This blog has longer entries... Yeah I guess I'll go with this one. RussellB, you're lucky.
First thing: maybe it's my allergy addled eyes, but I can barely read this fucking font. Is black font on a white background (or white font on a black background) that much of a problem for you people?
I guess so.
I just had the most beautiful picture put into my head. i was in the amazing forest with green all around and waterfuls and flowers. it was breathtaking.
Waterfuls. That's not even a word. I think anyone reading this knows me well enough to know how this thought is going to end.
Will she move on to talk about:
A. fucking
B. writing fanfiction
C. furfaggotry
D. Jesus
E. All of the above
Well if you picked "E" you'd be dead fucking wrong. Never pick all of the above. It's almost guaranteed to be the wrong answer.
The right answer was D.
I was running and i just imagined myself jumping as high as i could and not knowing where i would land. then at just the last second i was caught by Jesus and held like a little child.
Wow Jesus is pretty fucking strong to heft that much weight around. (P.S. I'm implying you're fat) (P.P.S. I know by your picture that you aren't, I was just being mean :3)
i will fall time and time again but it seems i'll always be caught just before i hit the ground.
Oh that's a risk I like to take when I'm falling. "It seems like this parachute will deploy." I suppose she doesn't mean literally falling but a metaphorical fall symbolizing mankind's Fall.
life is beautiful and i'm in love living it for the one who made it so. forget fear. forget change. forget the past. forget worry. forget whatever people decide to do.
Forget change? What if it's good change? I'm also purposefully ignoring the incredibly poor grammar in the second part of the first sentence.
i know what i'm supposed to do and where i'm supposed to go and thats all that matters.
That reminds me of something on my campus: The Campus Crusade for Christ, which makes me a little nervous, personally. Maybe I'm the only one who actually knows what you Christfags did the last time you had a crusade, but suffice it to say, I'm watching you. Scum.
i avoid confrontation and seeing people in pain breaks my heart. i also hate losing people.
Is that right? Well, you're a Christfag, so you must be familiar with the Bible, yes? Then, I have a book in that Bible for ye: The Book of Job. The Book of Job is probably my all time favorite because it shows not only what an awesome troll Satan is, but also what a fucking psychopath God is.
Here's what your favorite mythological character thinks of you:
And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.
So there it is, he's going to do whatever the fuck he wants to anyway so why bother praying?
Oh boy it's my favorite time of the day: shitty poetry time.
I’ve always longed for a fairy tale
Maybe part of me never quite grew up
Perhaps I never really wanted to
It’s possible that reality and I will never coexist
I’ll stay here in my land of magic and wonder
Til’ the world fades away to eternity
Those of the world call me naïve
Others still a fool, but I tend to disagree
What’s foolish about believing in the impossible?
Why build a world on a notion of despair?
I’ve built my world on a foundation of rock
Fortified by faith, hope, and an amazing love
It’s something that won’t crumble with the unattainable
My world won’t shatter when I dare to dream
Perhaps it’s not a conventional tale to tell
Though perhaps that’s the best kind to express
For somewhere in this world that discourages all but reality
I’ve found a fairy tale complete with all I ever dreamed of
Further proving that poetry is regular sentences with random line breaks.
Oh another poem, but it's more of a riddle, so let's try to figure out who this person could possibly be.
They named him condemned
Despite the love in his eyes
They turned away
Despite the tears in his eyes
As they made their choice
So far I'm going to guess Gary Glitter.
So there he stood
Friend and brother
Ridiculed, betrayed
Leaving behind him
A trail of blood and tears
Leaving behind him a trail of blood and tears-- still going with Gary Glitter.
He named them forgiven
Despite the piercing nails
He never strayed
Despite the cross he was given
To save the undeserving
Oh, no, wait I know this one. Don't tell me-- is it Osiris?
There he stood
Friend and Savior
Risen, glorified
Shining with the light
Of his father in Heaven
They named him condemned
He named them forgiven
Yeah, definitely going with Osiris. I thought it might have been Gary Glitter at first, but I'm settling on Osiris now.
