stupid HM moves.

Ah yes, the famous "five or six Pokemon" conundrum.
I used to waste time figuring out how to divide those moves among my main 6 but it so much easier to just put in on bitch pokemon that I don't train/ care about.

Jesus Christ welcome to 1996. I thought I was stuck in a time warp when I was excited about my 2004 video game accomplishment, but this guy is even worse off.
What are my fears? I still have a fear of sea monsters and dislike the idea of swimming in deep water.

Your irrational fears are stupid. Seriously, sea monsters? What are you, 12?
Actually, given that he seriously plays Pokemon, that's a distinct possibility.
Dood, could I hate my job any more? Why is my boss such a bitch. Chubi, you are so hard to work for. And you're an idiot! Uhhhhhhh I hate you!

Just act like a dope around her so she won't suspect you're capable of anything, but always do more than you're expected to do. Then when upper management comes around, make sure they know who is running the show (you) she'll be disarmed by your idiot routine that she'll look doubly incompetent when an underling outperformed her that you'll get promoted over her.
Office politics is easy if you're patient~
Also, remember: grab Fortune from the front. I don't know, I read that somewhere. Personally I got a bit of a double entendre from it, since the mythological character Fortuna (Tyche in Greek) is the goddess of fortune, so it's basically advocating grabbing some boob, but I'm sure that was just me~
Last week: Internetting from a phone, not enough Ina, trouble with transportation, missing Big O, and Drifblim/Torterra/Togetic/Noctowl.

Big O is one of the greatest cartoons ever made and you should feel bad for missing it.
Also Drifblim is stupid and you should feel bad for training it. Replace it with Gengar. Fuck year, Gengar.
My largecunt boss's daughter just turned 6 the other day so they flew her to Miami to go shopping. Um, fuck these people??? Apparently the kid's playhouse in her backyard has air conditioning, a bedroom, and a lounge. See also, my new apartment.

Life isn't fair so why complain about it? Instead I am going to eat some rice krispies and yell at my puppies for biting each other too much.

There you go, life sucks so eat Rice Krispies. I love it when these bloggers admit they eat too much.
Apparently this is a man writing this. He has to be gay.
So I canceled my date so I could give the puppies a bath, do laundry, and balance my checkbook.

Definitely gay.

Pokémon is incredible. I am going on a date soon???

The ladies won't respect your Pokemon skills, bro. Maybe if you had a hard-won victory over the Shadow Lord they'd be more sympathetic, but not with your SMALL TIME shit.

Bought a pink DS and some adhesive gingham bows to decorate. Not embarrassed.

Deeeeeeeefinitely gay.
So I talked to Dale, my manager at IHOP, and decided to "cut back" on hours instead of quitting entirely. Mostly this is because I am a pussy but until I have my new car moped I'll need ever cent I can get my hands on.

Not getting ahead in the world of office politics like that, Seth. (I love being on a first name basis with the people I review). Remember: Dale would cut your throat out if he thought it would give him an edge, so don't think twice about fucking him over.
Do I just bring bad luck? Is it karma?

I wish they'd go over this Karma thing in school.

Life is weird. Sadness becomes happiness and grudges disappear.

True hatred rings eternal. I don't think that's a Warhammer quote, either. They should probably add that.
Now there's a post that insinuates he reads Harlequin romance novels. I'm now not entirely convinced he's a man. Isn't that an 18-35 year old woman thing?
I actually really dislike the idea of space exploration but watching the launch was really pretty fun.

You clearly watch giant robot shows because you said you watched Big O. That's the result of space exploration. It's Gundam. Or Warhammer. Either way, fuck you.
So I went to check out some culinary schools. $40,000 a year. A YEAR! Whatthefuckever. No. No no no. I will never be able to afford that.

Hi, there's something called student loans. Maybe you should look into them.
Every time a page has trouble loading and it sites it temporarily as a "fatal error" a large part of me is like, "Whatever. Do you even know what fatal means? Aren't you supposed to be a computer?"

