Friday, March 20, 2009

You're a what?

A shaman? Isn't that a class in World of Warcraft?
Well, whatever. Keep it away from me and we'll get along just fine.
Oh, you won't shut up about this. We have a problem, then, friend.
So one quick look at the paradoxical imagery here (we have Egyptian, Meso-American, Zoroastrian, and what I perceive to be Mithras, but that might be Bast since the picture is bullshit tiny) on the same page, so OH GOOD, SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT.
While I am not an advocate of recreational drug use, I believe that the use of plants considered sacred for religious purposes is a whole different thing.

Uhh, how would you enforce that? How could you make certain people were only doing drugs for religious purposes? Also which religions? Can I make up a religion? If not, isn't that discrimination?
Shamans know (or are supposed to know) the proper amounts to use, the possible side effects, and what measures must be taken should anything go awry. They also have a purpose for its use, other than just to get high or buzzed.

I see. So as long as the drug has a purpose outside of getting high (again, how can you tell?) it's okay? What if, take for example, I get really blitzed and only whilst blitzed can I write? Does that condone drug use?
I'm more than halfway through Harner's book, The Way of the Shaman, and it's actually a lot different than I expected. Some things make total sense, while others infuriate me.


I HATE all the references to "primitive" cultures.

Stone age is primitive compared to our modern society. I don't give a shit about your logic or "how long it took them to progress that far" beating out tools from stones is fucking primitive.
In one place he used the term "low-technology culture"... that's GREAT, he should have used that throughout the book instead of the other one. It's more specific and more accurate anyway, and makes sense to most people without making them feel superior.

I don't feel superior for living in a society that's more advanced than the stone age, because I know in 2000 years I'll look like the primitive. It's how time moves, fagit.
In the chapter on retrieving power animals, he makes a big point of telling you to stay away from insects.

Power animals... Like the Thunder Cats?
Now, most people tend to think of spiders as insects, so if I had done that, I would have run away from Tarantula instead of developing a wonderful relationship with her.

Her? Uh-oh. Also, arachnids aren't insects. Insects have six legs, arachnids have eight.
One of my coven sisters called me to tell me she had fallen again this morning.

>Coven sisters

She has fibromyalgia and a few other physical challenges, and walks with a cane.

Oh so the follower of a fictional deity has a fictional malady as well? (BURN).
As she was talking, I suddenly got this vision of her hand on the cane handle -- just a closeup of that, nothing else. It was very strong, and stayed in front of me as she talked.

A vision sounds so mystical and supernatural. I call those "sudden images in my head" thoughts. Might want to look into having one sometime. Then maybe you wouldn't be such a gullible twat who buys wholesale into any religion as practiced by stone age primitives who had no other means of explaining natural phenomena. Seriously, call it what you will, it's all superstitious conjecture. Not only is it conjecture, it's conjecture you can never prove, so you might as well be arguing about Thunder Cats or World of Warcraft. It all serves about the same purpose.
I told her she needed to tell the doctor to test her hands. She was totally amazed, and honestly, so was I.

Great. Modern medicine and science can pack it up and call it a day, we have a shaman on the field.
I believe that my spirit guides were telling me where the problem is. Of course, I won't know for sure until she gets test results, but I will stake my (non-existent) reputation as a shaman that I'm right. Now, I have no idea WHAT the problem is, but considering I've only just begun on this path as a serious student, I'm not real worried about that.

Ha, ha, wait, let me see if I understand this. You ask someone how their hands are, and they respond that they're having problems gripping large objects, they shake too much, and they hurt, and you'll stake your reputation there's something wrong there? Wow, what a risk taker!
Also thanks for that medical diagnosis. Your spirit guides are a great help. WHEN YOUR HANDS HURT THERE MUST BE SOMETHING WRONG BUT I CAN'T IDENTIFY WHAT THAT IS!
I think I see why the average life expectancy 3000 years ago was 35.
However, when we know more about it, I will offer to do a healing journey if she wants, which I think she will.

So you use your super shaman powers to identify that there is a problem, then you allow modern medicine to identify the problem (something you couldn't hope to guess) and then when they give you the answer, you'll attempt to heal her? With what? Sorcery? Shaman powers?
She's asked me to come up tonight (we both live in the same complex) and help her do a healing spell. I think I'll bring up my spirit bag and ask if I can invite my animal spirits to join us. That should be some powerful spell!

I was just kidding about the sorcery thing, really. I didn't know she was actually fucking serious.
Now she posts a really long topic about what Inuit people believe, and apparently they believe in the Warp from Warhammer (awesome).
Over the past year or so, I've been collecting tools and 'things' for my ritual room that are very different from the Wiccan and Goddess-based tools and decorations I've been using for years.

oh THE Goddess. Which goddess is that? Face it, kid, you've been following the debased practices of the Greeks, decided that wasn't edgy enough anymore, so now you're following a debased version of Native American religions.
Also I'd bet a million dollars the goddess she's referring to is Hecate, a footnote in Greek mythology.
"Hecate, light the path before me.
Odin, send your ravens to show me the Way I must travel.

Hecate is Greek, Odin is Norse-- I'm guessing there'd be a language barrier.
I've come to the conclusion that no one actually knows what happens after we die... and THAT'S OK.
Probably nothing. The end.

~Work on Crete-Egypt connection research (includes Linear A research)

Ha, ha, yeah, you'll decode that Linear A, something people with actual knowledge and education have failed to do for 70 years. You should get right on that.
Linear A, if you didn't know, is an ancient writing form that is essentially early Greek, and no scholar knows what any of it really means.
So now she has an extended dialog with Odin, and she's serious. This isn't a story or anything, she, through some sort of hallucination, thinks she spoke with Odin. It's a real casual conversation where he helps her with her problems and shit.
I don't know if she's familiar with the mythology of Odin, but I'd be shitting my pants.
Odin is kind of a dick, let's be honest. I don't think he'd be interested in your stupid problems, woman.
Now there's a long post that implies she has a child who is now 17. I cannot believe she is that old. A child who is 17. This is seriously surprising. I would have guessed, for sure, I was ganging up on a 15 year old.
This is fine, since I'm mainly doing it for the money and for experience to put on my resume (or vita, as we academics call it).

"We" academics. Tell me, what is your expertise?

Tarot for the Day - Aloneness (Osho Zen Tarot)

So what does Egyptian mythology, American mythology, Tarot, Zen, Greek mythology AND Norse mythology have in common?
Absolutely nothing. You're fucking insane.
Well that's it. This is mad fucking boring.

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