Okay there's another riddle afoot, and this time I don't think the answer is Gary Glitter OR Osiris.
"i love you for you
not for who you were
not who for will be
i love you for who are
in this very moment"
So whoever this person is doesn't love me for who I was or not who for will be (what) but for what I am THIS VERY MOMENT. Nope don't care this is stupid.
the only moment that is gaurenteed is the one i'm living in.
Guaranteed* and that's right: YOU COULD DIE AT ANY MINUTE!
well its a rainy day and i feel like i got a lot to say (and that totally rhymed booyah!)

when you compare my problems to those around me it's like i'm living the dream.
Well that's some dumb logic because compared to a billionaire your life is shit.
i have an unbelievable amount of hope. so therefore i believe in the unseen and hope for better days.
Yes, hope. Such a useful and worthwhile emotion. A lot of people are convinced you need hope to make life tolerable, but I completely disagree. Life is plenty interesting (and entertaining) when you trust that everything will go wrong. Just don't be down about it and it'll still be hilarious. Not "ha ha" hilarious, but kind like a black comedy. That's not to say you should be an emocunt about it and be completely hopeless, just don't fucking think about it. Although it is best to assume the worst is yet to come.
and sometimes it takes a lot of really bad shit (pardon my language) to make you realize that you just can't do it on your own.
PARDON HER LANGUAGE, GUYS. SHE'S JUST KEEPING IT REAL. I bet she paused for a moment after typing "shit" and wondered if she should edit that out. Well guess what: shit fuck cunt. No one cares on the internet.
i'm not ignoring my life. i'm living it for someone else.
Sounds healthy.
thats the beauty of faith, you always have something to hope for.
Even if you have to trick yourself into believing there's something to hope for. No, sounds great. Live a perpetual lie and ignore everything contrary to your favorite fairy tale.
i can do all things through Him who strengthens me :-).
i heard a story about a man who bought a car. When he brought the car home he discovered that it wasn't running right. He checked the owner's manual to see what could be the problem. The manual told him to check and make sure there was oil in the car. When he checked he discovered that there indeed was no oil in the car. The manual told him to put oil in the car if he wanted it to work. He scoffed at this "who are you to tell me what to do with MY car. i'll do what i want with it." so he decided to put honey in his car instead. When he tried to turn the car on it wouldn't work much to his amazement. the author of the owner's manual knew what was best for the car. he wrote it so the car would run right not so the man would have a set of rules that he had to live by.
God didn't give us rules to limit us. He gave us the bible to follow because He created us. He knows what causes us to run well and what causes us to break.
Except logically this man would have no reason to assume honey would make his car run. There's an objective truth to be had here. Honey does not make cars run. The Bible, however, is frequently (always) wrong on scientific (objective) issues (rabbits do not chew cud, bats are not birds, whales are not fish, the mustard seed is not the smallest seed in the world, the earth isn't flat, space isn't filled with water, etc) and as a moral (subjective) guide it's quite frequently, well, amoral. Like the part where it tells you to stone a disobedient child, or kill all witches (well that part I think we can all agree with).
That's not to say the Bible is completely faulty, though. There are some good lessons to be had, but those are so few and far between barbaric, bronze age reasoning that it's hardly worth reading. In fact, as a moral guide, things like the Iliad and the Odyssey are not only better written (truth) they're also of superior moral fiber because they don't condone beating children and stoning witches.
im trying to be patient but i'm not very good at it. i wonder if i hadn't prayed for patience if i wouldn't be given oppurtunities to be patient? who knows. point is i'm tired of waiting for whats gonna happen to happen.
Tired of waiting to become patient. Sounds like you have a patience problem.
i want to know what people really think. i'm tired of fluff and superficial conversations.
Ha, ha, no you don't. A lie is always preferrable to the truth. As H.P. Lovecraft said: "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents."
Well that's it. I'm bored and you're a cunt, so~
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