Definition of fatal:
4 a: causing death b: bringing ruin fatal attraction to gambling> c: causing failure fatal design flaw>
Smart ass.
Well, Captain Faggot continues. I'm not, so enjoy your weekend~

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


No. No you are not.
So there's this cunt, yeah, and her Livejournal name is kawaii_pocky (seriously). I picked her out today because I was watching American Idol last night (my testicles retreated into my abdomen where they remain to this very minute, thanks for asking) and I saw this guy who I can only describe as "an super faggot". His name is Adam Lambert, and he sings like a banshee. So when I saw his picture today on Livejournal I said "hey that guy looks familiar" and here we are.
So i was watching American Idol with my mom yesterday...

Yeah that's what I was doing too. Captain Cool I am.

and she started freaking out about this guy named Adam Lambert

Here's where we part company, because I think the collective reaction of my mom and me looked something like this:
Soo as i was saying, my mom was freaking out about him and i said that "I've heard a better voice", and she said i was lying!! Then she was all like "name a couple",

I have a few: every human being ever.
I'm even including George Thorogood and Bruce Sprinsteen in that list, that's how shitty this was.
... Okay maybe not as bad as Springsteen, but it's pretty close. They could be father and (gay) son.
so of coarse my jrock senses kicked in and i said "Kyo, Ruki, Hyde, Byou, Miku, etc etc.." and she was like
"who the hell are they?? Your dumb japanese singers??!"

Thats when i really flipped out, im like "mom screw you and your gay ass Adam Lambert, even if he wins, im not going to hear about him let alone remember his name in a year!!"

Counter burn.
So then i just went upstairs and listened to some of my jrock albums. Blasting them actually, so my parents would compain that hey couldn't hear American Idol

:3 sounds like a pleasant family to be around. Incidentally I can't help but notice in your list of Japanese rock bands you forgot the one actually good band: B'z. Fuck year, they're touring with Aerosmith.
kk, so my dad and i were talking about my computer (he doesn't know its broken cuz he would flip shit), and he said that i might get his old computer...which would rock cuz it has SOO MUCH more memory, that i would use to put all my songs oh kehehehehe, soo yea but the problem is that it might not happen all right after i finish school (like a couple weeks), unlike if i get a new laptop (cuz i would get a new one like a couple days after..)

World's longest sentence. Also: interesting read. I really care about whatever the fuck it is I'm reading.

Hey everybody, recentally my computer broke. Yush Yush don't cry ( i did a little tho).

>Yush yush...
Hush hush
don't cry
Tongue-tied, I'm short of breath, don't even try
Try a little harder
Something's wrong, you're not naive, you must be strong
Ooh, baby, try
Hey girl, move a little closer.
too shy, too shy, hush hush, eye to eye
Whoa she's prattling on about shit no one cares about and I got transported back to the 80s for a minute.
I'm sure that was completely unintentional on her part, too, because Kajagoogoo isn't one of her KAWAII JAPANESE SINGERS UNGUU
They are pretty fucking gay, though, so I'm sure she could get along well with them.

So i decided for this entry i would list the Top 10 songs i've been listening to this week!!

Let's play a fun game called "have you heard of this?"

Kuso Breakin' Nou Breakin' Lilly - Maximum the Hormone

Vi-Vi-Vi - SuG


Summer Dive - AnCafe

... To make what would undoubtedly be a very long and tedious exercise slightly less long and tedious: 8-1: no.

*If you want one of these songs, ask me and i'll give you the link*

No thanks I'm listening to GUNS 'N' ROSES right now.
Hahaha, so a couple days ago i went to Newberry Comics at the mall and i got these really cool smoking rabbits and i just thought they were soo kawaii :3

Ha, ha, ha, no "kawaii :3" is what I do to mock your kind, you're not supposed to seriously do it.
Well, its raining outside, and im kinda bored LOL.

Anyone see a joke that would cause her to laugh? I'm not seeing it.

My other friend told me he keeps inscence in his pocket.. 0.o How weird is that??

