Some furry or something, I don't know.
First of all, all hints of depression are poof, gone! I'm joyful, bouncy, and generally chipper; although my stress levels are fairly high. I've papers to right of me, programs to left, websites in front of me -- into the mouth of Hell, coded yon squirrel; April is a month of deadlines.
Wow that's really--
15:43 Have a level 9 Barbarian in Diablo II now. Mm...I love revisiting old games.
Wow that took, I don't know, 15 minutes?
Hey I have a level 5 monk in FFXI. Just saying.
15:13 Started keeping a chronological index of my written journal in a separate comp book. Can now look up key times/eventsveryeasily.
I crossed that out for you, friend. Just some editing.
Also I can't imagine having a life so interesting and full of content that I'd need a separate book from the one I'm keeping on it just to index shit. The history book I needed last semester, which covered a period of time from 4000 BC to last year managed to keep its index in the same book. (Admittedly the class was some dumb shit like art history but whatever, required courses).
Saw Watchmen. I approve wholeheartedly, enough that I picked up the graphic novel. Very good piece of literature, and a very faithful rendition on the screen.
>comic book (not graphic novel, don't be a cunt)
Oh a vlog. Based off your avatar I was guessing you were some kind of 6 foot tall muscular squirrel man, but now that I see your person-- let's watch, shall we?
Huh cool receding hairline, brosef.
"I really have no idea what to say" followed by fifteen seconds of silence. All right, shut the fuck up you deviant.
Jesus Christ all mighty. So you're going to start a vlog (dumbass) and you get in front of the camera, then you remember OH SHIT I FORGOT CONTENT. Here's a protip for you: A SCRIPT YOU DUMB CUNT.
Man, I've been wondering WHAT I could do for aerobic exercise in the confines of my bedroom ever since I started exercising. Since I'm not particularly popular with the ladies right now, the obvious answer is right out.
... Oh ha, ha, I see why you aren't popular with the ladies.
Let's see...ooh! Started playing Dwarf Fortress again.
Yeah tell the girls that. Your dick will be raw.
Oh yes. Tomorrow shall be FILLED with awesome. Doctor Who, XBox 360, movies, board games, and all sorts of other misc.
Dang son, if that party gets any wilder a chess game will break out.
Now he claims a pocketwatch is badass, which it might be, but somehow I doubt anything on him is badass.
Due to the nature of a public (or even semi-public) online journal, I can't REALLY spill my heart out here.
Oh don't be such a fucking baby. You can say whatever the fuck you want on the internet. It's not like anyone knows you personally. It's like writing bad words on a bathroom stall-- no one knows you did it.
A more mature, enlightened, and less wussy squirrel,
But you still are an immature, unenlightened PUSSY. Just by comparison you're less sniveling.
Also for someone so depressed five out of... Thirteen entries start with "today started amazing." Are you sure you're actually depressed? I know I'm not and 90% of all my days start with "WELL I KNOW WHAT TODAY WON'T BE: AMAZING!"
Now he has a post entitled "Thoughts for the Day" which is a regular feature on my blog, in fact (it's in the tags). Usually mine include such gems as "I'LL DRINK THE BLOOD FROM THEIR HEARTS!" and "zeal and fury are rewarded with victory" but I'm sure he's capable of posting some winners, too (ha, ha)
Starfleet Battles is a pretty fun wargame, but takes FOREVER.
Doctor Who is still freaking amazing.
Well you tried, and as they say you only lose when you stop trying (!!)
Of course I'd argue you can lose long before that, but whatever.
Taking a vitamin every morning, making sure I space it far away from my thyroid stuff,
Ha, ha do you know what calcium does to--
so the calcium in the vitamin doesn't nuke the effectiveness of the hormone.
Well fuck you, too.
All right you bore me.
Rare is the day I genuinely dislike one of these fuckers, but this fuck managed. I really don't like him. I mean as an individual, not just because his blog is offending my senses.
He doesn't offer much about his personal life but I get the impression he's a real cunt.
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