Shemovesalong91 you are a douche.
i didnt go out friday night because everyone was busy and i was REALLY tired so i didnt exert any extra effort to get plans. Saturday night i spent with the family, oh joy.
and then yesterday was like pseudo-easter and i got my blackberry early<33333
and its a godsendddd, i was dying with that walmart phone.
Awww she was dying with her Wal-Mart phone, poor dear :(
i still miss my old phone but the curve is beautiful. its really hard to figure out but im technologically stupid so i'll give myself some time before i master it.
Oh if only technology came with books to help you master them.
I have nothing of worth to say because my life's been almost out of my hands lately because its just happening with nothing of purpose occurring.
And yet you go on for several more sentences. I'd read this but by your own admission IT'S BORING. WHEN YOUR OWN LIFE IS BORING TO YOU YOU'VE FUCKED UP.
so today sucked. it rained, i lost my phone, and stained my jacket. bad luck comes in threes. typical.
when i got home, i finished the Da Vinci Code, which was really good. Then i napped.
Oh boy how riveting.
Seriously are you trying to be this much of a fucking bore? It's working.
so today was pretty uneventful for the most part.
I'm sensing a trend.
they already know my current issues but its really been bothering me lately. i hate mind games, i hate conversations that SHOULD NOT be had because they are innapropriate, and i hate not knowing what to do.
You sound like a stupid, pretentious cunt.
I know your type. The type that roll their eyes at anything anyone says, but then demands attention for any stupid thought that enters your head.
Everyone hates you.
i like being in a good mood all the time
Holy shit what a waste of a sentence. Yes, everyone else just fucking looooooooooves to be in a bad mood.
as for after school, i went to the mall with mike. i bought a sweater, two shirts, and a bag.
I find myself staring off into the middle distance while reading this. Also every sentence of hers sounds like an exercise in a foreign language class. You know, when you don't really know how to express yourself because you don't know many words? So every sentence becomes "as for today, I bought (a) sweater. I bought shoes. I bought a bag." That's her entire existence.
we had an awkward discussion that should have made me squirm more than it did but basically, i've just decided we're really fucked up best friends. anywayssssss,
Christ all mighty this is tedious AND stupid.
today was a virtual waste of a dayy.
No fucking kidding?
after aids, i went to taco bell with the mock trial team. we stayed for two hours and it was sooooooo funny. i basically know all of their lives and its great. ugh, i cant even take how nerdy it is but i love them all.
I like how any interesting detail (something being funny in this case) is immediately glossed over, thereby guaranteeing all of her entries will be about how her life is sooooooooooooooooo booooooooooooooring :(
Also when she says "after aids" I hope she means she contracted AIDS.
ahhhh, well i'm currently watching Au Pair 3 because i used to laloveee those moviess. it's pretty gay so far, not going to lie, but its mindless and i like ittttttttttttttttttt.
I wonder if she talks this way in real life.
I bet she does.
Well, while i was in italy, he had a like a "mini" heartattack, which is probably grammatically and socially incorrect.
Here's a post entitled "yeah, so my life's REAL interesting" continuing with the crusade of BORING.
stayed home sick todayyy but it didnt even feel like a whole dayy seeing as i only woke up at 12 and went to the school anyways at 2:30 for mock trialll. lifesajokeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
I can almost hear her whining through my monitor~
last night was a bore.
Oh God shut up. Shut the fuck up you waste of space. Jesus Christ your entire blog is a waste of time and effort. "Today was boring." Copy and paste that about a trillion times and you're done. You never need to update again.
This is bad. This is perhaps the worst blog I'll read all week. It's all up hill from here, people.
The only redeeming feature of this blog is that in reading it my FFXI character gained .4 fishing skill and 1.5 stacks of Nebimonites, but that really has nothing at all to do with this dumb blog.
In fact, had I been giving my game my undivided I'd probably be better off.
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