First thing I have to address is your blog's title: Faerie Glamour (possibly sic, you better not be from America with that spelling). What's that under it? Oh my, Japaneeeeeeeeeese! You're sooooooooooooo smar-- let's talk about this.
"Tsuki no hikari wa ai no messeji"
tsuki is the moon, no is a particle denoting owner ship, ownership of light in this case ("moon's light" although there is a perfectly good word: 月明 getsumei, moonlight) but whatever this is poetic nonsense I'll roll with moon's light. "Wa" is perhaps the most elementary particle and it denotes one of the fundamental building blocks of any language, and being one of the basics it's also one of the more difficult concepts to grasp. Wa, in this case, is functioning as the subject. Moon's light... Does something. "Ai no messeji' is literally "love's message" but there's no verb here. All she's saying is "moon's light love's message". I'm not even sure you could in good faith put a comma between "light" and "love's" because in English that suggests a relationship not mentioned in the original.
But whatever. I'm not honestly sure how you'd combine these thoughts in a poetic manner because I'm not a cunt and try to avoid English poetry wherever possible, so you can goddamn well believe I don't read Japanese poetry.
The first post is "the validity of internet fortunes?" which anyone who has their head somewhere on their shoulders and not up their own ass can answer "none" but this is a blog writer I'm talking about here, so of course it's not that simple:
Because I couldn't make up my mind based on facts or even my own friggin feelings, I've been trying to get aid from my tarot cards, horoscope, and the i-ching thing on
Oh no.
i-ching kept telling me every single time not to make a move, just to stay where I am and wait out all the bad stuff. Then I thought, you know, that's what Eastern philosophy is like, that's what Ayn Rand hated about it so much.
Oh no.
It's never going to tell me to stand up for myself or up and leave a situation, or anything.
So, I decided to ignore all those fortunes it gave me, and now I have finally decided to move back to my parents' house. Actually, I asked it WHY DO I HAVE TO FREAKING STAY HERE SO BAD, and it hinted back that I need to wait until someone moves out or leaves.
This reminds me of the one (and only) comic book I've read in my adult life: Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth. She's like Two-Face, who is so paralyzed by fate that he can't even make simple decisions like "should I go to the bathroom?" without first consulting his Tarot cards, which are of course not build to answer freakishly specific questions like that. In fact, the Tarot cards can't actually tell your fortune.
Incidentally in that story Two-Face upgraded from his coin to Tarot because they're more symbolic and shit.
Today, I got a fortune that said to pay attention to the small things in life, and suggested that I have missed a small detail that the future could suffer from. It had some changing lines, and my future fortune is "stillness" or staying put when everything else is moving. As if to say, NO, SERIOUSLY, DON'T MOVE OUT YET.
I don't know what to do, I mean, it's not even like they're some blessed i-ching coins passed on down the centuries and proven to work--IT'S THE FREAKING INTERNET. Just, these fortunes were always so close to truth when I first started doing them. *sigh*
Or how about this: "I'm not going to be a douche and worry about the future, I'm going to take action now and take fate as it comes." Remember: your fate is to die, and you will never avoid this, so you might as well do some shit now because it's coming. Somehow, one day.
If I'm unable to recover the files off of it, not only will that royally suck, but I'm totally going to get yelled at for it, because everyone assumed I knew how to burn discs on the Mac and that I was backing them up every month. Or that I even knew I was supposed to do that.
That really is their fault. I'm not even joking. They hired you to do a job then just assumed you'd do it correctly? I know when I have group work in class I never assume anything will go right and 99% of the time I'm not surprised. If you want something done right, do it yourself.
At random, I decided to look up the compatibility between Taurus and Sagittarius. I've always thought this was pretty silly, even though I do believe in sun signs in general O_o
Doesn't it take the sun thousands of years to move from one sign to another? Assuming this does have a bearing on life (it doesn't) wouldn't the changes be infinitesimally small?
Of course, some of them said some TOTALLY UNTRUE things, like "Sagittarius is always on the move and likes to take risks, but Taurus prefers to plan ahead and enjoys the security of the home" LLLLOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL. The opposite I'd say.
Ha, ha yeah that horoscope system devised by people in the Bronze Age sure is not right a lot of the time!
On the other hand! Once they took away the basic Sag/Taurus stereotypes, and focused on the elements that rule each sign (Fixed Earth vs. Mutable Fire), suddenly things made so much sense! The gist of them was,
Wow, this is boring as fuck.
I just love strawberries!!??!!111!!LULZ!!!1 AND WHAT IS MORE LOLI THAN A STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL, SRSLY.

Did you know that even Japanese websites link to my Gothloli blog?
They're probably very similar to my blog in feel. "Wow look at this idiot, let me waste my life by writing a bunch of mean things about her no one will ever read. :3"
Oops...that was my first reaction, lulz.
lulz xD die.
Isn't that what that says??
(Again, just pop me a message if you want to be on my dreams filter~)
Are you shitting me? You seriously offer a service wherein you message people your dreams... AND PEOPLE SUBSCRIBE?
At least I don't think I'll ever see her type in LOLspeak. lulz.
No that's it. I'm done.
Incidentally, the idiot from last update responded:
yea yea typing is not my strong suit. i type fast but not so great
Okay. As long as you have a good reason to type like an idiot.
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