I don't even know anymore
I just spent my long weekend doing nothing, and I mean nothing . .
Welcome to my every weekend. Feels good, man.
it's almost like i can always find something else to do that's not work. I don't really know how I pull it off, and I'm always feeling terribly drained after having done a day of nothing.
I never really feel drained (except today, but as I mentioned I am dying) but other than that I know exactly what you mean.
Also, it seems that every time i look at something, it's waiting to be ripped apart and turned into a work of art somehow. Not really art, but something different. A paint job here, a rip or two there, maybe some arranging--WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME
You lost me.
So for anyone and everyone out there, answer me this: when you don't want to do what you've always wanted to do, and if you feel like doing what you want to do will help you do what you need to do, what do you do?
I-- kill yourself.
I thought he had more raw sarcasm in him than Kimmel, Letterman, and Leno
Yes, Leno is known for that biting sarcasm (or maybe that's just a huge bite, hugejawman.jpg).
also, can anyone point me to a full-length, hi-res picture of a crocodile without any of its body parts cut off from the shot? you stupid cunt.
More of the time I get ticked off and turn the TV on. xD
lol xD
I'm hoping it's not ADD, and I know it's not ADD because I know it's supposed to show up in childhood. But lately I've been jumping from one thing to the other, getting distracted more often, talking about five different things at once, doing things without thinking--UGHHH I just wiki'd the symptoms, and most of them apply to me. :'|
I'm going to link you to two character traits I look for in people before I can declare them not cunts. I want you to read them and think hard on them. Here's one, and here's the other.
. . . that only leaves the 1203712478473 other CD's I want to buy, LOL

I got tired of the P4-themed one, though I do miss the coloursplosion. :"D
>Persona 4
Maybe you played a different game than I, but I can summarize the color choice of Persona 4 in one word: yellow.
You know, sort of like how Persona 3 was blue? Seriously I'm not a big artfag and even I noticed this shit.
I finished my school!sketchbook a while ago, and now I've got nothing to draw with--I have my own, of course, but the paper is too soft and so is the lead I use.
So get a new pencil? Seriously they're like 85 cents. Even if you had literally no money a trip around the parking lot could afford you that pencil.
All right I'm looking at her deviant art account. She's okay. Certainly nothing to write home about.
also, this is pretty crazy considering the amount of homework I need to do: I finally touched my P3:FES file again, YAY! AKIHIKO MUH'BOIIII <33333
Persona 3 is sitting in my Playstation 2 right now. I think I'll just go over and eject that. Let us never speak of it again.
I am so not used to the battle menu anymore LOL;;; the system's basically the same as P4 but the menu is just confusion all over again.
I-- it's-- it's fucking exactly the same, only the icons are arranged in a circle instead of a straight line.
Persona 3 wasn't the easiest game I've ever played in my life, but I can say the menu isn't what caused me to stumble.
The interface looks pretty good, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to use any of the tools because IT'S ALL IN JAPONESS
After my attempts at ass-kickery in Brawl, we played a round of Wii Tennis and tried to get Trauma Center: Second Opinion up and running (I had no idea it was an Atlus game!
All right I guess that's it. She wrote a lot (a lot) more but frankly I don't give a shit~
1 comment:
I took a gander at her site long enough to find what appeared to be her deviant art. tofuboss or some shit?
I think the label on her gallery sums it all up: "fail. and not even the epic kind"
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