Cool mutton chops, by the way. Very Chester A. Arthur.
So in the first entry he sets his schedule for the summer (very cute, by the way) and it's all this regimented shit that I suppose is supposed to make him better at drawing, but I don't know.
-a page a day in the sketchbook at least (is actually kind of required now that I've gotten in the BFA program) ...that's the one thats actually kind of assigned
-Listening to at least 1 animation podcast a week (most likely more) I just have a lot to catch up on...
-I'm going to try my best and keep up my anatomical studies... an hour a day just working my way around the body, like usual
Fine, fine, but what do you learn from that? Senseless copying and drawing probably won't make you better at it through sheer force of repitition. Life isn't really like an RPG, friend.
I'm amazed that It's a friday night (and a beautiful one at that) and yet I'm here int he art building working... I guess it shouldn't suprise me but it really does... I turned down 3 chances to drink tonight (some harder to pass up than others)... just to work in peace... funny right?
I'm sure you don't mean "ha ha" funny and I don't actually know you so I can't say if this is strange behavior, so don't fucking ask me.
Now there's a song I'm not reading.
Krazy night last night... and call me greedy but lately it seems no matter what happens or what I do I want more...
Also, yes, that's pretty much the definition of greed.
I don't like being this vulgar usually but I can't think of a better way to express how I feel...
Nightmare, rolling constantly and ajusting to the point where I ended up just watchign the last two hours pass before I had to get up thinking I wish it would all end soon.
So suck it up like a man, faggot. So you had a nightmare and rolled around all night like a goddamned pussy. Deal with it.
They say dreams are from Zeus, and he's probably punishing you for being a twat. Let this be a lesson.
Why has this goddamned neccesity plauged me my whole life?!!
Plauged. I'm going to be unusually generous and assume this is a typo.
(keep reading if you wanna hear a whole dialouge with myself inside my own head...)
All right I take it back, you can't fucking spell. Every time I'm generous with my typo allowance I get screwed. There's no such thing as a typo, just people who can't spell. Really, dialouge? Let's say that word outloud. Die-uh-louwj.
Protip: it's dialogue or dialog.
she was refrenceing some of out other firends who seem to constantly be stuck in either a mediocre or grumpy sour puss kinda mood all the time, but still I liked this thought.

If infact Sense and Sensibility is the title of my autobiography then only time will tell nothing I can do about it, the Colonel is just himself and goes and does his own thing untill others discover their mistakes and his real worth, sucks but that's life, nothing I can do about it, so why try to speed up some kind of idealized fate?
Holy shit, what? Let's take a time out from these bizarre philosophical ponderings and focus on your diction and grammar.
It's the end of the book anyway, lets not spoil the ending and just enjoy our journey through the pages right?
Be yourself is all you can be.
No, actually. Actors and spies pretend to be different people all the time with varying degrees of success.
There's not one lyric in the world that means more to me in this world (and I don't even like the band!!!) and I might seem like a broken record by now but thats what you get for listening into the thoughts of a crazy person, I have all the answers I know I get hung up on these things because of the long lonely nights alone stuck in a 3 colored building or inside the brick walls of my head where silence truely dwells, or because of the altered state of reality I land in after high levels of stress on a regular basis and low levels of sleep on a much more regular basis.
Jesus Christ, what? I've read opium-fueled ramblings that were more coherent than this (I'm dead fucking serious).
All the answers to what? Why should the color of the outside of a building make a difference to your disposition? What brick wall in your head? Are you Pink Floyd? Am I dying?
You're definitely not cool enough to pull of the vaguely emo "building a brick wall in my head that keeps people out" bit because you aren't backed by awesome guitar solos like Pink Floyd was.
It's kind of funny really, just like being a better artist or being funnier in general it's simple really I just have to be more careful, and that always sounds loads easier than it actually is...
Do you consider yourself funny? I have yet to read anything in this blog I'd even classify as a joke. I bet he's someone who thinks talking loud is like being funny.
They aren't the same thing, by the way. Being loud and being funny, that is.
Oh poetry. My favorite time of the day: shitty poetry time.
The cold air from the open window ony cools my tea prematurely...
Unlike those surounding us, I realize I don't have a chance with you.
That'd be "surrounding", Captain Phonics.
But still, the taste of tea is comforting
But stil, I love to enjoy your company
Unlike the tea, you make it hard to concentrate
both seem like an addiction
why can't I just focus anymore?
maybe it's always been this way?
I'll give you this one because you spelled "still" one line above.
I think I couldn't live a day with out my tea
but I'd try for you
I think I can't live a day with out a smile,
but making someone else smile is much more rewarding
"without" is one word, chief. Also, I'll tell you someone who isn't smiling: me.
Thinking about you're current predicaments and frowns, only torment me
when I can clearly remember those watermelon smiles and endless gigles in such clear proximity.
You're predicaments. You are Predicaments. Rare is the day I see people screw up grammar backwards like this. Also "giggles", Captain Phonics. You seem to have trouble with double consonant sounds.
So here we are (or here you aren't)
I've tried my best (possibly too hard)
and you won't change your mind...
nothing can stop my tea from growing cold.
Seems like a temporal impossibility to me. "Here we are (or here you aren't)" since the only (given) characters of this poem are the speaker (presumably the author in this case) and the person to whom he's speaking, it would be impossible to have "them" there and yet one absent, unless we're speaking psychologically absent, but I seriously doubt he's good enough at this to pull something like that.
But maybe tomorrow will be warmer?
I guarantee you I will try again
I promise a new cup will be brewed
Maybe tomorrow will be a better day...
(for you and me...)
That was pretty dire, brostorm. Further proving that all poetry is just paragraphs with random line breaks.
Of course I have read books of poetry similarly written, and they were staples in many universities as far as I can tell, so I'm clearly either a poor judge of poetry (doubtful) or all poetry is bullshit.
Except epic poetry, of course, which is the greatest form of writing there is.
Communication is one of the biggest gifts from God to man.
Oh-ho, is it?
I seem to recall a certain quote:
Come, let Us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
Genesis 11:7.
I must say, though, in terms of trolling that one was pretty good. Not as good as Eris "this golden apple will start the Trojan War" daughter of Zeus and Nyx (according to Hesiod's Theogony, anyway), but still pretty good.
Sure the end result is presumably greater than one war, but Eris didn't even really do anything to start this insane chain of events, whereas God had to change the way everyone spoke. Seems like a lot of work to me, and that's always an important consideration in rating the troll. Less work, greater result. That's my trolling moto, anyway.
"Judement day can not be stopped, only postponed... " okay that doesnt soud half as kool as I thought it would but... you get the point...
You're quoting fucking Terminator 3, what did you expect? Quotes that look good on paper?
You said tonight is a wonderful night to die.
"Baby, every night is a wonderful night to die." Sorry I'm not writing a biker movie set in the 1960s, am I?
All right I finally know this guy's name. DAN. HI DAN.
All I can say about your previous entries is this: learn what a paragraph break is.