Oh, yeah, here's the fucking link.
definitely this is not one of my better days, or maybe i should say that is definitely not one of my worse papers.
Holy shit I can't decode your fucking double speak today. Please do not use complex thoughts.
because it's more than that. 3 hours of sitting for one paper, which had never happened to me ever since i was an edinburgh student. 3 hours of trying to analyse data and read between the lines while trying to gauge out every single info that might be in my head.
If that's a long time for one paper you're in for a real shock when you hit your sophomore year. Enjoy your 15 pages on shit you don't give a crap about so you have to make up your point as you go along then your fucking professor bitches that you don't make your point quick enough. BRO, I HAVE TO MAKE A POINT I COULD HAVE MADE IN ONE PAGE IN FIFTEEN PAGES. KEEP YOUR FUCKING PANTS ON, I HAVE TIME.
Sorry this is getting a bit tangential.
maybe i'm not a better person who i thought that i was. at this point i'd exhausted all my energy trying to respect and understanding people. now it had reduced me to become bitter and too tired to care.
Yeah, see, now you're getting it!
but can for the life of u ask whoever you have to ask before u make any conformation on the plan?
because plans doesnt fall from the sky or written on rocks that i can just copy and paste. people actually spent time trying to make it work the moment people's responses were more positive than not. don't think that i can't live with disappointments because i've had my share on that too.
Now there's some Sanskrit writing or some shit I don't know.
I only know one word in Sanskrit and only the characters that make it up so not my most fluent language, no. It's this, btw: मूलाधार
I'd explain it but a good mystery is more entertaining, I think.
Oh good grief now there's a poem. Didn't you Indian people invent poetry or some shit? Is this really the best you can do?
reading about how to read people's body language got the wheels in my head churning; is it possible that this is the result of simply thinking too much?
Reading body language is a very useful skill. It's basically the closest you can come to mind reading.
i don't find it possible to read another person's body language while talking. i mean , a mere mortal can only do so much right?
Yes, it is impossible to do two things at once.
maybe ignorance is a bliss...
Truly the logic of a feeble mind.
every so often, i like to take a breather and stop to think about my poor deluded soul.
Every so often I like to take a breather and wonder WHY YOU NEVER SHUT UP. :c
i'll do my best to finish my project analysis by tonight, byhook or by crook. have a feeling that i just might drop dead by the end of the week.
Well I guess that makes you a bit melodramatic, doesn't it? Your blog certainly does go on and on after this post.
i'm spending more and more time on computer lately, trying to analyze the proteins that i found and i'd have to say that the outcome looks pretty good. praise to god.
Yes, praise be to Jesus, or should I say BAPHOMET, HERETIC!?
the 'me-time' is unavoidable because of the nature to reflect ourselves or maybe to just stop thinking all-together.
I often had "me days" in Phantasy Star Online as a joke explanation for why I was a dick and took all the treasure. I didn't know people actually thought like this.
Actually, let me rephrase. I knew people thought like this (they are, after all, people and therefore unlikeable by default) but it's just weird to hear my own (joke) logic thrown back at me.
when you find life to suddenly becomes difficult and you felt as if you were smothered in a blanket,
I know the feeling. I just did the Red Mage artifact boots quest and it was a huge pain in my dick. If you had asked if I wanted to that quest for the boots or you'd give them to me after stepping on my dick for 30 seconds... Well I'd take the quest, but it would be close.
eppp. whats up? are u feeling down and unhappy about the amount of work that u have?
do u think u have nothing to live for?
do u feel like punching somebody elses face just for the sake of fun and fair sport?
if your answer is yes (or even your answer is no i'd still say it), then u, my friend need quotes,
Sounds faggy. Let's see what some of your favorites are--
"some tortures are physical and some are mental, but the one that's both is dental" Ogden Nash
Ho shit if I never need to hire an inquisitor I know who to look for. The rest are, as previously predicted, pretty faggy.
Well that's it. I suspect this will be the last entry ever as I (finally) asphyxiate on my own phlegm from the aforementioned tree-- what was it? Tree reproductive syrup-- eww.
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