Oh right this blog thing. I almost forgot. So there's this cunt idk--
I found something on teh interwebs that will probably eat my entire afternoon: 1-star reviews on Amazon of things that are otherwise considered classics/best in their field.
Good heavens, people, with poor/no taste sharing their opinions on the internet? This has never happened before!
Also contrary to what school taught me and what I've probably said here many times to justify calling someone stupid for having a contrary opinion, your opinion can't actually be wrong.
Good grief... the one where the guy was complaining that Vonnegut trivialized death in Slaughterhouse Five and how that made it a dumb book... I...
Meanwhile the actual greatest book ever written, my commercial phenomenon Twilight is enjoying a solid... Four stars on Amazon!
It's not that people aren't allowed to miss the point, but do they have to advertise it by leaving bad reviews on Amazon? XD
lol! there sure is a lot of funny business going on on this, what is it, Internet! XP
Now I have read somewhere that ancient egyptians used to feed their slaves beer to make them pliant and harder workers, as well as providing for their calorie needs while they worked.
Those ancient Egyptians were smart people. I'm not commenting on the institute of slavery, but if you have tons of slaves you need to be compliant, that's a smart way to go about it.
So I'm reading through a forum discussing people's favorite childhood books, and my eyes keep getting bigger and rounder at remembering all these books I loved as a child. Remember The Phantom Tollbooth? Ever read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?
No, I was always a bitter, jaded adult and I've never heard of these :c
So I have this spreadsheet where I track all of my bills data - income and outflow of cash, really.
Not getting too technical, are you? You're not really supposed to qualify something with "really" unless the statement that preceeded it was somehow unclear or technical.
Until today, I hadn't listed my house balance on the interest-bearing debt portion of the spreadsheet, because my plans to pay it off were so long term that I didn't bother.
Oh this is genius. "Long term debt is so long term I won't even bother tracking it because I'll die before it's all paid off!" what, it would take you 5 hours to add an extra number to another column every month?
And then I sat and looked at the balance of my total interest bearing debts... and it didn't look that bad. It's around $83k, and I'm wondering how I can be in a place where $83k doesn't seem like a lot of money.
>not a lot of money
Then I realize, it's likely because of our economy, and listening to news bits about the billions of dollars other people apparently need to bail themselves out, $83k is peanuts.
Yeah, but you're not getting billions of dollars. Meanwhile this entire thing blows over and you're still the better part of 100,000 dollars in debt.
So our passport cards came in the mail a couple days ago. 80 days until the cruise whee!
You're almost 100,000 in debt and you're taking a cruise?
I guess she counts her mortgage as part of her debt, which would make sense.
So I pray to the G-man upstairs, and I say "Hey, please, help my husband, he's very stressed out and I don't know how to help him. Please show him how to cope with stress."
Please no.
And the G-man, he goes, "Want him to learn to deal with stress? Ok. Here's a raccoon."
Fuck me.
Seriously. Phil hit a raccoon doing 70 mph on the interstate in Ohio... practically obliterated the front end of the car.
Fucked that raccoon up, I bet.
So I'm sitting on the stairs, putting on tennis shoes, contemplating yogurt... and the dog starts getting all excited, and I start talking to her "Let's see, if I spent $1.79 on a half gallon of milk, and from that got a quart of yogurt and some cheese... divide by two..." during which Lady gets increasingly aggressive excited, and a light bulb goes off over my head "Oh! You don't CARE about math, do you? You're a DOG!"
Ha, my rocket science knows no boundaries. Time for walkies tho, eh? :)
Wacky hijynx!
Some things that were iffy: I couldn't get the milk up to 185 in my double boiler. It hovered at about 181 for an hour, so I had to hope that was good enough.
Oh what could possibly go wrong?
Given that my double boiler is just a big bowl on a pot of water, I'm guessing 181 is where the heat loss from the surface area = the heat gain from the bottom of the bowl.
That's not really how that works, but okay.
Half-assed theory, given my very vague background in chemistry and physics (yay high school XD), but it's what I got.
Hypothesis* also lol xD
Now there's a huge list of resolutions that include such impossible feats of willpower as:
living within her means
not eating like a total pig
So now she admits to cyberstalking someone and being pregnant and other shit I don't know
And then this morning, listening to that Will Smith song, Just the Two of Us, and getting all bleary again.
>Will Smith song
>emotional response outside disgust or cynical bemusement

All right I'm sick of this.
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