Retarded spelling and grammatical spellings and so many spoonerisms I begin to wonder if perhaps this person doesn't speak English as a first language, but all evidence point to an American birth. Just further proof of the failings of the American education system.
I had a dream I failed a SAT like test I was talking.
She-- he-- I don't fucking know-- means taking. Whoever this is does that more than once. Also you can't fail the SAT. You can do poorly, or worse than you expected, but there's no score where you objectively have failed. There is no grade for the SAT, it's just a number.
it kinda sucked because there was long written essays In it I really had no interest in reading >.<
This is taking me back to my Middle English class, where I'd be reading Piers Plowman and wondering why "Love" or "Honor" was capitalized but "fear" (an equally abstract noun) wasn't. The difference here is that Piers Plowman had redeeming features, but this is garbage.
I complained to my teacher Mr missile, (who was in the dream) that I could probably draw, juggle, run better than anyone who passed the test.
"That's very nice, but this the SAT" would be my response.
I never understood this logic, except when I'm using it.
Mr Missile also pointed out that invisible witches still leave shadows.. *wink*
But-- how-- no, no this doesn't make any sense at all!
got home, got to relax for a bit and then worked on my work ;) it's getting to the point where I can feel a body from a flame, or just a impression from moment.
Wow. That was almost poetic.
That and i've been smelling the dead.. figure that one out.
My car got broken in to yesterday.
Bastards stole, my stereo, my Burned CDs and case, a USB drive, a handful of pennies and the napkins that where in there. o.o
Punishment for being very naughty when it comes to spelling. Also grammar.
this morning as I was waking, I was learning.. as I do sometimes.. I realized the Symbol for Sol is the Seed in the Egg. and that the Egg was body of Imagination where the see can grow.
Uh-huh-- what? Sol, by which you mean the sun and not... Sol the god, right? Apollo? Well, whatever.
much like the Idea of the Point, then the 2d aspect of the bubble. I learned last night that some philosophy that the 4th dimension is imagination!
I've read this like 15 times now and I still don't fucking get it. This is like Final Fantasy Tactics where I'd run into some shitty, half-ass translated line and it would make literally no sense but I'd try to force it to make sense--
no. Stop, me. It's not going to make sense. Ever.
anyway, In this world and the dream world the, all instances/perceivable information are made up a line.. A Point A to point B.
The dream world all instances are strait line, from point A to point B.
This world however, is the same lines, only the line is crossed.
this cross creates an Extra length that one has to travel from point a to point b. this not only creates an offset vibration, but creates dualism as well.\
Uh-huh-- WHAT?
Woohoo! I got my first natural white hairs in just recently!
granted they are on my beard but still very cool ^___^
Oh that's a really weird thing to be excited-- BEARD? THIS IS A MAN?
Had a dream last night, that I saw 2 unicorns. they where purple and red. kinda small to, almost like donkey unicorns ^_^; still seeing unicorns in a dream, must mean something.. interesting..
You know the earliest report of a unicorn, from a guy named Ctesias, calls it a "horned ass" instead of a horse.
What is the sexiest Letter in the Alphabet? Doesn't necessarily have to be the English alphabet.
Seriously? Well most languages have very abstract writing forms so no letter is particularly sexy, at least to me, a sane person. I guess when it comes to pronunciation-- 'λ' sounds luxurious. Even though it's obsolete, 'ゑ' looks neat.
WAIT WHY AM I ANSWERING THIS? Well there you go, readers. My favorite letters. You came here expecting entertainment and-- well you got some letters.
Now there's a lot of posts about dreams, which frankly I don't give a shit about my own dreams let alone the dreams of others.
feeling slightly better today, I'm at work atlest. doing yet another boring day of testing. yay!
fucking Christ.
I had a dream that I was trying to rent the new ratchet and clank game for the PS3 |

1 comment:
wait, is he a suedo-intellectual in high school or a know it all dick with an aging beard who still has nightmares about the SAT?
I find this jumble of words almost impossible to glean information from. Perhaps I'd have more luck if I were an investigative psychiatrist.
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