Oh aren't you just the paragon of normalcy, miss "kawaii unguu :3 smoking rabbits kawaii!"
He probably keeps incense (as that is how it is spelled) in his pocket to keep the smell of pot covered.

There a really good band, that i've recentally heard of.

Nope. Not until you fix your grammar. I was about to say "if this was Japanese she'd have it fucking perfect" but I seriously doubt it.
OK, so well im going to Massachusettes this weekend and i need some new songs!! Yea even though i have songs i've never listened to on my ipod (lol)!

Soo i really have nobody to talk to *cries*

Shut up.
Oh, and this is the end of her blog.
Hooray, I'm finished!

Monday, May 11, 2009


I've made the joke "I'm going blind because of the shitty color choice" and I'd like to apologize to all previous blogs I've said that about, because compared to today's visual onslaught, those previous blogs were tame.
Seriously, am I dying? Look at this shit.
I hate carrying big bulky objects for extended amounts of time. I like things that fit in my arms and don't poke or prod me and don't require me having to shake my arms to get feeling back into them. I often keep it so I rarely carry bulky or heavy objects, but today was not the case.

Oh of course the colors carry over into my blog. Thanks a lot Zabukawaiirl. Also it's really hard to care about whatever it is you're talking about when... LOOK AT THIS SHIT!
I know our school isn't as well off financialy as it used to be, but I really wanted a new sketchbook, and plus I'm leaving this year, so how much would our school loosing a sketchbook effect me?

So I guess the kid after you who doesn't get a sketchbook at all doesn't matter, huh?
Also: financially*, lose*, affect*. Come on, now. You're graduating high school, try a little harder.
Her entire story is she wants to take one of these sketchbooks so she put her crappy anime drawings in it over the summer, and in case you were wondering, this story has no closure. So I guess I will never know or care.

Final Teusday of highschool, afterall.

Tuesday*, after all* come on.
I keep hoping her blog will suddenly end so I can stop with the eye straining font, but alas, it keeps going.

I'll be testing and praying to Jesus and Satan and Ala and Budah and Chuck Norris and

Stop. I'm going to ignore for the moment you spelled Allah and Buddha wrong. Let's focus, first, on CHUCK NORRIS? CHUCK NORRIS JOKES? Year check: 2009, and Chuck Norris jokes were never funny. Also kill yourself. All right, proceed.
...Sponge Bob that I pass my classes and all the while it will feel like someone released an angry chinchilla in my insides.

Christ all mighty.

Then again, not a lot of things are. Karma's final blow be a very cruel mistress.

I'm going to forgive you for not understanding how karma works, considering the spelling of Buddha was beyond you, but suffice it to say, that's not actually how karma supposedly works.
What you're thinking of, I think, is the John Lennon song "Instant Karma".
but one of the largest online wars finally drew to a close over the weekend. You know, the one you all expected to end in bloodshed, a duel in an ally way somewhere resulting in a double homicide?

I have no idea what you're talking about, but considering this is coming from you, I'm going to guess it's stupid.
I still feel like skateboarding around school. Just breaking out a board and just traveling from class to class by skateboard while listening to Blink-182.

I thought the joke was on me, reviewing a blog from 1998, but nope, this blog was written on... March 11, 2009.
Nothing really that much to write about at this point. Just little blurbs about wanting to learn to play the guitar just for the soul purpose of playing songs with bottle caps from cans of soda (or whatever you call those little mettle things...)

Sole*, metal* also, the technical term you were looking for, Lady Phonics, is "tab".
I forgot to write about my amazing discovery yesterday morning that set my day off to what I believed to be a good start, but now I figure it was karma's way

All right I know I said I wouldn't, but you've done this a couple of times now, so let's go over karma.
Karma, not to be confused with Dharma (pay attention now), is the sum of your deeds in this life as well as in past lives. It is not a cause and effect relation, where if you were bad you will be punished. Instead, it's the sum factor of all the deeds you have ever done.
Dharma would be the teachings of the Buddha.
I have an inferiority complex because I was bullied and I wanna be Sasuke because I'm weak Baaaaaaaaaaaw!

