music and writing is life and dane cook is GOD!!
>Dane Cook
>implying he is even a mediocre comedian

anime is crack but comic books are cheaper.
Ohhhhhhhhhh boy.
ninja is a verb!
No it isn't. Shut up.
so yay i got a new computer.
Oh goody now you get to keep updating your blog. Yes, you without a computer would be an absolute loss.
the dead is going to be there i think the president of the school not to mention my professors and peers are going to be there asking me questions about my experiment so im really nervous.
"My experiment on how to turn douchebaggery into a tangible essence."
i have my final for far east lit and im so glad that class is over. i regret every day taking that class.
Ah yes, faggot weeaboo here has to come to terms with the fact that Japanese culture doesn't revolve around anime and internet memes. Also Japan isn't the only Eastern Asian country (brotip: China is frequently the focus of these classes).
well the end of the school year is fast approaching so i figured i would post. just to warn you i just cut my finger doing dishes so its kidna hard to type so excuse the glaring spelling mistakes.
So what's your excuse for entries that occur weeks before this one and weeks after?
Actually I kind of like this excuse. Blaming something that has nothing to do with anything on your spelling and grammar.
Hey guys if I have any glaring grammar or spelling mistakes please forgive me because my huge penis often gets in the way of me typing.
as i was saying the school year is almost over and even though i still have to take a summer class to get my last freaking 3 credits im pretty excited to be alomst done with school.
>this guy with his mastery of English (none)
>implying he's graduating college

had the shole metaphysical quandry going a day or two ago just kinda freaking out about....well...everything. who am i what am i doing what is my life going to be and why am i here and all that.
That's not metaphysical, that's existential, but whatever. You are, after all, an idiot.
Not that anyone but nerds and wastes of space give a shit about philosophy.
havent posted anything intellignet in a while so figure why not.
"Haven't posted anything intelligent in
Fixed that for you.
where art thou spring break.
wherefore* art thou. It's from Shakespeare you illiterate pleb. "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art though Romeo?" is the line. It continues: "Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love And I'll no longer be a Capulet."
I don't even like Shakespeare so whatever, who cares?
my experiment for experimental psyc is almost done just have to gaehr the last of the data this week and do the analysis so i can write the last of it up.
I believe it's hard to fuck up the spelling of "gather" that hard, so I think that might actually be a word on Gaelic or perhaps German.
my research paper for senior sem is due in a week that i totally forgot about.
Good work. Way to shit the bed.
ok so im actually pretty confused right now. i had a pretty bad week of death and somehow i managed to finish all my work without dying and magically i got it all in on time.
Don't expect me to congratulate you, or anything. You did what you were supposed to do. Carry on.
i think i leveled up after this week.
Real life doesn't work that way, bro. Believe me, I've tried.
my cumulative GPA is 2.93 so im so close to my goal of over a 3.00 GPA.
And that is a C+, and that is satisfactory.
ok so yesterday was totally screwed. work was a total clusterfuck tho in general it was fnny as hell at the same time. i walked in and it was a freaking mess so they were like we need you to close. pleaseplease pleeeeease. so im like fuuuuuck....fine....bastards.
Wow this story is really interesting. In addition, it is told so well! Please, continue, good faggot.
to not be winy or over react or anything but you kno what. fuck it. what the fuck guys. seriously. what the fuck. why is it every time i turn around everyone is hanging out and no one even asks me if im around. or kristen for that matter? are we not friends any more?
You'd be that guy I'd try to avoid. I'd tell you the wrong time and place for gatherings to lose you. I'm dead fucking serious.
what no im totally no supposed to be writing a psyc paper thats due tommorow even though it was totally due last week *shifty eyes* so anyway yea hi eveyone whats up?
Good grief. This is serious, guys. So serious, in fact, that I'm leaving a comment to our boy here:
"You spell like an idiot. Please look into a book on grammar and diction before updating again. I assure you, it will do you good."
Do ho ho. Read it here, if he doesn't delete it.
I'll keep you apprised on this situation~
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