Skipping the first post because quite frankly I don't give a shit if you ever play DDR again and I'm greeted with this travesty:
asdjkajdkajsd and now I understand why people said she was a godforsaken tank.
So. 'Effing. True.
All right, I guess welcome to your first RPG. Some characters take hits better than other characters so you typically want them to take hits for the people who would otherwise be taking them like bitches.
I know this is incredibly complex so if you need me to go back over this I'll be here.
Fuckadoodle. D: I misscalculated. Instead of getting payed 220$ per person, I'm only getting 80$, because it's a half session...
Good. You needed a good disappointment to knock you down a peg.
So lately I've been considering Otakon because sillykimmy_16 is going again, lucky girl, still don't know where that money comes from. And don't say work, I think you lie. D8< *sticks tongue out* And it's supposedly her last time going for a while, so I figure hey, this is my last chance.
>D8 *sticks tongue out*
I wish whoever you did that to could uppercut you through the internet right as your tongue is out. WATA.
But I got a job, thanks to my wonderful aunt, teaching how to draw anime and manga.
Wow you must be really talented because I know of people who have published comics who give lessons for free so you must be totally awesome. I bet your DA account would be really hard to find-- just kidding it's right here.
She's, ah, not bad I guess. Better than me but that's not saying very much at all~
Frig it's bothering me. We're down to freakin' 0.75 compared to the US and it's really, really not cool right now.
Yeah fuck you Canada go back to where you belong-- err.
Also you can say "fuck" on the internet. I don't think your mom is going to wash your mouth out with soap.
Life's not being nice to me right now. D<>
You know what that's saying, though, don't you? An hour of labor from an American is worth more than an hour of labor from a Canadian shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
Three months to Anime North. Five months to Otakuthon. Four costumes to make. D8
Would you stop it with the D8 and the D: and that shit? It took me a double take to realize D8 was supposed to be an emoticon and not some sort of bizarro Canadian V8 drink.
I know you have no real means to express yourself so you have to rely entirely on grunts and hand gestures but you're clearly a big girl now, with a job and school and shit so please try to express yourself accordingly.
Now there's a long post in shit English (on purpose, it's supposed to be "lol funny") about how much she hates (or "haets" as she spells it) Trauma Center on the DS, but I'm not going to quote that here because it can easily be summarized in just a few short words: girls playing video games.EDIT: Don't have enough interfacing to start on Sheena's bow. D,: Nor do I have any white to do her armlets. Nor do I have the elastics for her bodysuit. Nor do I--oh wait, I can work on her boot covers.
On a topic unrelated from "subjects that I don't really understand nor do I give a shit" I've heard of this interfacing before, and it sounds like something that belongs on Space Marine armor.
Unfortunately it doesn't look anything at all like I'd expect.Watched Fringe episode 13, lulz. It made me happy.
Oh it made you happy that's really--I'm also going >:( because Time Hollow semi disappointed me. No, I enjoyed it. I thought it was really, really neat. It has a nice concept that was sometimes super mind fuckery for my head (which is a good thing). XD
Funny you should mention the >:c face because that's what I'm making at your stupid fucking blog.
And then I kicked his level 62 ass with my Yuri as level 58 so HA. Take that bitch.
Holy shit guys she beat someone four levels under her own! That... That's never happened before, I don't think.
I bought it and realized that it wasn't compatible with my computer anymore.
>not compatible with my computer
Let me guess, you bought a computer with Vista, don't actually know anything about computers and now let Vista run every aspect of your life?
One thing I'm noticing from her drawings (besides the obnoxiously bright colors, Jesus Christ you can tone some colors down. It won't kill you) is that all of the characters she has drawn, and I do mean all of them, have the exact same head shape. Male, female, young, adult, old-- same head shape.So I watched Resident Evil Degeneration; you know, that cg RE movie that's actually about the game series? Not the spin-off crap?
Jesus fuck who cares? Resident Evil has arguably the dumbest plot to anything ever. Here's zombies, here's a gun with no bullets, go to this place. There it is. That's all it should be.I've actually only played a little of RE4. D: Mainly because I'm a darn scaredy cat who goes frantic when I run out of ammunition.
Oh, so that's you, huh? You're kind of masculine. You know, like a ladybro.
Just saying.
XD Our anime club is kickass.
>anime club
I have pwned ur rocksorx and nao you r working again.
Oh holy shit. No. No. Entry over.
1 comment:
You know they're a quality artist when they're teaching an "anime/manga" class and their deviant art account has ONE drawing of an actual person. Therein they describe the piece as MY FIRST OFFICIAL DRAWING OF A REAL PERSON and OMG I ACTUALLY PREFER TO USE PENCIL ISNT THAT WEIRD? xD
Head shapes are the same because all she does is copy work. That's why her portrait was a direct recreation of a calender pic. There are NO good american "anime/manga" artists because GASP it's a cultural style. You can't produce that kind of work unless you're part of, you know, the culture.
Fucking weeaboos.
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