Well I would continue with this, but my eyes just fell out of my head. Godspeed, all.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Welcome to Die, X-men!

Today I'm going to be fishing in FFXI while updating, because there's no reason why this nonsense should cut into my mad fishing profits. Today's target is the elusive nebimonite, which looks like some kind of prehistoric shellfish or something I don't know-- anyway they sell for a lot. I think cooks make sushi out of them. I don't know, and I can't be bothered to figure out what those silly meleers eat. All I know is my character is on a steady diet of cakes, cookies and pies because very much like real life cakes, cookies and pies increase your sorcerous aptitude.
Oh right this blog thing. I almost forgot. So there's this cunt idk--
I found something on teh interwebs that will probably eat my entire afternoon: 1-star reviews on Amazon of things that are otherwise considered classics/best in their field.

Good heavens, people, with poor/no taste sharing their opinions on the internet? This has never happened before!
Also contrary to what school taught me and what I've probably said here many times to justify calling someone stupid for having a contrary opinion, your opinion can't actually be wrong.
Good grief... the one where the guy was complaining that Vonnegut trivialized death in Slaughterhouse Five and how that made it a dumb book... I...

Meanwhile the actual greatest book ever written, my commercial phenomenon Twilight is enjoying a solid... Four stars on Amazon!
It's not that people aren't allowed to miss the point, but do they have to advertise it by leaving bad reviews on Amazon? XD

lol! there sure is a lot of funny business going on on this, what is it, Internet! XP
Now I have read somewhere that ancient egyptians used to feed their slaves beer to make them pliant and harder workers, as well as providing for their calorie needs while they worked.

Those ancient Egyptians were smart people. I'm not commenting on the institute of slavery, but if you have tons of slaves you need to be compliant, that's a smart way to go about it.
So I'm reading through a forum discussing people's favorite childhood books, and my eyes keep getting bigger and rounder at remembering all these books I loved as a child. Remember The Phantom Tollbooth? Ever read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

No, I was always a bitter, jaded adult and I've never heard of these :c

So I have this spreadsheet where I track all of my bills data - income and outflow of cash, really.

Not getting too technical, are you? You're not really supposed to qualify something with "really" unless the statement that preceeded it was somehow unclear or technical.
Until today, I hadn't listed my house balance on the interest-bearing debt portion of the spreadsheet, because my plans to pay it off were so long term that I didn't bother.

Oh this is genius. "Long term debt is so long term I won't even bother tracking it because I'll die before it's all paid off!" what, it would take you 5 hours to add an extra number to another column every month?
And then I sat and looked at the balance of my total interest bearing debts... and it didn't look that bad. It's around $83k, and I'm wondering how I can be in a place where $83k doesn't seem like a lot of money.

>not a lot of money
Then I realize, it's likely because of our economy, and listening to news bits about the billions of dollars other people apparently need to bail themselves out, $83k is peanuts.

Yeah, but you're not getting billions of dollars. Meanwhile this entire thing blows over and you're still the better part of 100,000 dollars in debt.

So our passport cards came in the mail a couple days ago. 80 days until the cruise whee!

You're almost 100,000 in debt and you're taking a cruise?
I guess she counts her mortgage as part of her debt, which would make sense.
So I pray to the G-man upstairs, and I say "Hey, please, help my husband, he's very stressed out and I don't know how to help him. Please show him how to cope with stress."

Please no.

And the G-man, he goes, "Want him to learn to deal with stress? Ok. Here's a raccoon."

Fuck me.
Seriously. Phil hit a raccoon doing 70 mph on the interstate in Ohio... practically obliterated the front end of the car.

Fucked that raccoon up, I bet.
So I'm sitting on the stairs, putting on tennis shoes, contemplating yogurt... and the dog starts getting all excited, and I start talking to her "Let's see, if I spent $1.79 on a half gallon of milk, and from that got a quart of yogurt and some cheese... divide by two..." during which Lady gets increasingly aggressive excited, and a light bulb goes off over my head "Oh! You don't CARE about math, do you? You're a DOG!"

