Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fuck You, Henry

I love being on a first name basis with the people I review. So I was glad to see today's blog is entitled Henry, which I assume is the guy's name, and not the actual name of the journal.
Henry has problems. ADHD, he's trying to be perfect, he plays Dungeons and Dragons-- but all of these pale into insignificance in light of our boy Henry's biggest problem: he's a douche.
I was just reading a post on one of the ADHD communities I am a member of here, and learned something very important. Some of us with ADHD are perfectionists.

One might wonder at this erroneous conclusion on Henry's part-- indeed, a portion of any population will be perfectionists. But I am, after all, talking about a moron, so let's see where this heads.
The problem is of course that it is impossible for everything to be perfect. What do we do when we see something is not perfect? We stop trying.

"We"? Speak for yourself, please, or should I call you King Henry?
I quit jobs because I am not the best. I withdraw from friends, because I can't be perfect for them. Relationships get ruined, because they are not perfect. I stop doing things I love, because I am not the best at them.

And I think you are a grade A douche.

The question is how to be perfect. The answer is by trying not to be.

I think what our boy here is saying is that YOU'RE FINE JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!! which would be wrong.

I love words. I love reading them and I love writing them. I love how they conjure images in your head on a story, I love how they conjure feelings when they come from a beautiful song.

Wow that's really-- Oh wow, like a stench blossom unfolding in the Stygian miasma that is the internet I can click "more words" and this post expands from one small, nasty paragraph into many small, nasty paragraphs. This must be what it's like to have ear mites.

No, I am not writing to “bitch” at you. I am writing to say that I am sorry. I regret that I have been the cause of stress and so many headaches. You see, that thing I told you about, ADHD? I didn't made that up. It's real. A lucky 5% of the population have it.

Yes I'm sure they do, but what percent of that 5% use that as an excuse for their own shortcomings? I know of at least one person~

I am special!
Ah the failings of the American educational system-- telling everyone they're special so they morph into entitled, self-important cunts.

So all those e-mails with questions in bullet points? I told you, it's very hard for me to both retain verbal instructions and to express myself.

Well then, Henry, in these tough economic times maybe I should just find someone who can retain verbal instructions and express themselves.

Many, many of the people that went to school with me are CPA's.

That does not make you a CPA though, Henry.

Because processing data like that is one of my biggest weak points. I told you that too.

So you can't follow an email (that was nice list complete with bullets, even), express yourself or process data? What are you doing for this company again, Mr. Henry?

Am I a lazy worker that can't get through his work load? Nope.

I don't know so far in three tasks you've listed you've made excuses for all three, so I'm guessing there's something you're doing incorrectly.

Ah, I know you “take breaks to go in to the Internet, and your lunch break is not 30 minutes” you say. But see, something that would make me very happy would be if I could work four hours straight, take a 30 minute break, then work another four hours. Then I can go home and do fun stuff. But I just can't. Why? ADHD.

This is all well and good, Henry, but meanwhile THERE'S WORK TO BE DONE! IT WON'T GO AWAY JUST BECAUSE OF YOUR EXCUSES! I mean, I know you think of yourself as a god child with a streak of misunderstood creativity and your mean boss won't let you write your totally awesome Naruto fanfic on the company's dime but guess what, faggot? Welcome to the real world. No one gives a shit about your talents unless you can produce. Just because you are unique does not make you useful.

I am probably the last person to hear about this one. Long story short, decided to block "adult content" from search results in their website. In order to do so, they took out the sales rank of some books. Well those books turn out to be overwhelmingly gay and lesbian literature.

I hadn't heard about this, nor do I care.
I am late in posting about Ritalin. I started taking it last Friday, twice a day in 5mg doses. I say within 15 minutes of my first does I could feel how my head was more clear...

Cool story, bro
Side effects are minimal,

>minimal side effects
oh aren't you in for a surprise.

Hello, and welcome to my journal.

Thanks. I just read through it.
That looks like the entire blog. He seems pretty new to this whole blog thing, so I hope my post here about him makes him feel welcome. :3

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