So there's this cunt, yeah, and her Livejournal name is kawaii_pocky (seriously). I picked her out today because I was watching American Idol last night (my testicles retreated into my abdomen where they remain to this very minute, thanks for asking) and I saw this guy who I can only describe as "an super faggot". His name is Adam Lambert, and he sings like a banshee. So when I saw his picture today on Livejournal I said "hey that guy looks familiar" and here we are.
So i was watching American Idol with my mom yesterday...
Yeah that's what I was doing too. Captain Cool I am.
and she started freaking out about this guy named Adam Lambert
Here's where we part company, because I think the collective reaction of my mom and me looked something like this:

Soo as i was saying, my mom was freaking out about him and i said that "I've heard a better voice", and she said i was lying!! Then she was all like "name a couple",
I have a few: every human being ever.
I'm even including George Thorogood and Bruce Sprinsteen in that list, that's how shitty this was.
... Okay maybe not as bad as Springsteen, but it's pretty close. They could be father and (gay) son.
so of coarse my jrock senses kicked in and i said "Kyo, Ruki, Hyde, Byou, Miku, etc etc.." and she was like
"who the hell are they?? Your dumb japanese singers??!"
Thats when i really flipped out, im like "mom screw you and your gay ass Adam Lambert, even if he wins, im not going to hear about him let alone remember his name in a year!!"
Counter burn.
So then i just went upstairs and listened to some of my jrock albums. Blasting them actually, so my parents would compain that hey couldn't hear American Idol
:3 sounds like a pleasant family to be around. Incidentally I can't help but notice in your list of Japanese rock bands you forgot the one actually good band: B'z. Fuck year, they're touring with Aerosmith.
kk, so my dad and i were talking about my computer (he doesn't know its broken cuz he would flip shit), and he said that i might get his old computer...which would rock cuz it has SOO MUCH more memory, that i would use to put all my songs oh kehehehehe, soo yea but the problem is that it might not happen all right after i finish school (like a couple weeks), unlike if i get a new laptop (cuz i would get a new one like a couple days after..)
World's longest sentence. Also: interesting read. I really care about whatever the fuck it is I'm reading.
Hey everybody, recentally my computer broke. Yush Yush don't cry ( i did a little tho).
>Yush yush...
Hush hush
don't cry
Tongue-tied, I'm short of breath, don't even try
Try a little harder
Something's wrong, you're not naive, you must be strong
Ooh, baby, try
Hey girl, move a little closer.
too shy, too shy, hush hush, eye to eye
Whoa she's prattling on about shit no one cares about and I got transported back to the 80s for a minute.
I'm sure that was completely unintentional on her part, too, because Kajagoogoo isn't one of her KAWAII JAPANESE SINGERS UNGUU
They are pretty fucking gay, though, so I'm sure she could get along well with them.
So i decided for this entry i would list the Top 10 songs i've been listening to this week!!
Let's play a fun game called "have you heard of this?"
Kuso Breakin' Nou Breakin' Lilly - Maximum the Hormone
Vi-Vi-Vi - SuG
Summer Dive - AnCafe
... To make what would undoubtedly be a very long and tedious exercise slightly less long and tedious: 8-1: no.
*If you want one of these songs, ask me and i'll give you the link*
No thanks I'm listening to GUNS 'N' ROSES right now.
Hahaha, so a couple days ago i went to Newberry Comics at the mall and i got these really cool smoking rabbits and i just thought they were soo kawaii :3
Ha, ha, ha, no "kawaii :3" is what I do to mock your kind, you're not supposed to seriously do it.
Well, its raining outside, and im kinda bored LOL.
Anyone see a joke that would cause her to laugh? I'm not seeing it.
My other friend told me he keeps inscence in his pocket.. 0.o How weird is that??
Oh aren't you just the paragon of normalcy, miss "kawaii unguu :3 smoking rabbits kawaii!"
He probably keeps incense (as that is how it is spelled) in his pocket to keep the smell of pot covered.
There a really good band, that i've recentally heard of.
Nope. Not until you fix your grammar. I was about to say "if this was Japanese she'd have it fucking perfect" but I seriously doubt it.
OK, so well im going to Massachusettes this weekend and i need some new songs!! Yea even though i have songs i've never listened to on my ipod (lol)!
Soo i really have nobody to talk to *cries*
Shut up.
Oh, and this is the end of her blog.
Hooray, I'm finished!
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