I just don't see the allure in seeing a no-charisma douche blabber on about promises he'll never deliver on. If I wanted to sit around and think "you know what would be great?" I'd just do it in my own house. Apparently, though, some (stupid) people think differently than I do.
So, Obama is going to be here in Orange County for a town hall meeting, and the administration was giving away 2,000 free tickets at 10am yesterday. Awesome, right?
Obviously your definition of "awesome" is somewhat skewed. To make a long bullshit post about waiting in line (ohhh I can feel the excitement) she comes to this conclusion:
So what I've learned from all of this...is if you really want something, don't worry about right and wrong. Don't worry about who you're screwing over, whether they deserve it more than you or not. Worry about your OWN self and screw everyone else over with no reservations.
No shit? There definitely haven't been volumes on this subject attesting to this same fact.
In fact I think there's even a Latin phrase that summarizes this paragraph in a few words:
Exitus acta probat
"the results justify the deed."
While certainly not words to live by while you're trying to be civil and about your business, definitely something to consider when there's a limited number of something to be had and you want one.
I should mention before she has this butthurt stuff:
Right before we walk away from the line, a group of high school students are taunting their friends in front of us with their free tickets they had been able to get. What really gets me is that the majority of the people who got tickets were those who hadn't made the effort to get there and reserve their spot early...people who hadn't been sitting outside all night and losing feeling in their toes, fingers, noses, etc. People who hadn't slept on the sidewalk to save their well-earned spot. These are people who put forth the effort because they NEEDED to see someone they really admire, that some of them idolize.
NEED to see him? No, he's not a fucking brain surgeon. You don't need to see him. Your survival does not depend on meeting him.
Also who's the idiot here? "I stood out in line for a day and have nothing to show for my efforts because I was too meek to assert myself" or "I showed up late and got what I wanted because I didn't stand in some bullshit line filled with fags who haven't bathed in a day." I think the intelligent agents here are clear.
Speaking of my job...they made me take this online class about how to communicate better with our customers who don't speak English, saying how we should learn phrases in Spanish to better communicate. You know, I'm all for helping people out, but I'm not going to go out of my way to try and speak with someone who isn't bothering to learn English.
You know they aren't making an effort to learn English? How do you know that? Maybe they are. Also bulletproof logic "WELL THEY AREN'T GOING TO MAKE AN EFFORT SO I'M GOING TO DO EXACTLY WHAT I CRITICIZE THEM FOR DOING." And, shit, free Spanish class. If you stick with it you could make a career out of that making way more than you ever would working at fucking Home Depot.
Even if you're completely uninitiated (clearly you are) and never find a use for Spanish again at least you can make sense out of what's on Univision, because God knows I've been watching that channel since I was 6 years old and I still can't figure anything out.
I keep thinking about everything, and it's just that: crazy/beautiful.
Goddamn I hate it when people go on about this shit. CRAZY/BEAUTIFUL DURR
The clock keeps ticking away the minutes until my life changes drastically.
>ticking away the minutes
Bet she didn't know she almost quoted Pink Floyd because there's no way she'd know any of their songs because cunts aren't allowed to listen to Pink Floyd (it's a law).
but I'm not going to take relationship advice from someone who's cheated on her boyfriends, moved in with them WAY too fucking soon, and made mistakes that lead to the relationships' demise. Maybe once she decides to have a mature relationship with someone and she knows what love REALLY is, then I'll take her opinion seriously. But until then (if it ever happens), fat chance.
I wonder why she doesn't want to talk to you anymore?
Let me teach you a life's lesson for free, and this is arguably one of the most important things you can ever learn. Someone gives you advice (doesn't matter what it is, or how ill advised it is) here's what you say: "hey thanks. I'll think about it." There you go. The end. Then change the subject. That's what politicians call a "tactical redirection" I think. It's not lying, you're redirecting. Tactically.
Honestly, I could care less because I was getting sick of the dramatics and I don't need a fair-weather friend like that in my life.
Well if you don't care, what's the fucking problem? You went on for three long paragraphs about it.
It's just the fact that she said she was gone so "certain people" would stop contacting her (meaning me), instead of standing up and not being such a coward.
Huh, you telling someone to stand up, mrs. "I-let-high-school-punks-butt-in-front-of-me-in-line"?
He's so intelligent and confident and I'm just really lucky to have someone like him in my life.
What's he doing with you, then? (ha, ha burn)
My voice is--
Wait no I have another one: "I guess opposites really do attract!" (BURN)
Sorry, you were saying something I didn't give a shit about?
My voice is too soft & pretty. :-\
Yes, I'm sure that is true.
but you need money for that. He and I share SO many of the same desires in life. I hear wedding bells.... ;) LOL kidding...
Grr...where could I find a longer one???
That's what she-- no, no, too easy.
Now she's quoting a lot of people way smarter than she is, which I suppose is a good way to learn but somehow I doubt she fathoms even half of what this shit means, so whatever.
I suspect she's trying to be "lol edgy" about religion (such a CONTROVERSIAL TOPIC) but in reality no one gives a shit that some bimbo with a lip ring doesn't believe in anything.
I have decided I would like to be important. In every way, shape, and form, to everyone and everything.

So I guess that's it. That's all I have.
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