Ha, my rocket science knows no boundaries. Time for walkies tho, eh? :)

Wacky hijynx!
Some things that were iffy: I couldn't get the milk up to 185 in my double boiler. It hovered at about 181 for an hour, so I had to hope that was good enough.

Oh what could possibly go wrong?
Given that my double boiler is just a big bowl on a pot of water, I'm guessing 181 is where the heat loss from the surface area = the heat gain from the bottom of the bowl.

That's not really how that works, but okay.
Half-assed theory, given my very vague background in chemistry and physics (yay high school XD), but it's what I got.

Hypothesis* also lol xD
Now there's a huge list of resolutions that include such impossible feats of willpower as:
living within her means
not eating like a total pig
So now she admits to cyberstalking someone and being pregnant and other shit I don't know
And then this morning, listening to that Will Smith song, Just the Two of Us, and getting all bleary again.

>Will Smith song
>emotional response outside disgust or cynical bemusement
All right I'm sick of this.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


First thing I have to address is your blog's title: Faerie Glamour (possibly sic, you better not be from America with that spelling). What's that under it? Oh my, Japaneeeeeeeeeese! You're sooooooooooooo smar-- let's talk about this.

"Tsuki no hikari wa ai no messeji"
tsuki is the moon, no is a particle denoting owner ship, ownership of light in this case ("moon's light" although there is a perfectly good word: 月明 getsumei, moonlight) but whatever this is poetic nonsense I'll roll with moon's light. "Wa" is perhaps the most elementary particle and it denotes one of the fundamental building blocks of any language, and being one of the basics it's also one of the more difficult concepts to grasp. Wa, in this case, is functioning as the subject. Moon's light... Does something. "Ai no messeji' is literally "love's message" but there's no verb here. All she's saying is "moon's light love's message". I'm not even sure you could in good faith put a comma between "light" and "love's" because in English that suggests a relationship not mentioned in the original.
But whatever. I'm not honestly sure how you'd combine these thoughts in a poetic manner because I'm not a cunt and try to avoid English poetry wherever possible, so you can goddamn well believe I don't read Japanese poetry.
The first post is "the validity of internet fortunes?" which anyone who has their head somewhere on their shoulders and not up their own ass can answer "none" but this is a blog writer I'm talking about here, so of course it's not that simple:

Because I couldn't make up my mind based on facts or even my own friggin feelings, I've been trying to get aid from my tarot cards, horoscope, and the i-ching thing on

Oh no.
i-ching kept telling me every single time not to make a move, just to stay where I am and wait out all the bad stuff. Then I thought, you know, that's what Eastern philosophy is like, that's what Ayn Rand hated about it so much.

Oh no.
It's never going to tell me to stand up for myself or up and leave a situation, or anything.

So, I decided to ignore all those fortunes it gave me, and now I have finally decided to move back to my parents' house. Actually, I asked it WHY DO I HAVE TO FREAKING STAY HERE SO BAD, and it hinted back that I need to wait until someone moves out or leaves.

This reminds me of the one (and only) comic book I've read in my adult life: Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth. She's like Two-Face, who is so paralyzed by fate that he can't even make simple decisions like "should I go to the bathroom?" without first consulting his Tarot cards, which are of course not build to answer freakishly specific questions like that. In fact, the Tarot cards can't actually tell your fortune.
Incidentally in that story Two-Face upgraded from his coin to Tarot because they're more symbolic and shit.
Today, I got a fortune that said to pay attention to the small things in life, and suggested that I have missed a small detail that the future could suffer from. It had some changing lines, and my future fortune is "stillness" or staying put when everything else is moving. As if to say, NO, SERIOUSLY, DON'T MOVE OUT YET.

I don't know what to do, I mean, it's not even like they're some blessed i-ching coins passed on down the centuries and proven to work--IT'S THE FREAKING INTERNET. Just, these fortunes were always so close to truth when I first started doing them. *sigh*

Or how about this: "I'm not going to be a douche and worry about the future, I'm going to take action now and take fate as it comes." Remember: your fate is to die, and you will never avoid this, so you might as well do some shit now because it's coming. Somehow, one day.
If I'm unable to recover the files off of it, not only will that royally suck, but I'm totally going to get yelled at for it, because everyone assumed I knew how to burn discs on the Mac and that I was backing them up every month. Or that I even knew I was supposed to do that.

That really is their fault. I'm not even joking. They hired you to do a job then just assumed you'd do it correctly? I know when I have group work in class I never assume anything will go right and 99% of the time I'm not surprised. If you want something done right, do it yourself.
At random, I decided to look up the compatibility between Taurus and Sagittarius. I've always thought this was pretty silly, even though I do believe in sun signs in general O_o

Doesn't it take the sun thousands of years to move from one sign to another? Assuming this does have a bearing on life (it doesn't) wouldn't the changes be infinitesimally small?
Of course, some of them said some TOTALLY UNTRUE things, like "Sagittarius is always on the move and likes to take risks, but Taurus prefers to plan ahead and enjoys the security of the home" LLLLOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL. The opposite I'd say.

Ha, ha yeah that horoscope system devised by people in the Bronze Age sure is not right a lot of the time!
On the other hand! Once they took away the basic Sag/Taurus stereotypes, and focused on the elements that rule each sign (Fixed Earth vs. Mutable Fire), suddenly things made so much sense! The gist of them was,

Wow, this is boring as fuck.
I just love strawberries!!??!!111!!LULZ!!!1 AND WHAT IS MORE LOLI THAN A STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL, SRSLY.
I can't believe I just read all of that sentence and didn't suffer a stroke.

Did you know that even Japanese websites link to my Gothloli blog?

They're probably very similar to my blog in feel. "Wow look at this idiot, let me waste my life by writing a bunch of mean things about her no one will ever read. :3"
Oops...that was my first reaction, lulz.

lulz xD die.

Isn't that what that says??

(Again, just pop me a message if you want to be on my dreams filter~)

Are you shitting me? You seriously offer a service wherein you message people your dreams... AND PEOPLE SUBSCRIBE?
At least I don't think I'll ever see her type in LOLspeak. lulz.

No that's it. I'm done.
Incidentally, the idiot from last update responded:

yea yea typing is not my strong suit. i type fast but not so great

Okay. As long as you have a good reason to type like an idiot.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Examine your thoughts

Wow today's poster is a total douchecunt. I almost cannot believe what I'm reading, it's that atrocious. One need only look at the title and description of this blog to see what is about to unfold, like a stink blossom blooming in the reeking mulch of the internet.
music and writing is life and dane cook is GOD!!

>Dane Cook
>implying he is even a mediocre comedianWe're in for it now, readers.

anime is crack but comic books are cheaper.

Ohhhhhhhhhh boy.
ninja is a verb!

No it isn't. Shut up.

so yay i got a new computer.

Oh goody now you get to keep updating your blog. Yes, you without a computer would be an absolute loss.
the dead is going to be there i think the president of the school not to mention my professors and peers are going to be there asking me questions about my experiment so im really nervous.

"My experiment on how to turn douchebaggery into a tangible essence."
i have my final for far east lit and im so glad that class is over. i regret every day taking that class.

Ah yes, faggot weeaboo here has to come to terms with the fact that Japanese culture doesn't revolve around anime and internet memes. Also Japan isn't the only Eastern Asian country (brotip: China is frequently the focus of these classes).
well the end of the school year is fast approaching so i figured i would post. just to warn you i just cut my finger doing dishes so its kidna hard to type so excuse the glaring spelling mistakes.

So what's your excuse for entries that occur weeks before this one and weeks after?
Actually I kind of like this excuse. Blaming something that has nothing to do with anything on your spelling and grammar.
Hey guys if I have any glaring grammar or spelling mistakes please forgive me because my huge penis often gets in the way of me typing.
as i was saying the school year is almost over and even though i still have to take a summer class to get my last freaking 3 credits im pretty excited to be alomst done with school.

>this guy with his mastery of English (none)
>implying he's graduating college
had the shole metaphysical quandry going a day or two ago just kinda freaking out about....well...everything. who am i what am i doing what is my life going to be and why am i here and all that.

That's not metaphysical, that's existential, but whatever. You are, after all, an idiot.
Not that anyone but nerds and wastes of space give a shit about philosophy.
havent posted anything intellignet in a while so figure why not.

"Haven't posted anything intelligent in a while ever so I figure 'why not?'"
Fixed that for you.

where art thou spring break.

wherefore* art thou. It's from Shakespeare you illiterate pleb. "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art though Romeo?" is the line. It continues: "Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love And I'll no longer be a Capulet."
I don't even like Shakespeare so whatever, who cares?
my experiment for experimental psyc is almost done just have to gaehr the last of the data this week and do the analysis so i can write the last of it up.

I believe it's hard to fuck up the spelling of "gather" that hard, so I think that might actually be a word on Gaelic or perhaps German.

my research paper for senior sem is due in a week that i totally forgot about.

Good work. Way to shit the bed.
ok so im actually pretty confused right now. i had a pretty bad week of death and somehow i managed to finish all my work without dying and magically i got it all in on time.

Don't expect me to congratulate you, or anything. You did what you were supposed to do. Carry on.

i think i leveled up after this week.

Real life doesn't work that way, bro. Believe me, I've tried.

my cumulative GPA is 2.93 so im so close to my goal of over a 3.00 GPA.

And that is a C+, and that is satisfactory.
ok so yesterday was totally screwed. work was a total clusterfuck tho in general it was fnny as hell at the same time. i walked in and it was a freaking mess so they were like we need you to close. pleaseplease pleeeeease. so im like fuuuuuck....fine....bastards.

Wow this story is really interesting. In addition, it is told so well! Please, continue, good faggot.
to not be winy or over react or anything but you kno what. fuck it. what the fuck guys. seriously. what the fuck. why is it every time i turn around everyone is hanging out and no one even asks me if im around. or kristen for that matter? are we not friends any more?

You'd be that guy I'd try to avoid. I'd tell you the wrong time and place for gatherings to lose you. I'm dead fucking serious.
what no im totally no supposed to be writing a psyc paper thats due tommorow even though it was totally due last week *shifty eyes* so anyway yea hi eveyone whats up?

Good grief. This is serious, guys. So serious, in fact, that I'm leaving a comment to our boy here:
"You spell like an idiot. Please look into a book on grammar and diction before updating again. I assure you, it will do you good."
Do ho ho. Read it here, if he doesn't delete it.
I'll keep you apprised on this situation~

Friday, May 1, 2009


Whew. What prompted that was TODAY'S BLOGGER IS ILL! VIOLENTLY ILL!
Such is the fate of man, to live a brutish, short existence, then extinguish, unremembered and unmourned, his mortal shell broken in-- okay I'll stop.

The last several days I have been down with a stomach bug. It has been a whole lot of not fun.

You know, instead of the variety of stomach flu that is tons of fun.

Tonight is the Death Cab Concert, and today the wolverine movie come out.

So you're not missing much.
And I feel like poop.

Shut up.
Most of you know that 1. I am fairly Uncomplaining and 2. I will usually just suck things up to deal with needing to go about my business, but I am seriously worried about not being well enough to be able to go see one of my favorite bands.

Yes, I knew this. I know you quite well, in fact. When I woke this morning I thought to myself "I WONDER IF BROKENBOUND IS ILL TODAY. IF SHE (?) IS THEN I DON'T WANT TO GO TO CLASS."

Point the Second: Birthday parties for me always leave me feeling like crap.

Wow that's really--
I have been feeling really really off recently. I don't feel affectionate AT ALL which is super weird for me.

What will become of the world without BROKENBOUND's affection?

And on top of being sick I have been pms-y for like a week now, and I am starting to worry ...

>PMS for a week straight
what is pregnancy?

((And No, there is no way I could be pregnant ))

Your denial of the possibility leads me to believe this is the correct answer.
I am crashing, and feel depressed. I don't feel like the stable pillar of my community that I usually am.

Pillar of the community ha, ha, ha. You're in fucking high school. You could drop off the face of the earth and no one, save your parents and your friends would know.
Perhaps it is for the best. School has me super stressed out. I have so many tests coming up and I got a B on a history exam ... So all of those nightmares about getting a B in that class, well they're coming true. And it's not for lack of trying.

Whatever faggot, I just got an A in Themes in Literature, which basically required me to be psychic. So that means I'm both a space marine AND psychic, which means I'm a force to be reckoned with.
There are so many things that I want to work on, but sadly the only one I have enough energy for is WoW. I feel really ill...

Oh, conveniently all you have energy for is WoW. Also fuck you and your World of Warcraft. I could kick the shit out of your shitty level 10 troll rogue (only character girls can roll, it's a rule) and I don't even play. Anymore.
And now, I will cease bitching.

No, ALLY, we're just getting started.
Last night was really awesome. I am working on a duet with Lauren and it's in Gaelic! Whoo!

Songs in dead languages not spoken for centuries by any important portion of the population (burn against Ireland).

The song is a lot of fun and is incredibly tragic.

>incredibly tragic
The speaker in the song says that she'll sell everything she owns, become a prostitute and a beggar, make her parents hate her so that her love can have a sword and defend himself and his country.

Wow that's very-- stately of her. A common theme running through these nationalistic songs, but I believe, personally, that a real man wouldn't expect his wife to do that. In fact, most men already have their own arms. You didn't see Odysseus pimping out Penelope, did you? No, he hopped in a boat and proceeded to kick the shit out of those Trojan assholes.
Holy shit what a badass.
Although Odysseus did kind of fuck up by trusting his kingdom to a bunch of COWARDS but he fixed that before anything bad happened (by killing everything that moved, he was seriously like Arnold Schwarzenegger in that movie Commando for 90% of two 400 page epics, even though he isn't in the Iliad all that much I like to imagine he's off doing manly things while Achilles is whining to his mom that all his friends were mean to him on the bus).
Wow this got a bit tangential.
Often times, I find myself as the group therapist, most of my friends bring their problems to me, and I help them through it.

Yes the world would CRUMBLE WITHOUT YOU.

Most times I can address my own feelings fairly objectively,

>my own feelings
You should probably look up "objective" because I don't think it means what you think it means.
My song for this year has been "Eye of the Storm" by the Cruxshadows.

This year isn't even half over. Shouldn't this be something you pick out at the end? Or at the beginning of the next one?
The last two days have been enlightening and filled with growth, love, growing closer, and having a more solid sense of the person that I am.

Well la-di-da.

Be comfortable and Confident in your sexuality. I am a sexual person, and often I tend to put what I want on the sidelines for my partner's satisfaction.

I had a picture to go along with this but Blogger is being a cunt so just imagine a humorous image to amuse yourself.
Now there's a lot of words I'm not reading.
Today, I get the final call from the grief counselor - they've made a finger print match - and they're sure. I finally lost it - though not for long. I need to keep being the pillar for my friends.

Cool font, bro. Also, yes, you are always bearing the cross for your friends. What a cool-- uhh-- bro.

My Texas Government and Politics class is going to be interesting.

>My Texas Government and Politics class
> Texas Government
Well I guess that's everything. I actually started this entry earlier then I had to go to school for some weeaboo faggot shit and now I'm here way late and kind of lost my rhythm so oh well~
Incidentally, after rereading a post from a few days ago I might have implied Alexandria is in Greece. Alexandria is actually in Egypt. I don't know why I said that, but there it is.